QT C++ Read MotionJpeg flux - qt5

I would like to read a motionjpeg flux from my rasbperry camera to a QT interface. How can I achieve that ? Is there any sample code that show how to get the flux and display it ?
I have QT 5.2 and I'm using QML.
Thanks for help.


React-Native draggable list view like trello board

I am developing the application where I need the draggable items between two list and just like the Trello board.
I found the library https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-draggable-board but unfortunately, this library is not working as they are using the deprecated listview and the library is very old I can't update myself this library.
Please let me know any solution that work for my problem. Thanks in advance.

React Native open Source sdk

Hi i am developing a social app using react-native.Most part is done. I want to embed a video calling feature upto 4 participants. Is there any open source sdk which i can use for this purpose?Thanks in advance.
Please try this, I have not personally tried.

How's is it called the fIlters with specific keywords like in Youtube app. android studio kotlin

I have a question, Using Kotlin in Android Studio. I want to make an app where you can filter through a recyclerView such as in the YouTube app.
how is this called? are there any tutorials that you know can help me? I would strongly appreciate all your help
What you are looking for is called a Chip, check this article.
Look for the Filter Chips section.

How to know when an input field is focused from a QML Webview in Qt5

I'm working on an UI in QML for an embedded linux (for now raspberry pi/raspbian, but the HW will change pretty soon). I'm using Qt 5.0.2
I integrated a QWebKit browser using the QML WebView.
I want to be able to know when an input field is focused, I found some solutions using JS (using addJavaScriptObject or evaluateJavaScript) but all of them are working for Qt4.7/4.8 and Qt5 seems to have drastically cut the number of usable methods for the QML WebView.
Do you know a way to get this information? can we do it directly in the QML files?

Coverflow in blackberry10

I am developing an application in blackbery10 with native SDK. And I want to show cover-flow in my application.But I didn't found component for doing cover-flow. How can I do Cover-flow in Blackberry10 through QML.
Please help me
You should use PathView element to implement cover flow like effects. Documentation here and some examples here and here
not really apple-like cover flow, but you can create image carousel like this sample: https://github.com/blackberry/Cascades-Community-Samples/tree/master/stumpers/bbjamcarousel