Primeng loading icon is not updating - lazy-loading

I am using primeng turbo table with lazy loading and enabled loading to attribute it's not getting updated even got updated
<p-table #dt [loading]="loader" [columns]="cols" [value]="datasource.merchants" [rows]="perPage" [paginator]="true" [pageLinks]="5"
[lazy]="true" [totalRecords]="datasource.totalCount" (onLazyLoad)="loadLazyData($event)" [exportFilename]="'merchant-list'">
loadLazyData(event: LazyLoadEvent) {
if (event.first !== this.searchParams.offset || event.rows !== this.searchParams.limit) {
this.loader = true;
this.searchParams.offset = event.first;
this.searchParams.limit = event.rows;
this.apiService.getResponse(this.smartSearchParams.query, event.first, event.rows)
.subscribe((result) => {
this.datasource = result;
let newArray = result.merchants.slice();
this.dataTable.value = newArray;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loader = false;
this.dataTable.loading = this.loader;
}, (err: any) => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.loader = false;
this.dataTable.loading = this.loader;
can someone help me with this issue

The issue is with changeDetection for the component.
I have removed the changeDetection:ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush from my component its started working


ProtocolError: Protocol error (Runtime.callFunctionOn): Target closed. - express.js and puppeteer-cluster

I want to iterate over key-pairs of data.extractRules and get elements data from the page.
This snippet inside forEach loop is causing app crashes. I tried hardcoding key and cssSelector and tried this outside of forEach loop and it worked.
const extractContent = {};
if (data.extractRules !== null) {
Object.entries(data.extractRules).forEach(async ([key, cssSelector]) => {
extractContent[key] = await page.$$eval(cssSelector, (elements) => => element.outerHTML)
I figured out solution 😁
async function getSelectorContent(page, cssSelector) {
return page.$$eval(cssSelector, (elements) => => element.outerHTML)
const extractContent = {};
if (data.extractRules !== null) {
await Object.entries(data.extractRules).reduce(
async (item, [key, cssSelector]) => {
await item;
extractContent[key] = await getSelectorContent(page, cssSelector);

Issue with react-native FlatList rendering data when updating array of objects maintained in redux

I'm loading a dynamic form in a FlatList. I'm supposed to add few rows with UI elements such as TextInput, checkbox, etc. based on a condition. For example, I have a dropdown, when I select a value, I have to add a row with a button and remove that row when I select another value.
My issue is that whenever I select a value in the dropdown to add a row with button, FlatList is adding duplicate rows and they are not visible as objects in my array when I debug them. I'm using Redux to manage my application state and updating my array in reducers.
I have to display objects in my array in FlatList without any duplicates using Redux for state management.
ref={(ref) => { this.flatListRef = ref; }}
keyExtractor={({ item, id }) => String(id)}
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({mainArray: nextProps.mainArray});
Updating array in Reducer:
// adding or removing dependency questions
let dependingQues = [];
let formArrayTemp = [...state.mainArray];
let exists;
// console.log("formArrayTemp123", formArrayTemp);
if (action.item.isDependentQuestion) {
if (action.item.dependentQuestionsArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_ques = action.item.dependentQuestionsArray[0];
state.depending_questions_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key)) {
// console.log("dependingQues123", dependingQues);
if (dependent_ques.answer === action.item.answer) {, id) => {
exists = formArrayTemp.filter((res, idx) => {
if (JSON.stringify(res.key_array) === JSON.stringify(obj.key_array)) {
return res;
// console.log("exists123", exists);
if (exists.length === 0) {
formArrayTemp.splice(action.index + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("mjkgthbythyhy", action.index + id + 1);
else {
let objIndex = formArrayTemp.findIndex(obj => JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key));
if (objIndex !== -1) {
formArrayTemp[objIndex].answer = "";
formArrayTemp[objIndex].borderColor = "black";
formArrayTemp.splice(objIndex, 1);
// console.log("frtg6hyjukiu", formArrayTemp);
// adding or removing dependent sections
let dependentSections = [];
let tempArr = [];
let count = 0;
if (action.item.isDependent) {
if (action.item.dependentArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_section = action.item.dependentArray[0];
state.dependent_sections_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (obj.section_id === dependent_section.section_id) {
// console.log("dependentSections123", dependentSections);
let lastIndex;
formArrayTemp.filter((res, id) => {
if (action.item.section_id === res.section_id && res.dependentArray &&
JSON.stringify(action.item.dependentArray) === JSON.stringify(res.dependentArray)) {
lastIndex = formArrayTemp.FindLastIndex(a => a.section_id === res.section_id);
// console.log("lastIndex123", lastIndex);, id) => {
if (obj.answer === obj.dependentArray[0].answer) {
if (dependent_section.answer === action.item.answer) {, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(obj) === false) {
formArrayTemp.splice(lastIndex + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("cfrererfre", formArrayTemp);
else {
let countTemp = [];
if (count === 0) {
let countTemp = [];
dependentSections.filter((res, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(res) === true) {
formArrayTemp.filter((obj, idx) => {
if (obj.section_id === res.section_id) {
obj.answer = "";
obj.borderColor = "black";
let jobsUnique = Array.from(new Set(countTemp));
formArrayTemp = formArrayTemp.filter(item => !jobsUnique.includes(item));
// console.log("frefrefre123", formArrayTemp);
// return { ...state, mainArray: [...formArrayTemp] }
console.log("formArray123", formArrayTemp);
formArrayTemp.sort((a, b) => {
return a.posiiton - b.position;
return { ...state, mainArray: formArrayTemp }
After researching this issue I came across this issue #24206 in GitHub. There it states:
There's a few things you aren't doing quite correctly here. Each time the render function runs you are creating a new array object for your data, so React has to rerender the entire list each time, you're renderItem function and keyExtractor function are also remade each rerender, and so the FlatList has to be rerun. You're also using the index for your key which means as soon as anything moves it will rerender everything after that point. I would recommend looking at what does/doesn't change when you rerun things (arrays, functions, object), and why the keyExtractor is important for reducing re-renders.
So I tried commenting KeyExtractor prop of FlatList and the issue got resolved. But this is causing issue in another form. How can I resolve that?

react-native-numeric-input change event is not triggered

I'm currently working on a react project using multiple libraries including react-native-numeric-input which for some reason have a lot of unexpected behaviours.
Last night I had everything working as it should be but when I can to take another look the numeric input + and - buttons are not responding to any of the clicks, I even added a console.log to the onChange prop to test if the value is not changing or the event is not triggered and i didn't get anything.
this the numeric input:
onChange={num => {
this.setState({ updateItem: num}, this.saveChangedConfigs);
console.log('input', this.state);
inputStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#f4f4f4'}}
these are the two methods that change the state:
saveChangedConfigs = async () => {
try {
stockpile: this.state.updateItem.toString(),
data: this.state.updateData.toString(),
delete: this.state.emptyFiles.toString(),
autoUpdate: this.state.autoUpdate.toString(),
language: this.state.language
await this.initConfigs();
} catch (error) {
console.log('save err', error);
initConfigs = async () => {
const configs = await AsyncStorage.multiGet([
console.log("configs", configs)
const confs = {
stockpile: this.props.config.stockpile,
autoUpdate: this.props.config.autoUpdate,
language: this.props.config.language,
delete: this.props.config.delete
await => {
case 'updateStockpile': if(conf[1] !== null) confs.stockpile = conf[1]; break;
case 'updateData': if(conf[1] !== null) = conf[1]; break;
case 'emptyPhone': if(conf[1] !== null) confs.delete = conf[1]; break;
case 'language': if(conf[1] !== null) confs.language = conf[1]; break;
case 'autoUpdate': if(conf[1] !== null) confs.autoUpdate = conf[1]; break;
await this.props.initConfigs(confs);
await this.setState({
language: confs.language,
updateItem: Number(confs.stockpile),
updateData: Number(,
emptyFiles: Number(confs.delete),
autoUpdate: confs.autoUpdate
this is my initial state:
this.state = {
language: this.props.config.language,
updateItem: Number(this.props.config.stockpile),
updateData: Number(,
emptyFiles: Number(this.props.config.delete),
autoUpdate: this.props.config.autoUpdate
Hope you guys can help me out with this or maybe suggest an alternative if you know about one.

React Native SectionList (title, data) - Search in the data field

I am trying to build Search function in SectionList. I have search inside the 'data' (second field) and not inside 'title' but I am not able to make it work.
My Data is about the Flat / resident details of an Apartment -
sectiondata =
[{"title":"GROUND FLOOR",
{"id":"48","res_type":"owner","user_name":"Ashwani","flat_id":"1","flat_name":"001","floor_no":"GROUND FLOOR","floor_int":"0","signal_player_id":"aa","user_phone":"98855550"},
{"id":"49","res_type":"owner","user_name":"Rahul","flat_id":"2","flat_name":"002","floor_no":"GROUND FLOOR","floor_int":"0","signal_player_id":"aa","user_phone":"999999"}
I am trying something like this but it is not working.
searchFilterFunction = (text) => {
let search = text.toLowerCase();
check: this.state.sectiondata.filter(
obj =>['flat_name'].toLowerCase().includes(search))
How to filter data base on name? Please assist here.
You can try to search like this:
onChangeText(text) {
if (text.trim().length > 0) {
var temp = [] => {
var dataItem = {};
var brandData = []; => {
let flatName = searchItem.flat_name
if (flatName.match(text)) {
if (brandData.length > 0) {
} else {
return null;
dataItem.brandData = brandData;
sectiondata: temp
} else {
sectiondata: this.state.tempData
searchFilterFunction(text) {
if( text == undefined || text == '') {
sectiondata: this.arrayholder
if (text.trim().length > 0) {
var temp = [] => {
var dataItem = {};
var title = item.title;
var brandData = []; => {
let flatName = searchItem.flat_name
if (flatName.match(text)) {
if (brandData.length > 0) {
} else {
return null;
dataItem.title = title; = brandData;
sectiondata: temp

React-Native componentWillRecieveProps rendering issue

In my RN project, I want to achieve this.
// componentWillReceiveProps
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props;
let params = {};
if (peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params.peopleTab = nextProps.peopleTab;
// here i want to pass nextProps.searchText without a condition with the params like this.
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);
I want to send nextProps.searchText with params object, if there is a new value. Otherwise I want to send this.props.searchText with the params object.
The above code, if I uncomment
// params.searchText = nextProps.searchText
it gives the infinity loop. How can I achieve this?
Setting the let { searchText, peopleTab } = this.props; in componentWillReceiveProps causes the new value to be pasted
componentWillMount() {
this.searchText = this.props.searchText ;
this.peopleTab = this.props.peopleTab ;
componentWillReceiveProps = async (nextProps) => {
const params = [];
if (this.peopleTab !== nextProps.peopleTab) {
params['peopleTab'] = nextProps.peopleTab ;
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
await this.props.fetchUnfollowedPeople(params);