UWP app sideload on hockeyapp error: Unable to download JS Bundle - react-native

I've built UWP in react-native. When I run it on locale with react-native run-windows command app works fine. Now I've deployed it on Hockeyapp. When I download it on some other system and run there it throws error Unable to download JS Bundle Please check screenshot for more. Can anyone tell where and what I'm missing?
Windows folder structure:


Could not load exp://...:19000 in android studio

When running expo start the app is compiled and working but when pressing 'a' to start it in the android emulator it fails to load the app.
I tried removing .expo folder and let 'expo start' recreate it and I checked if they are using the same subnetwork which I think should not even be the case because I am starting both expo server and android emulator in the same machine.
Expo version: 33.0.0. Expo cli version: 3.4.1. React version: 16.8.6. React Native version 0.59.8.
Thank you.
Please find the images below for more details and let me know if you need any other detail provided:
Error Message after pressing 'a' to run the emulator
Setting.json file in .expo folder
packager-info.json file in .expo folder

A problem occurred configuring project ':#sentry_react-native' SDK location not found

I'm on MacOS trying to run a react native (0.59.9) app on Android emulator. I've integrated Sentry using the wizard. Works fine on iPhone. On Android, this happens:
I try to run the app w/ react-native run-android
Build fails.
A problem occurred configuring project ':#sentry_react-native'.
SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the local.properties file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
I go into the android folder and create a local.properties file and paste this in:
I try again to run the app w/ react-native run-android
Build fails.
A problem occurred configuring project ':#sentry_react-native'.
The SDK directory '/Users/my_name/project_path/android/C:/Users/my_name/Library/Android/sdk' does not exist.
Why is it concatenating the SDK dir w/ my project path? That doesn't make sense to me. How do I fix this?
this isn't a Sentry issue, but an Android environment issue, please look at https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started.html and set your Android env. properly.
Look for "Android development environment", good luck :)

cannot able to run react native project by android emulator

Error when try to run
I am having react native project and iam trying on android emulator via below command
react-native run-android
but its not working getting the error like in the image
From your log, it's clear that you haven't configured SDK location
You must add SDK location
Create a new file named local.properties inside the android folder of your react-native app.
Add the SDK location.
Hope this helps

React-Native-Camera can't compile to android emulator

I am busy trying to implement camera functionality into an app I am writing in react-native. I have installed react-native-camera via npm and have this working solidly in IOS.
When I try and run on android, the project does not build and throws below error
node_modules/react-native-camera/android/src/main/java/org/reactnative/camera/events/BarCodeReadEvent.java:27: error: no suitable method found for init(int)
I have specified the correct android sdk build tools as described on https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-camera.
I can run simple projects on my android emulator but as soon as I link the react-native-camera, I am unable to build. Does anyone have any ideas, or experience with this?
I am developing on a mac and as mentioned above. Everything works perfectly on the IOS app.

Tips/help to debug no apk file

My environment :
Eclipse sdk 3.7.2
Worklight pluin 5.0.5
Android sdk 2.2
First I tried a simple Hello World, everything works fine, android native project was created and I see the corresponding apk file was generated after a build and deploy.
Next I imported a sample project, successfully got it run on the test (localhost) server, able to see the expected result on the android Mobile Browser Simulator but the problem now is I am not seeing the corresponding android apk file got generated (the android native project was created). No errors on the logs, Any idea what could be the problem? How one debug such a problem.
APK will be generated under \bin\ folder once you run your app for the first time.
Connect your Android device to dev machine via USB cable (assuming you got Android SDK etc installed), right click on Android project and do Run as->Android app.
The app will be installed and started on Android device. APK will be generated in \bin folder.
In general, you don't need the device, same thing can be done with emulator.
You can also do an export on the android application project. This is what you would do if you are looking at doing some key signing. This is the way you would want to export it if you are uploading to Google play or an enterprise app store.
Keep in mind, Worklight doesn't build your .ipa, .apk, or etc. It builds you compile ready resources. It will build you the folder structure and the project layers needed to build in the corresponding Native Environment (for apple, you would export to xcode, build it, and run).