how do I echo a message to the terminal at the end of npm install? - npm

I've created a repo I want to be cloned
after cloning, you run npm install
How do I echo a log message to the terminal that will show up at the end of the installation?

In your case, you can add a post-install script, that outputs, for example, a string to the console if you mark a version as alpha.
"version": "1.2.3-alpha.2",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node postinstall.js"
const package = require('./package.json')
console.log('End of installation');
//Example using properties from package.json
if (package.version.includes('alpha')) {
console.log('Warning: Alpha version!')
Append this to the command --loglevel verbose and all logs will be saved to npm-debug.log in current working directory.
It will show the logs in realtime + saves the log to directory its running.
You can just edit npm config npm config edit and add loglevel=verbose


Import a NPM module with a Nuxt Application in it

I would like to develop an NPM module that the user can import in his project.
The module contain a full administration panel created with Nuxt.
I don't want the user know anything about Nuxt, he just need to run a command like:
myppcommand start
and the application starts a server that is running the administration panel.
So my idea is to develop the NPM module with Nuxt. Generate all the static file inside ./dist folder and then myappcommand start will serve the app from node_modules.
// NPM Package myapp
// nuxt.config.js
export default {
components: [
path: '~/components/',
extensions: ['vue']
buildDir: './.nuxt',
srcDir: './src/',
target: 'static',
ssr: false,
generate: {
dir: './dist/'
// NPM Package myapp
npx nuxt generate
The command will generate all files in ./dist folder.
// User repo
npm install myapp
This will install myapp inside ./node_modules.
// User repo
cd node_modules/myapp/ && npx nuxt start -c nuxt.config.js
This will start the server and serve the app.
But is this the best way possible? It seems a bit hacky to me, to go inside node_modules, does somebody know a better way?
You could achieve this by declaring that your package has an executable file which starts Nuxt, in the bin property of package.json.
Firstly, create an executable script to start the app:
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Based on node_modules/.bin/nuxt
global.__NUXT_PATHS__ = (global.__NUXT_PATHS__ || []).concat(__dirname)
.catch((error) => {
You can verify that this starts the app by running ./bin/start.js (provided you have made the file executable), or node ./bin/start.js.
Then, declare that your package should install this as a script when installed as a dependency:
"bin": {
"myapp": "bin/start.js"
When your package has been installed with npm install myapp, then node_modules/.bin/myapp will link to node_modules/myapp/bin/start.js and the user will be able to run it with npx myapp.

How add variable npm run build in package.json

I have 6 projects in an Angular workspace and I have to build each. Instead of write six lines in my package.json for each projet, for example :
"build_a":" npm run build a"
"buiild_b": "npm run build b"
I would like to create only one line like this :
"build_app": "npm run build name="aaa""
How I can do it ?
you could rely on environment variables in order to discover such names.
however it depends on which operating system you're using on how to define env variables.
"build:a":"cross-env NAME=a npm run build",
"build:b":"cross-env NAME=b npm run build",
"build:c":"cross-env NAME=c npm run build",
"build":"browserify src/main.js -o build.js"
You would end up with a script section more or less like this.
Finally I found the solution using a node.js script: build-subproject.js.
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const args = process.argv.slice(2).join(' ');
console.log(`RUNNING build with args: ${args}`);
`ng build ${args} && cd dist/${args} && npm pack `,
(error, stdout) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
}`stdout: ${stdout}`);
In package.json,
"build-subproject": "node ./build-subproject.js",
Then run , npm run build-subproject my-project-name

How to package a local npm module?

I am trying to pack an npm package and install it on my webapp.
My application has the following structure:
I started with the pack command documentation.
I added the .npmignore to include only the build folder.
As expected when running npm pack, I know have a new app-1.0.0.tgz
When I try to install it in the web app with npm install ..\typescriptapp\typescriptapp-1.0.0
I get the following error:
npm ERR! code ENOLOCAL
npm ERR! Could not install from
"..\typescriptapp-1.0.0" as it does not contain a
package.json file.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR!
However when I unzip the typescriptapp.tgz, I have the following structure
Here is my package.json file:
"name": "typescriptapp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc",
"debug": "tsc -w"
"devDependencies": {
"#types/signalr": "2.2.35",
"uglify-js": "3.3.16",
"uglifycss": "0.0.28"
"dependencies": {
"#aspnet/signalr": "^1.0.0-preview1-update1",
"lib": "file:../references/lib"
What am I doing wrong?
You are trying to run install in the parent folder
npm install ..\typescriptapp\typescriptapp-1.0.0
Whereas you have to install it in
npm install ..\typescriptapp\typescriptapp-1.0.0\typescriptapp-1.0.0\package

npm run <command> not working

With a package.json file like:
"scripts": {
"hello": "touch hello && echo hello"
Running npm run hello creates no file and outputs nothing to stdout. I was expecting both to happen.
npm -v # 4.4.0
ignore-scripts=true was set in .npmrc

Add `jshint` worker into `scripts` for package.json

Dear stackoverflowers.
I have decided to include jshint into my project to helps me detect errors and potential problems in my JavaScript code. I have installed it at the project's root and I'm able to run next code from the console:
jshint --config .jshintrc ./app/
It returns me several notifications.
Then I've decided to create a special section inside my package.json scripts section. It looks like that:
"scripts": {
"jshint": "jshint --config .jshintrc ./app/"
And when I try to run
npm run jshint
It returns me an exception...
please check it out, you can prevent this error if you set your script with following || true like in code snippet bellow
"scripts": {
"test": "jshint || true"
in this case your script will finish with exit code = 0, and npm will no throw an error