different assets for Front end and admin dashboard in Angular 5 - angular5

I am creating an application that will have a front end and an admin dashboard. The front end assets and the admin assets are different but there's only one index.html.
How can I conditionally load the assets (js & css) for both front end and admin dashboard?


NUXT App how to make pages accessable without login?

i'm new to NUXT 3 and i created a small app.
If i'm not logged in, the page always redirect to my start page.
An authenticated user can access the page and can see all subpages.
Now, i want to create a FAQ page and a registration page.
How can i avoid these pages from redirect?
This pages should also be visible without login.

Initial Navigation on CloudFront redirects to home

I have a gatsbyjs site which I host using S3 and CloudFormation.
If I navigate to the /blogs page, I always end up on the root page first. Navigation works fine afterwards.
On my machine using either gatsby develop or gatsby build && gatsby serve works. I can than naviagte to localhost:9000/blogs and see the blogs page.
When I deploy everything to a S3 Bucket (+CloudFront and a Domain) and navigate to quadroid.net/blogs I end up on the root page of my homepage.
I could not find any redirect in the networking tab of chrome.
Refreshing the page when viewing /blogs does again navigate to home.
Any clues why this might happen?
The deployment is done using amplify publish --yes --invalidateCloudFront.
You need to set your Bucket to be public. And set the Origin and Origin Group. It's working for me.
Reference: public-s3-cloudfront-origin

How can i find admin panel URL of my prestashop

I am new to prestashop. 2 days before i installed prestashop Version in my localhost. But now i forgot its admin panel URL. Is there any way to find out the URL. Any one please help me.
View the folder where you installed prestashop and from there you can see all the folders.
Default rename the admin folder with admin plus 4 random numbers, ess admin1234.
If you customized the directory differently compare your folders with the default ones.
By default there are:
Adapter, cache, classes, config, controllers, Core, css, docs, download, img, js, localization, log, mails, modules, override, pdf, themes, tools, translation, upload and webservice.
the remainder is the folder admin.
if you want to know the url of admin page from where you can manage your products
Just go to the "administration" (e.g page
You can also check the installation directory for admin or administration folder
If you find any folder named admin or administration then type same name after the hostname of your website.
Now you will reach to login page if you found admin page of the Prestashop.
Then type the email address and password you provided while installing the Prestashop.

Dropbox Folder App - Empty folders

We've created a simple Dropbox Folder App on one user, and authorized it on another. Both users now have the same folders "App" and "App name".
Is these folders supposed to have the same content? Because on one of the users the folder is empty.
Are we missing something here?
It's not expected that two different users of a single Dropbox API app will automatically get the same content in their respective app folders.
The Dropbox API is built such that each user can link their own Dropbox account to an app in order to interact with their own files and folders. If the app uses the "app folder" permission, an app folder is automatically created in each user's account when they link the app. The app folder is empty by default, and the user can put files in their via any means they want (e.g., the API app itself, the Dropbox web site, the Dropbox desktop client, etc.).
A Dropbox API app folder is not like a shared folder. It does not sync across different user accounts, and in fact can't be shared with other users.
If you want all users of your app to have certain content in their account, you'll need to have your app upload the files to each account.

How to nest MVC site within an MVC site

In visual studio, I create an MVC 4 app. I then publish it.
I then create a subfolder called SubApp, and copy the same MVC app to the subfolder.
I then add a link on the home page of the Main App, to the sub app.
For example, the link looks like this:
Go To Sub Site.
I then run the app, and click on the link.
I then get the error: The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.(the sub directory).
How should I be linking to the SubApp?