How to create certificate chain (.pem) from the leaf using command line? - ssl

On Windows, the certificate viewer gives a decent UI for viewing an entire certificate path and exporting the base64 .cer files for each leaf, intermediate, and root. These exported files I've been cat'ing together to create a .pem chain that I need for my specific platform.
I've recently made a switch to Mac OS. I only have the leaf .cer file that I need to turn into a pem chain. Is there a way I could achieve this through the command line? Or another Mac tool?

An overview of how the certificate viewer works on Windows - When you have a leaf certificate, and double click to open it, you might see the entire chain if the CA chain is already trusted by the OS, or just the leaf certificate if the CA Chain is not trusted.
Windows looks at the Issuer Distinguished Name, and sees if the CA that issued that certificate is trusted. If it is trusted, it starts to form the certificate chain. It does the chain construction until the Issuer DN and the Subject DN are the same.
So when you have just the leaf certificate, you see the entire chain, but you technically don't have the whole chain in the certificate file. So what you were doing by downloading the each CA certificate and putting together would be the only option.


Puppet cacert vs localcacert?

I'm trying to fix an issue related to an expired ca certificate.
I replaced a the certificate located at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/ca_crt.pem (with these instructions).
Then restarted puppet-server, but agents still see an expired certificate.
I noticed there is also a value localcacert which points to a slightly different path etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem.
I see this little snippet on Puppet documentation:
Where each client stores the CA certificate.
Default: $certdir/ca.pem
I'm confused by this. The description makes it sound like a folder where clients store certificates, yet the value is a single pem file.
Can anyone clarify the difference between these two ca pem files?
If I update one can I just overwrite the other with my new pem?
Can anyone clarify the difference between these two ca pem files?
The cacert setting is relevant only to the master. It specifies the location of the certificate with which the master's hosted CA will sign communications.
The localcacert setting specifies the location of the client's copy of the CA certificate (containing the public key, not the private one). This is what machines will use to verify certificates signed by the CA.
In both cases, you should not read too much into the word "location". These settings designate certificate files, not directories.

Invalid digital signature in self-signed certificate

In accordance with Microsoft a minimum key length for a certificate should be of 1024 bits since August 2012. I have created a self-signed certificate having a key length of 4096 bits. But the certificate information shows the following error:
When I inspected the public key length it shows the following screen:
But instead of having "This certificate is OK." as a status, I am getting the following error:
How can I resolve this issue?
Where do you see a self-signed certificate? Self-signed certificate is the certificate where Subject and Issuer fields are the same. In your case, it is not self-signed.
I can suspect, that the certificate was either, not signed by InfoValley Inc., or signature algorithm is not recognized on your system. Can you tell us the following information:
Authority Key Identifier extension value from leaf certificate
Signature algorithm used to sign leaf certificate (2nd and 3rd fields)
Subject Key Identifier extension value from InfoValley Inc. certificate
I'll explain at least one other way that you can get an invalid digital signature that happened to me. I have a set of scripts that build may certificates and a set of scripts that installs certificates in the windows certificate store. The script that installs the certificates first deletes the certificates that I'm going to install and then installs the new certificates. I thought the script was working just fine, but it turns out I had little bug in the script. I have one Trusted Root CA certificate that is used to sign my Intermediary Trusted Root CA certificates. The problem was that I chose the wrong "certificatestorename" for the trusted root certificate. So, instead actually deleting my trusted root certificate before I installed it, I ended up creating a second trusted root ca certificate in the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store with the same distinguished name. And that's what cause my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates to report that they had an invalid digital signature.
What made this problem a little difficult to spot was that if I looked at installed 2nd level intermediary CA certificates after being install in the windows certificate store, those 2nd level intermediary CA certificates all showed that the "This certificate is "OK" and no issues with the certificate chain. The problem caused by the two trusted root certificates with the same distinguished name didn't exhibit any problems until I tried to validate a certificate that was signed by one of my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates. It's when I look at those certificates that I saw my 2nd level intermediary CA certificates all had an invalid digital signature.
So, this is at least one way that I observed that you can get this error message. Technically speaking, the error means that the issuer of the certificate cannot validate the signature of the given certificate, which is not the same thing as not finding the issuer certificate in the trusted store. Others have reported that this problem can occur in windows if you generate a certificate whose key length is 512.

Server SSL incomplete chain (Inmotion server)

I have installed a ssl certificate via WHM on one of my domain. Site is working with
However it is not working with I have checked the certificate and it is for www version as well. After some research it appears to be incomplete chain issue. I had no idea how to resolve this. Please help.
A certificate can contain a special Authority Information Access extension (RFC-3280) with URL to issuer's certificate. Most browsers can use the AIA extension to download missing intermediate certificate to complete the certificate chain. But some clients (mobile browsers, OpenSSL) don't support this extension, so they report such certificate as untrusted.
You can solve the incomplete certificate chain issue manually by concatenating all certificates from the certificate to the trusted root certificate (exclusive, in this order), to prevent such issues. Note, the trusted root certificate should not be there, as it is already included in the system’s root certificate store.
You should be able to fetch intermediate certificates from the issuer and concat them together by yourself. I have written a script to automate the procedure, it loops over the AIA extension to produce output of correctly chained certificates.

How to generate intermediate and root cert from an existing leaf certificate?

Now i have a X509 leaf certificate. From the certification path to see, there's a intermediate cert and a root cert in it.
I want to generate the intermediate cert(..CA- G3) and the root cert(VerSign). Currently, my way is to double click the intermediate one and then click "Copy to file.." to export it. Do same for the root one too. Is this way to correct to generate intermediate/root certs?
From my test result, it seems the generated root cert with wrong fingerprint. The fingerpring doesn't match the one on server side.
Anyone can help on how to generate intermediate/root certs correctly?
You have fundamental misunderstanding of certificates and certificate chains.
CA and Root certificates are searched for and found, not generated.
Some certificates include location of their CA certificate in the body of the certificate (in special certificate extension). For others you need to look in your CA certificates storage (this is what Windows does). Sometimes chains are sent together with end-entity certificate (depending on data format). Finally, sometimes CA and Root are just not available.
[supply the answer... , maybe this is an alternative approach to get all certs that the SSL server using]
To retrieve the ntermediate and root certs by OpenSSL command:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect [host]:[port]

Having issues using existing Entrust certificates for Jetty SSL connection

I have three files from Entrust: *.csr, *.key and *.crt.
So far:
I have brought the *.key and *.crt into a PKCS12 keystore using OpenSSL
I have imported the *.pkcs12 into a keystore using keytool
Using this technique, I am able to use an SSL connection with Jetty
However, I'm getting a Certificate Error in IE (unsecured items in Chrome).
In our case, the certificates are currently being used for domain:80 (Apache) and I'm attempting to "reuse" them for domain:8443 (Jetty).
Am I wrong in thinking that I can use these for Jetty as well? On the same IP/domain, but on a different port and webserver? My gut is telling me that one of these files relates to Entrust recognizing Apache (*.csr) and that I should have to do the same for Jetty?
Edit #1
The error goes as follow:
Certificate Error
Untrusted Certificate
The security certificate presented by this webiste was not issued by a trusted certificate authority
This problem may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage.
But yet Chrome, sees it as valid. I does have to work on IE since it's our standard.
Edit #2
Chrome doesn't complain
Nor does Firefox
Edit #3
I found our CA certificate specified in the Apache conf file. I then proceeded to concatenate our cert with the CA cert into a PKCS12 file. Then, using keytool, I generated the keystore.
I loaded it on the server, rebooted and viewed in IE. IE still shows a certificate issue.
In the concatenated file, I see in this order: our cert and then 2 other certificates.
On a side note, I called Entrust and the CSR saw no problems as he was using IE 8. We're on IE7.
Edit #4
Using this command:
keytool -list -keystore keystore -v
It shows 3 certificates (in this order):
Owner: CN=Entrust Certification Authority - L1C,
Owner: Certification Authority (2048)
Edit 5
Solved! I guess I had a caching issue. Confirmed with colleagues.
Answer, Concatenating all my certs, including the CA cert, into the keystore solved my issue.
The port number, as stated in the comments, is irrelevant for trusting an SSL/TLS connection.
The problem is that the entire certificate chain from your certificate up to the Entrust root probably looks like this
your cert - intermediate CA 1 - intermediate CA 2 - ... - root CA
To make this work for IE you have to import not only your certificate into the PKCS#12 container, but additionally the intermediate certificates and also the root certificate. Otherwise your SSL implementation won't be able to provide the full path during the SSL handshake and thus IE has no means to build a proper chain to compare to its set of trusted root certificates.
So my advise would be to get the intermediate certificates from the appropriate web sites and importing them with keytool into your PKCS#12 key store.
Once done, IE should from then on accept without complaining.