We have to store all the changes in a data row. I was looking for in build function like SQL Server to calculate HASHBYTES and time-stamp to find the changes and get the latest one as well.
Any pointer will be highly helpful.
Sorry for the late reply (I must have missed this question during my trip).
Would something like the answer to this question help you?
How to SHA2 hash a string in USQL
i have some problems displaying my aws timestream data in grafana. I added as a global dashboard variable DevEUI with 3 different specific values. But when i am using the multivalue syntax ${DevEUI} in my query with more then one value i get everytime a error.
hope somebody can give me a hint.
Regards and thanks in advance
You are most probably having a list of values as the value of your multivalue Grafana variable, but you are still using the = operator in your query. Try ... and DevEUI IN ('${DevEUI}'). Or maybe without the single quotes or the parantheses... the exact syntax depends on your Grafana variable.
But, this is just an educated guess, since I cannot see neither your database schema nor the definition of this Grafana variable (both of which are important details in a question like yours, for future reference).
This is how I did it for a multivalued string value:
timestream_variable_name = ANY(VALUES ${grafana_variable_name:singlequote})
You might have to adjust the formatting Grafana applies to the concatenated variable value it generates, depending on your data type.
I know this is long after the original question but #alparius pointed me in the right direction so I wanted to update the fix for the problem Joe reported.
Use formatting to get the proper quotes/values when formatting your query. Something like this:
Select * from database where searchiterm IN (${Multi-Value_Variable:sqlstring})
Similar to this question in C#: User ID obfuscation
I'm looking for a solution in VBA to obscure a long value through an encoding method and also I would need to be able to decode the number produced as well.
I agree with the answer as stated on the referenced article: User ID obfuscation
Why not add a GUID and a lookup table?
I need to know the week of year of a timestamp using Derby/JavaDB. And to make it worse I have to extract it from a parameter not a column. Don't ask why but that should be a minor problem.
On DB2 I say someting like
But how do I get the same result with Derby aka JavaDB?
Thanks Bryan, your Link was very helpful.
It seems there is no week function in derby but it is very easy to program such a function yourself. Especially when you use it from Java.
So, I'd like to do some random ordering when displaying data the code I have at this point is:
I know that postgresql's (RANDOM) syntax is different than MYSQL's (RAND()) and Oracles (dbms_random.value) syntax.
I'd just like to confirm that my code is correct, from what I understand it's doing is, it's grabbing the first row, and offsetting the data in a random order?
Please help clear this up, thanks!
I think the following will work with all DBMS's
I need to get data in multiple row of one column.
For example data from that format
ID Interest
to that format
ID Interest
I wonder that we can do that in MS Access sql. If anybody knows that, please help me on that.
Take a look at Allen Browne's approach: Concatenate values from related records
As for the normalization argument, I'm not suggesting you store concatenated values. But if you want to join them together for display purposes (like a report or form), I don't think you're violating the rules of normalization.
This is called de-normalizing data. It may be acceptable for final reporting. Apparently some experts believe it's good for something, as seen here.
(Mind you, kevchadder's question is right on.)
Have you looked into the SQL Pivot operation?
Take a look at this link:
Just noticed you're using access. Take a look at this article:
This is nothing you should do in SQL and it's most likely not possible at all.
Merging the rows in your application code shouldn't be too hard.