How to handle Custom Events of Tabs on TabNavigator ReactNative? - react-native

I am taking a bottom tab navigator which is having five screens. At third screen which is home screen I want to open modal which contain 2 buttons. When user click on home button show modal and hide tab navigator and when user click anywhere at screen it gets out from modal .
I want functionality like this issue on GitHub presented :

You can handle click on tab using next
So in tabBarOnPress you can implement your custom logic ( open modal, trigger redux action, etc... )


Show bottom sheet when user presses tab icon using React Navigation

I am trying to implement a bottom sheet using react-native-reanimated-bottom-sheet that triggers when a user presses a tab in a React Navigation Tab Navigator.
I want it to appear above whichever screen is currently rendered and look kind of like the below image:
I have not had any luck so far. I have created a new component for the bottom sheet, but when the user presses the corresponding tab it changes to a new page.
Is this even possible using React Navigation Tab Navigator?

how to show a modal and be able to navigate between screens

I am using react navigation and would like to show the modal that will be visible above the screen and be able to navigate to the next screens in StackNavigator. The illustration below shows what I want to achieve
The solution that is in the documentation ( solves only part of the problem, because I can't open a modal and navigate another part of the stack while keeping the modal on top
you can use react native modal . it is not part of react navigation and it will show above all screens

TabBar in React Navigation

I need help in React Navigation when I create a tab bar like I have button home and I want to access another screen in the Home with show tab bar inside it to keep selected on the Home icon.
First Screen
Second Screen
I want show tabBar with continue select Home button.
This solved my problem by A stack navigator for each tab.
I think you should have a variable that would keep track of the home page and when you are on it and thus provide the styling you need on the homepage icon....and when you are in the second screen it should be still be set to true so nothing changes

How to open a view top of a another view on the button click in react native?

How to open a view top of a another view on the button click in react native? I tried use redux but i didn't find the right way to do it.
You mean "How to open a popup type screen on a button click"?
If so, then you need to use Modal component.
Here's the link to the docs of modal component -

Unmount the screen(Page) while switching between menus of Drawer Navigation

In my application i am having a drawer menu with list of menus in it.
For example The drawer menu has
1. Home
2. Screen A
3. Screen B.
i have overridden the Drawer menu component and on click of the menu item i am calling NavigationActions.navigate("Route Name") to open the Drawer screen.
when ever i click the menu item i want to load the recent data from the server through web api but ComponentWillMount and Constructor of the screen is called only for the First time Click and it is not unmounting the component when i switch to other menu.
Is it possible to unmount the screen when user click a new menu item Or to render the fresh component without old state whenever user click the menu from the drawer.?