How to validate a dynamic xpath/href of edit/delete button of a list using selenium webdriver - selenium

I am validating an application where after creating a link that is showing on a list where all other same types of links are present. When I inspect the element of displayed links on the list I am getting a "HREF" with the same sequence but on last numerical number is showing which is dynamic. So my question is that how can I validate this using selenium web driver after creating a new link and then clicking on this link.
Example of the HREF pattern: /admin/dashboard/quicklink/edit/2-->when I create another new link the href of the new link becomes /admin/dashboard/quicklink/edit/3. How can I locate this dynamic href?
My purpose is that the link which have been created when I run the code and without changing my code I want to click the newly created link after creation

Option 1 if the number of newly created link will always greater than exists links
steps of code:
find all links and save into a List after create new link
sort the List by last number
get the first or last link in sorted List dependent the sorting order
Option 2 Don't care newly created link use greater number
steps of code:
find all links before create new link, and save all links' href value into List1
create new link
find all links again and save all links' href value into List2
Compare List1 and List2 to find the different href, then use this href to find link to click


Extract complete URL from a link

I am scrapping using scrapy-playwright. I am able to extract description, rating and price of desired item. However for going to next page I want to extract href for Next Page button at the bottom of the page.
Thru scrapy-playwright python code I am able to extract href of next button as : href="/s?k=Soap+for+men&page=2"
When I extract URL using the browser, it appears like :
How do I get generate complete URL from the link including crid extracted thru code ?

Selenium XPath for WebTable using parent & sibling

I am trying to automate the web table on the demoqa site where I am aiming to click the edit and delete button for a specific user. Please find the attached screenshot for reference.
I am trying to click the edit and delete button for the user 'Cierra' hence I have created the customize XPath '//div[contains(text(),'')]//following::div[text()='Insurance']//following::div//div//span[#title='Edit']'
Trying to click the edit and delete button using the contains text with email '' however I see four results even I use the unique username. Could anyone help me with this?
you can enclose the result in bracket and call [1] , to get first one:
But you don't have to over complicate it , just get email then go back to parent and get span under that parent ,:
if you still want to use fancy xpath locator then use :

Tosca: How to scan Dropdown textbox which disapper upon opening xScan

I have a problem in scanning a drop-down menu which disappears upon opening the xScan. I need to get the module id of the dropdown menu to verify some test steps.
Do you have any solution with this if it is not really possible to get the module id of the dropdown menu?
Open developer tools in your browser of choice (F12), navigate to the console and input the following code:
var fulldoc='';
var scrollX=0;
var scrollY=0;
if(event.key=='q' && event.altKey){
if(event.key=='w' && event.altKey){
When the window looks the way you would want to scan, press 'Alt + Q', then press 'Alt + W'.
Now your window will freeze and then you can scan your page.
To steer the objects you need to refresh your browser.
You can resolve the issue with below 2 steps
1 - Add some text in textbox which will populate the dropdown below it .
2 - Use Send Keys Module to scroll down and select the value.
I had a similar issue where we had a popup that only appeared when clicking on a text box. The solution we received from the Tricentis trainer was as follows:
Part One
1. Open your application in Chrome
2. Right click the inspect
3. In the inspector window, on the Elements tab, navigate to your html element where it should be (you can do that by clicking on the element and check that you can see the html in the element)
4. Use the debugger to add a break point there, this should pause it and you should be able to see the elements you need to steer it.
5. Once you found the element, you will need the type of element (e.g. div, span, etc), and the class name
Part two
1. Rescan your module and select any element that matches the criteria of your element selected in Part One #5
2. Identify it by only it's class name property and tag
3. Save and close
4. Edit the element in the module view by changing the class name. This should help you steer it
Note: if the element class name is not unique, you might need to use Explicit name.
Good luck

How to handle Autosuggestion text field having dropdown list in Selenium?

There is a text field called "Choose an Industry" on clicking inside it will show list of dropdown values.
Attaching the screen shot for ref
There are a couple issues with the code you posted. With a little clean up it may work but there are methods provided by Selenium via Select that you should take advantage of.
String expectedValue = "Adverstising Services";
Select dropDown = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='select2-chooseInd-container']")));
You can read more about Select and the methods available in the docs, here:

Syntax for SharePoint 2010 BCS URL Action to populate New form

Have seen several posts with solutions for native SharePoint lists, including the very useful SPUtility.js (only for native SharePoint lists). But nothing to pass a value from a BCS list to a new BCS list. The Query string filter will not connect on the New form (no web part to connect it to) and does me no good on the lists page (already have that working).
A "go write custom code for everything" is not a solution for me.
There should be a way to 1) pass the value in the URL (ideal - what's the syntax?) or 2) make some other simple change, perhaps to the select list for the item -- I just can't find it. Have seen quite a few posts with similar questions. The Microsoft documentation is not useful and there are more questions on the "social" topics than answers.
Here's what I have:
I have a BCS list (sends item) tied to a BCS related list (receives item).
I have an action on the related list (ECT) to create a new item. Works fine with no parameters. I get a blank new form. The new form allows me to enter two items and choose two items (exactly as intended).
What I would like to have is the necessary ?something=something string so that my user does not have to select one of the choice items (MNumber - set as a key / required value)
User selects "New" from Actions.
Form Opens
MNumber is automatically filled in based on the MNumber of the current item displayed in the BCS related list.
The string I supply is accepted. Does nothing.
The string I supply is rejected - cannot be saved or insufficient values.
Have also tried passing a string to one of the text fields (instead of the select field). Can't get that to work either. I've spent quite a few hours with the various boards. Nothing helpful.
Would also be nicer if I could set the New form to display in a pop-over window (as it does when I select New from the list view). Opening a new browser window is hokey and replacing the existing one is a navigation pain for the user.
Have this working ... Thanks to Kit Menke!
Created an Action on the External Content Type in the BCS....
parameter property 0 is the IDNumber from the ECT
The NewForm.aspx was edited to add a hidden content editor web part with references to three scripts Kit wrote - two supporting and one that sets the values.
User selects the Action on the displayed ECT list
Action uses the URL to go to the New page with the data
Kit's script adds the data to the form and puts in the date and time.
Note: The ID field needs to be a text field. Cannot be a selection list.