How can I see the Sonos diagnostic trace file? - sonos

In the Sonos documentation on the following is stated:
If there is a streaming error, the firmware will also show an error in
the diagnostic trace file.
How can I see this diagnostic trace file?

The trace file is visible to Sonos employees. You can submit a diagnostic by following the directions here:


Debugging Spring Cloud Dataflow apps

I am fairly new to Spring so this might be a bit of a remedial question, but how does one attach a debugger to a custom SCDF stream app? I have found plenty of resources on how to do a remote debugging session for standard Spring apps using IntelliJ, but that doesn't help when its the local dataflow server that spins up the stream app (which has to be done if you are working with processors or sinks). I have found how to do essentially println statements so I can write debug statements to a console window but that is...sub optimal. I really need to be able to attach a debugger and see who's doing what to whom.
I'm sure there is something basic I am missing. Can someone just give me a gentle nudge on how to debug a source, processor and/or sink app, please?
We have attempted to add support to debug SCDF orchestrated apps via spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#502. We are revisiting the support for it, though. If you've any ideas around this, please feel free to submit a PR - we would happy to collaborate with you on that.
In the meantime, you could use --local.inheritLogging=true property to pipe all the application logs that belong in a stream to the server console. Once you've enabled DEBUG logs for the desired packages at each app level, you will be able to see the composite logs all in one console.

react-native send crash report with stack trace to my server

I'm building a mobile app for both android and IOS by react-native. Now I want to sent crash report with stack trace + client's info to my server (by restful api). How can I catch error which I can not handle (make app crash).
I have checked crashlytics, but it can not send log to my server.
I would recommend crashlytics despite you mentioned it. I am using it for some time now and it works great. It is worth to mention that you won't receive any logs if your app isn't built in release mode (on android).

Log file in Crashlytics

Where can I find the Logs/uncaught exceptions messages that are thrown by CrashLytics ? I would like to see them in a .txt file, for instance instead of the dashboard.
UPDATE This is no more used as fabric crashlytics is deprecated and is replaced with firebase crashlytics refer this doc to use firebase crashlytic logs
Make sure you've logged the data using Crashlytics.log(int priority, String tag, String msg); before the crash happens.
On the Fabric dashboard, select an Issue, then from the Issue Details page, click on View all sessions button.
This will lead you to the specific crash details where you'll find the logs you logged before the crash. Per the documentation, the logs are a rolling 64kb FIFO buffered log.

Log profile tab in worklight console

In worklight console, i have this log profiles tab. Why and how to use the Log profile tab in worklight console. I went throught the document couldnt find any link regarding that. Please provide me some links regarding that.
The Log Profiles tab that you are referring to is explained in the following Getting Started tutorial: Remote controlled client-side log collection.
In the Log Profiles tab you will be able to review and act upon the various data that you can collect from devices running your application.

OpenTok WebRTC - The video stream failed to connect error

1. Two users use Chrome (latest version) on Mac
2. One-to-one video conference
Problem - sometimes (~ ones in 5-6 calls) video window shows the error - The video stream failed to connect. Please notify the site owner. It can be on the beggining, or after several minutes spent on call.
Where can be the issue?
If any addition info needed i will provide in the post.
If I understand correctly, one in 5-6 calls results in "Video stream failed to connect error". This is most likely a firewall or router configuration issue.
If you are video chatting with different people and you are sometimes getting a "video stream failed to connect error", the person you are chatting with probably has a firewall or configuration issue.
If you are testing with yourself and sometimes getting that error, you might have firewall or configuration issues.
To verify that you firewall is configured correctly, try running this diagnostic tool.
If you would like to see when your users are experiencing this error and would like to educate them on the diagnostic tool or what the possible causes are, you can listen to exception events (#1013 in your case)
Disclaimer: I work at TokBox.
Good Luck!