Java8 Streams - Compare Two List's object values and add value to sub object of first list? - arraylist

I have two classes:
public class ClassOne {
private String id;
private String name;
private String school;
private String score; //Default score is null
..getters and setters..
public class ClassTwo {
private String id;
private String marks;
..getters and setters..
And, I have two Lists of the above classes,
List<ClassOne> listOne;
List<ClassTwo> listTwo;
How can I compare two list and assign marks from listTwo to score of listOne based on the criteria if the IDs are equal. I know, we can use two for loops and do it. But I want to implement it using Java8 streams.
List<ClassOne> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(ClassOne one : listOne) {
for(ClassTwo two : listTwo) {
if(one.getId().equals(two.getId())) {
return result;
How can I implement this using Java8 lambda and streams?

Let listOne.size() is N and listTwo.size() is M.
Then 2-for-loops solution has complexity of O(M*N).
We can reduce it to O(M+N) by indexing listTwo by ids.
Case 1 - assuming listTwo has no objects with the same id
// pair each id with its marks
Map<String, String> marksIndex =, ObjectTwo::getMarks));
// go through list of `ObjectOne`s and lookup marks in the index
listOne.forEach(o1 -> o1.setScore(marksIndex.get(o1.getId())));
Case 2 - assuming listTwo has objects with the same id
final Map<String, List<ObjectTwo>> marksIndex =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(ObjectTwo::getId, Collectors.toList()));
final List<ObjectOne> result =
.flatMap(o1 -> marksIndex.get(o1.getId()).stream().map(o2 -> {
// make a copy of ObjectOne instance to avoid overwriting scores
ObjectOne copy = copy(o1);
return copy;
To implement copy method you either need to create a new object and copy fields one by one, but in such cases I prefer to follow the Builder pattern. It also results in more "functional" code.

Following code copies marks from ObjectTwo to score in ObjectOne, if both ids are equal, it doesn't have intermediate object List<ObjectOne> result
.forEach(one -> {
.filter(two -> {return two.getId().equals(one.getId());})
.forEach(two -> {one.setScore(two.getMarks());});

This should work.
Map<String, String> collect =, ObjectTwo::getMarks));
.filter(item -> collect.containsKey(item.getId()))
.forEach(item -> item.setScore(collect.get(item.getId())));


Combining Two List in Kotlin with Index

There is a data class as fruits.
data class Fruits(
val code: String, //Unique
val name: String
The base list indexed items with boolean variable is as below.
val indexList: MutableList<Boolean> = MutableList(baseFruitList.size) { false }
Now the Favourite Indexed list is as below
val favList: MutableList<Boolean> = MutableList(favFruitList.size) { true}
I want a combined full list which basically has the fav item indicated as true.
baseFruitList = {[FT1,apple],[FT2,grapes],[FT3,banana],[FT4,mango],[FT5,pears]}
favList = {[FT2,grapes],[FT4,mango]}
The final index list should have
finalIndexed = {false,true,false,true,false}
How can we achieve in Kotlin, without iterating through each element.
You can do
val finalIndexed = { it in favList }
assuming, like #Tenfour04 is asking, that name is guaranteed to be a specific value (including matching case) for a specific code (since that combination is how a data class matches another, e.g. for checking if it's in another list)
If you can't guarantee that, this is safer:
val finalIndexed = { fruit ->
favList.any { fav.code == fruit.code }
but here you have to iterate over all the favs (at least until you find a match) looking to see if one has the code.
But really, if code is the unique identifier here, why not just store those in your favList?
favList = listOf("FT2", "FT4") // or a Set would be more efficient, and more correct!
val finalIndexed = { it.code in favList }
I don't know what you mean about "without iterating through each element" - if you mean without an explicit indexed for loop, then you can use these simple functions like I have here. But there's always some amount of iteration involved. Sets are always an option to help you minimise that

Kotlin short-cut to assign value to variable using stream function or other

for (i in 0 until result.size){ result[i].config= addConfig(taskNames!![i],processKeys!![i]) }
Here result is a list of class which has datamember config and tasNames and processKeys are list of string.
Is there a way in kotlin to map result.config with respective taskNames and processKeys without using traditional loop and mentioning length of result.I am new to kotlin.
class Process {
var processKey: String? = null
var task: List<Task>? = null}
class Task {
var taskName: String? = null
var processVariables: List<ProcessVariable>? = null}
class ProcessVariable {
var name: String? = null
var label: String? = null
var applicableValue: List<String>? = null}
Result is already present with datamember config pf type ProcessVariable
If I understand your problem correctly, you need to combine 3 lists.
So iterating over the lists may be easier to understand than some clever way of list transformations.
You can get rid of the traditional for loop, so you don't need to calculate the size of the loop:
result.forEachIndexed {
i, resultData -> resultData.config = addConfig(taskNames[i], processKeys[i])
If you want to combine two lists, you can use the zip method:
val configList = {tsk, prc -> addConfig(tsk, prc)}
In your example, the result-object was already existing. Maybe it is easier to create new result-objects:
val results = {
Result(config = it)
} with null

My code:
From the frontend we get connect object with 2 fields:
aCredentialsId : UUID //required
bCredentialsId : UUID //optional
So sometimes the second line credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getBCredentialsId())) can return Mono.empty
How to write code to be prepared for this empty Mono when my second field bCredentialsId is null?
What should I do? In case of empty values return Mono.just(new Object) and then check if obj.getValue != null??? I need to fetch data from DB for 2 different values
The strategy I prefer here is to declare an optional() utility method like so:
public class Utils {
public static <T> Mono<Optional<T>> optional(Mono<T> in) {
...which then allows you to transform your second Mono to one that will always return an optional, and thus do something like:
).map(e -> new Connect(e.getT1(), e.getT2()))
(...assuming you have a Connect object that takes an Optional as the second parameter of course.)
An easier way is using mono's defaultIfEmpty method.
Mono<String> m1 = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getACredentialsId());
Mono<String> m2 = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getBCredentialsId()).defaultIfEmpty("");, m2).map(t -> connectService.connect(t.getT1(), t.getT2()));
Explanation: if m2 is null then get empty string as a default value instead of null.
Instead of using .zip here, I would work with a nullable property of Connect and use .flatMap in combination with .switchIfEmpty for it.
val aCredentials = credentialService.getCredentials(connect.getACredentialsId())
.flatMap { bCredentials -> aCredentials
.map { Connect(it, bCredentials)}
.switchIfEmpty(Connect(null, bCredentials))
.switchIfEmpty { { Connect(it, null) } }

Spark JavaPairRDD iteration

How can iterate on JavaPairRDD. I have done a group by and got back a RDD as below JavaPairRDD (Tuple 7 set of Strings and List of Objects)
Now I have to iterate over this RDD and do some calculations like FOR EACH in Pig.
Basically I would like to iterate the key and the list of values and do some operations and then return back a JavaPairRDD?
JavaPairRDD<Tuple7<String, String,String,String,String,String,String>, List<Records>> sizes =
piTagRecordData.groupBy( new Function<Records, Tuple7<String, String,String,String,String,String,String>>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2885738359644652208L;
public Tuple7<String, String,String,String,String,String,String> call(Records row) throws Exception {
Tuple7<String, String,String,String,String,String,String> compositeKey = new Tuple7<String, String, String, String, String, String, String>(row.getAsset_attribute_id(),row.getDate_time_value(),row.getOperation(),row.getPi_tag_count(),row.getAsset_id(),row.getAttr_name(),row.getCalculation_type());
return compositeKey;
After this I want to perform FOR EACH member of sizes (JavaPairRDD), operation -- something like
rejected_records = FOREACH sizes GENERATE FLATTEN(Java function on the List of Records based on the group key
I am using Spark 0.9.0
Even though you are talking about "FOR EACH", it really sounds like you want the flatMap operation, since you want to produce new values and flatten them. This is available for Java RDDs, including a JavaPairRDD.
You can use void foreach(VoidFunction<T> f) method. More info and methods:
if you want to view some value of JavaPairRDD, I would do like this
for (Tuple2<String, String> test : pairRdd.take(10)) //or pairRdd.collect()
Note:Tuple2 (assuming you have strings inside the JavaPairRDD), change the datatype according to the data type stored in the JavaPairRDD.

searching a list object

I have a list:
Dim list As New List(Of String)
with the following items:
What's an easy and fast way to search if duplicate of "first block" plus "-" plus "second block" is already in the list. Example the item 290-7 appears twice, 290-7-11 and 290-7-13.
I am using .net 2.0
If you only want to know if there are duplicates but don't care what they are...
The easiest way (assuming exactly two dashes).
Boolean hasDuplicatePrefixes = list
.GroupBy(i => i.Substring(0, i.LastIndexOf('-')))
.Any(g => g.Count() > 1)
The fastest way (at least for large sets of strings).
HashSet<String> hashSet = new HashSet<String>();
Boolean hasDuplicatePrefixes = false;
foreach (String item in list)
String prefix = item.Substring(0, item.LastIndexOf('-'));
if (hashSet.Contains(prefix))
hasDuplicatePrefixes = true;
If there are cases with more than two dashes, use the following. This will still fail with a single dash.
String prefix = item.Substring(0, item.IndexOf('-', item.IndexOf('-') + 1));
In .NET 2.0 use Dictionary<TKey, TValue> instead of HashSet<T>.
Dictionary<String, Boolean> dictionary= new Dictionary<String, Boolean>();
Boolean hasDuplicatePrefixes = false;
foreach (String item in list)
String prefix = item.Substring(0, item.LastIndexOf('-'));
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(prefix))
hasDuplicatePrefixes = true;
dictionary.Add(prefix, true);
If you don't care about readability and speed, use an array instead of a list, and you are a real fan of regular expressions, you can do the following, too.
Boolean hasDuplicatePrefixes = Regex.IsMatch(
String.Join("#", list), #".*(?:^|#)([0-9]+-[0-9]+-).*#\1");
Do you want to stop user from adding it?
If so, a HashTable with the key as first block-second block could be of use.
If not, LINQ is the way to go.
But, it will have to traverse the list to check.
How big can this list be?
EDIT: I don't know if HashTable has generic version.
You could also use SortedDictionary which can take generic arguments.
If you're list contains only strings, then you can simply make a method that takes the string you want to find along with the list:
Boolean isStringDuplicated(String find, List<String> list)
if (list == null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Given list is null.");
int count = 0;
foreach (String s in list)
if (s.Contains(find))
count += 1;
if (count == 2)
return true;
return false;
If you're numbers have a special significance in your program, don't be afraid to use a class to represent them instead of sticking with strings. Then you would have a place to write all the custom functionality you want for said numbers.