npm run <command> not working - npm

With a package.json file like:
"scripts": {
"hello": "touch hello && echo hello"
Running npm run hello creates no file and outputs nothing to stdout. I was expecting both to happen.
npm -v # 4.4.0

ignore-scripts=true was set in .npmrc


How to modify npm scripts in package.json for Windows [duplicate]

in script:
we want to check env. variable {dev/test/mock} and do following script run based on it.
if $mock is true the run script start-mock else go on reach real test server
scenario 1:
we added commands aggregated in package.json script section
e.g. : "test": "export NODE_ENV=dev; grunt", [on linux]
which is "test": "(SET NODE_ENV=dev) & (grunt)", [on win32]
scenario 2:
could be bat/sh script sitting in package and we called them out from package.json
scenario 3: (permanent solution)
not sure if its already available out there
something like
get arguments from script section: to give flexibility and freedom to end user.
e.g. : "test": "solution.env NODE_ENV=dev; solution grunt"
where we can have script to process (input with process.platform) out put depends on OS.
"start-pm2": "if \"%MOCK%\" == \"true\" ( npm run mock & pm2 start process.json --env test ) else ( pm2 start process.json )", [windows] for linux if.. fi
Use: run-script-os
For example:
// from pacakge.json
"scripts": {
// ...
"dist": "run-script-os",
"dist:win32": "tar -C dist -cvzf %npm_package_name%-%npm_package_version%.tgz .",
"dist:linux": "tar -C dist -cvzf $npm_package_name-$npm_package_version.tgz ."
Lets consider implementation of 3-th solution like e.g.
"scripts": {
"command" : "node bin/command.js"
const spawn = require("child_process").spawn
const platform = require("os").platform()
const cmd = /^win/.test(platform)
? `${process.cwd()}\\bin\\command.bat`
: `${process.cwd()}/bin/`
spawn(cmd, [], { stdio: "inherit" }).on("exit", code => process.exit(code))
depends on environments script will execute command.bat or
You will need to implement solution 3.
You can use cross-env package that does it for you.

how to change "npm scripts" directory

"scripts": {
"puppeteer": "cd test/UI-tests/src && set BROWSER=chrome && mocha test.js"
I want to wrap all the commands in "puppeteer", so once I type npm run puppeteer, it can set the browser and run the test.js file.
The way I write it does not work.

How add variable npm run build in package.json

I have 6 projects in an Angular workspace and I have to build each. Instead of write six lines in my package.json for each projet, for example :
"build_a":" npm run build a"
"buiild_b": "npm run build b"
I would like to create only one line like this :
"build_app": "npm run build name="aaa""
How I can do it ?
you could rely on environment variables in order to discover such names.
however it depends on which operating system you're using on how to define env variables.
"build:a":"cross-env NAME=a npm run build",
"build:b":"cross-env NAME=b npm run build",
"build:c":"cross-env NAME=c npm run build",
"build":"browserify src/main.js -o build.js"
You would end up with a script section more or less like this.
Finally I found the solution using a node.js script: build-subproject.js.
const { exec } = require('child_process');
const args = process.argv.slice(2).join(' ');
console.log(`RUNNING build with args: ${args}`);
`ng build ${args} && cd dist/${args} && npm pack `,
(error, stdout) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
}`stdout: ${stdout}`);
In package.json,
"build-subproject": "node ./build-subproject.js",
Then run , npm run build-subproject my-project-name

how do I echo a message to the terminal at the end of npm install?

I've created a repo I want to be cloned
after cloning, you run npm install
How do I echo a log message to the terminal that will show up at the end of the installation?
In your case, you can add a post-install script, that outputs, for example, a string to the console if you mark a version as alpha.
"version": "1.2.3-alpha.2",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "node postinstall.js"
const package = require('./package.json')
console.log('End of installation');
//Example using properties from package.json
if (package.version.includes('alpha')) {
console.log('Warning: Alpha version!')
Append this to the command --loglevel verbose and all logs will be saved to npm-debug.log in current working directory.
It will show the logs in realtime + saves the log to directory its running.
You can just edit npm config npm config edit and add loglevel=verbose

Using a package.json variable in npm script

I'm using npm run to build a javascript file through browserify. Before building, I would like it to create a directory in my build folder, named after the version listed in the package.json. Here is a trimmed example of my package.json:
"name": "My App",
"version": "0.0.0-pre-alpha",
"description": "App desc",
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"browserify" : "*",
"scripts": {
"prebuild": "mkdir -p build/$npm_package_version",
"browserify" : "browserify ./src/index.js ./build/$npm_package_version/js/myapp-$npm_package_version.js",
"build" : "npm run prebuild && npm run browserify"
The code executed in prebuild is:
mkdir -p build/$npm_package_version
But I want it to execute
mkdir -p build/0.0.0-pre-alpha
What am I doing wrong?
Turns out you can't use arguments with mkdir in a script. So i ended up using the mkdirp npm module.
Old post:
For others looking for an answer: Turns out when you are working in windows the correct way to use the variables is
So the final code should look like:
"prebuild": "mkdir -p build/%npm_package_version%"