looking for a value IF(ISERROR(MATCH function - vba

I have recovery and Resale sheets. If recovery!A3 value matched within Resale!B$2:B$10, ] want to get the value of Resale!G2.
Formula is working fine for A3 Cell only, but when I drag it down and look for other matches between recovery!A4 and Resale next row, It mess me up.
I want Resale!G2 value only if A3 value=Resale!B2 which works after drag down.

Something like the following, adjust range to cover your data.


Changing graph range based on specific cell data

See image for what I have going on
So the red column will at some point, which is different every day, change from 20 to 50. The start cell up top uses that lookup formula to find when this is. So for this example it is 10/11/16 14:37. I want to graph the green and blue columns, starting at that cell time and ending at the end time (which is just a max() of the times to get the end time).
I've looked into offset and name manager but I am really confused on those. Either using VBA or something else to change the graph (on a different sheet) to start at whatever that start time is would be awesome.
You can try the following:
In the column AL set, in each cell, the value to be defined by the following formula
AL1 = IF(AI1<50,0,1)
AL2 and following = IF(AL1=1,1,IF(AI2<50,0,1))
Then define each AM to be AL*AK, and plot AM.

How to do a summation only within specific cells via VBA

In reference to the picture below, I would like to loop through a certain column (Column D in this case) until I hit a specific cell (Yellow cells in this case). In my final spreadsheet I have multiple yellow cells that I would like to target. Once I hit a yellow cell, I would like to start a simple summation of the values one cell to the left of the yellow (Column C). I would like to keep summing the values until I hit a blank cell, which would indicate the end of the set.
Please let me know if you need any more clarification!
Here's some code that should get the job done. However you are going to have to adapt it to however you want to use it.
Dim Summation as Double
For Each Target in Range("D:D")
If Target.Interior.ColorValue = 6 Then
Summation = Summation + Target.Offset(0, -1).Value
End If
Next Target
I hope this helps. However, don't forget about FreeMan's suggestions about good question asking and using the macro recorder!

Excel Cell reference that will go to the left

I am using an excel spreadsheet formula to add two cells together and I want to have it reference one row from left to right like it normally does, but I need it to reference the same row in another page in reverse, and then be able to drag the formula through the entire worksheet. I cannot seem to find anything like this when I look online. TLDR I need to know how to tell excel reference the cell to the left if I drag it to the right.
so I need to add A0 in page one and A9 in page two then when I copy the formula to the left I need it to grab A1 and A8, is there a way to get this?
Your question is not very clear; for example, you talk about a formula but have an Excel-VBA tag. However, I think I understand the effect you seek.
I have filled A1:I1 of the current sheet and A1:I1 of worksheet “Sheet3” with numbers.
I have typed the following formula into another cell within the current worksheet:
The target area for the INDEX function is Sheet3!$A$1:$I$1. This is a one row range so I do not need a row number. The column number is 10-COLUMN(A1) which is 9 so this formula is equivalent to:
If I copy the formula one cell to the right I get:
This is the equivalent of:
You can continue copying the formula to the right until you get:
Attempting to copy further gives an error because 10-COLUMN(J1) is zero and there is no column 0.
There are other methods of achieving this effect. The key feature of any such method is the expression N-X where N is a constant and X gets bigger as the formula is copied further to the right.

Linking cells in excel with a specific format

I am trying to link cells in excel on two different work sheets.
I am using the formula eg: cell1 = cell2 + cell3. The numbers that I have in cell2 and cell3 are in format of 100% (1) and 50% (2). I just want to add numbers 1 and 2 so that my cell1 will have number 3.
Is it possible to do without changing the cell formats?
Thanks a lot.
If you don't care about the percentages, just copy your column with the percentages and change the format of that column to value and in sheet 2, do addition on that column instead.
Unfortunately when a cell has a format of percentage and a user enters a number, it is converted into what it means given the context of the format. It's not like what is being displayed is wildly different than what is 'hidden' inside the cell. When you reformat a cell, that data is reformatted as well, so 50% becomes .5 even if you had originally entered 50 in the cell before changing it's format. Format is more than just 'display format' so maybe that's where the confusion is.
If you want to add the cells in the percentage row and not bother with reformatting the formula cell you can cheat and treat it as a string to get rid of that %. You could do =Left(A2+A3, Len(A2+A3)) that will give you the 1.5 answer without having to format te cell.
Not sure i understood your question but i'll give some elements:
formula and formats are separated in Excel, thus, you can set a formula in A1, say =A2+A3 but displays the value the way you wish
for instance, if A2 contains 100% and A3 contains 50%, then the result in A1 is worth 1.5
you can set the format of A1 the way you wish (Right-clic > Format cells > Number tab), for instance, decimal, the cell will then display 1.5 but if you choose percentage, the cell will then display 150%
Please elaborate your question if needed.
[EDIT] New answer thanks to your comment:
If i understand well, you want to sum up the values between brackets in your cell (whatever is before, event percentages in your case).
Then, you can try this in cell A3:
=MID(A1,FIND("(",A1)+1,FIND(")",A1)-FIND("(",A1)-1 )+MID(A2,FIND("(",A2)+1,FIND(")",A2)-FIND("(",A2)-1 )

Conditional Cell Contents on Grouping status

I'd like to have the value of a cell change if a specific set of grouped cells are hidden or not. Is there a worksheet change action for grouping and ungrouping cells? I can't seem to generate one with Macro Recorder; it doesn't seem to care if cells are hidden or unhidden in a group. Then, I can have a macro change the value of the cell in question - I presume easier than coding the cell itself.
There are 5 lines, one being a total, and the other 4 the accounts making up the total. There is a merged vertical cell across all 5 rows with the title. I like to hide the 4 accounts, but when I do, the merged title cell only diplays enough to fit into one line, so I'd like it to then revert to an abbreviation (which I would provide).
It's a bit esoteric and pointless, but any thoughts?
Solved. This post gives the essentials of what I needed: