OpenIdDict - password flow does not work any more - openiddict

does anybody know what is happand with password flow. It is work file last week, and today it is no.
We got update form my-get for this library and add a few new columns (Permissions, Properties, Payload and ReferenceId ets.).
New we always got:
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "This client application is not allowed to use the token endpoint."
We did not change anything in the test.
So any idea?

Starting with RC2, applications must be granted permissions to be able to use endpoints or flows.
For more information on application permissions, visit

Refer to official documentaion:
If you don't care about permissions (e.g because you don't have third-party clients), you can instead disable them:
// Register the OpenIddict server handler.
.AddServer(options =>
It fixed my problem.


Getting all messages from Microsoft Teams

I'm trying to get all the messages from Microsoft Teams in my tenant, I have registered the application to Azure, set the correct permissions and grated admin privileges.
What I am getting confused about is creating a GraphServiceClient.
My app is more of an Daemon Application.
I would really appreciate if someone could give me an example of how to create the client correctly.
this is my code so far:
string[] graphScopes = { "" };
IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
ClientCredentialProvider authProvider = new ClientCredentialProvider(app);
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);
var messages = await graphClient.Teams["x"].Channels[""].Messages.Request().GetAsync();
foreach(var item in messages)
catch(Exception e)
I'm getting the following error no matter what I'm trying to get
Code: UnknownError Inner error: AdditionalData: request-id: x date: 2020-05-27T14:22:37 ClientRequestId:x
update: I was able to get something from the API, I had wrong permissions.
still can't get the messages though,
I have all these permission:
ChannelMessage.Read.All, Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All
I'm probably missing the "ChannelMessage.Read.Group (RSC)" permission but I can't find it in the permissions page.
May this is the solution or the problem ;-)
Microsoft Teams APIs in Microsoft Graph that access sensitive data are considered protected APIs. These APIs require that you have additional validation, beyond permissions and consent, before you can use them.
Your problem is you are accessing a "beta" api but using the production base url path.
The permission you need is ANY of the following (i.e. or not and):
ChannelMessage.Read.Group (RSC) OR
ChannelMessage.Read.All OR
Group.Read.All OR
Since you have Group.Read.All, that is ALL you need for permissions.
What you need to do is change the base URL to the beta api:
graphClient.BaseUrl = "";
Since now you are saying that you are getting a "Forbidden" error, I think you also have a consent problem.
My guess is that you created & consented you app on one tenant but you are trying to access the data in another tenant. This will give you a forbidden errors. i.e. you created and consented on a dev azure account tenant and are trying to access your work tenant.
If this is the situation you need to:
* Make sure that the setup you azure app to be multi-tenanted
* You have to get your app consented by the target tenant
If you do that and use the beta endpoint I would expect that your example code will start working.
Finally got around to trying to do the message list with a application context like you above and I get the same Forbidden error as well from the beta api. From a user context it works fine. So your answer will be to use a user context and not an application context to access this API.
It looks like what you are hitting is a Protected API. So if you want to use this API from an application context, you will have to submit a request to be allowed access to it.

Podio PHP API authentication

I have a puzzle with Podio PHP API authentication. I can't get something done without the following fatal error. I do this: Podio::authenticate_with_password('aaa', 'bbb');
and I get this: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PodioRateLimitError: "You have hit the rate limit. Please wait 300 seconds before trying again"
My system works with complex relationships divided in a lot of spaces, that's why I created a "master" account which has the role of administrator in each target spaces.
Each time a webhook is called, I authenticate with the "master" account (it would be a lot of work to authenticate with app because of mutiple relationships in same script).
The same webhook is called multiple times, but in different context.
How can I avoid rate limit busting each time my webhook is called? I tried OAuth 2, but the Podio documentation is not helpful in my case. No attempt worked for me.
Do you have any way to keep in memory/database authentication data to be able to use it for each password authentication from multiple webhook call?
Any help will be very appreciated!
I found something interesting digging into Podio PHP API class:
This is what I did:
// Set user API key
Podio::setup('user-key', 'wejt9wetwerith34rtfhwetu34hwerud);
// Init refresh_token variable (avoid PHP warning if any refresh_token found in database)
$refresh_token = null;
// Get refresh_token from database if exists
// Authenticate
// Authenticate with refresh token stored in database
Podio::authenticate( 'refresh_token', array( 'refresh_token' => $refresh_token ) );
// Authentication failed, request new refresh_token
catch ( Exception $ex ) {
Podio::authenticate_with_password( 'aaa', 'bbb' );
// Get Oauth data including refresh token
$oauth = Podio::$oauth;
// Authenticate with refresh token
Podio::authenticate( 'refresh_token', array( 'refresh_token' => $oauth->refresh_token ) );
// Store $oauth->refresh_token in database for next webhook call...
Very important use the same user API key in your script to avoid authentication rate-limit busting, because the refresh_token is linked to user API key used to make the request.
Podio documentation:
For authentication (general):
For php
For php session management:
The answer is described under SOLUTION section in the original post above.

JwtBearerAuthentication doesnt return 403 Forbidden, always returns 401 Unauthorized

If ClaimsIdentity set through JwtBearerAuthentication middleware doesnt have enough roles required through
it returns 401 instead of 403.
I am struggling with this in core web api whole night. I have also seen this question on stackoverflow but i havent seen any solution i could make work. The order of registering middleware nor AutomaticChallange setting did the job.
I dont know if i am missing something but it seems shocking that this hasn't been solved properly for years. It is so annoying.
Is there any normal, usual, non-workaround, non-hack way of solving this?
UPDATE (in response to comment from #juunas)
I have tried that and roles are mapped correctly from Claims.
So, if i remove Roles requirement from attribute, for all roles that user is assigned to (in JWT token) User.IsInRole(x) returns true. So mapping works just fine.
About moving from roles based authorization to policies...can you provide some some link with some best practices, recommendations or something that you base that statement on?
I am not saying its not something to be done but would just like to understand it.
It's important to understand the difference in these to errors to understand why you will get one and not the other.
401 is for authentication. If you are getting this error then you have to ask yourself is the user logged in, or does the user have a current token provided by a valid token provider? If the token has expired or the provider is not valid then you can get a 401. If this is what you are getting then you need to check User.Identity.IsAuthenticated does this return true? Most likely it returns false.
403 is for authorization. This would mean the user has a valid token, but the token they have does not give them access to the resource they are requesting. This is where you would want to check User.IsInRole() and it would return false.
If you're getting 401 it means that the user hasn't been authenticated i.e. they have not logged in, their login was invalid, the token has expired... etc. As far as your application is concerned the user hasn't proved they are who they say they are yet.
Edit: Apologies for assuming the user wasn't Authenicated, I didn't see where you stated that they where in your first post. It's hard to help without seeing code but my next guess is that the Claims check hasn't been added to the services pipeline.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("whateverrole", policy => policy.RequireClaim("whateverrole"));
This is in your Startup.cs. MS doc is here
Last update: Simply put using the default Authorize attribute tag you can't change it. MS designs I this way due to the number of layers in the pipeline that could impact authentication. I was unaware of this because I use a custom Authorize attribute and forgot that I over wrote the way it handled status codes.
However I found a nice solution that might suite your needs
It adds an error page to the pipeline prior to the app.UseMvc() that redirects authentication errors to an error page that returns the correct status code.

paypal express checkout =>Error: Security header is not valid

Error : Security header is not valid
[TIMESTAMP] => 2014%2d04%2d29T07%3a24%3a29Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 6af6749c848d6
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 109%2e0
[BUILD] => 10800277
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10002
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Security%20error
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Security%20header%20is%20not%20valid
I am getting this error again and again and cannot move ahead. I had checked all the api username, password and signature, all are correct, but the main problem is that, all the things are already stored in paypal sandbox account but it cannot give back to the page. I mean to say transection is shown in sandbox account but it cannot send forward to the display page. Am I wrong somewhere?
generally this error means you are not using the correct API credentials. If you are convinced your credentials are correct then take a look at your endpoint. Sandbox credentials will not be valid in the production environment and live credentials will produce this error in the sandbox
I had this issue because my login contained "+"(plus) sign. Finally I manually decoded it to "%2B" as described here and the issue gone.
It doesn't always mean invalid API credential or wrong endpoint
If you're absolutely sure in this info, check the encoding you're making your request with - it should be UTF-8 without Byte-Order Mark (BOM), e.g (in Visual C# .NET)
var requestEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); // UTF-8 without BOM
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream(), requestEncoding))
This is not a default value, and it helped me after an hour of checking everything
Of course, make sure all of your parameters are URL encoded, too
apart from them change this too:
(from Sandbox > Live)**
Wrong credentials Make sure that you've put your API Username, API Password and API Signature correctly. Sometimes it happens that during copy and paste there is accidently a space added, this would trigger this error. Doublecheck this settings in the SDK or in the admin panel of your third party shopping cart.
Wrong Endpoint This error would come up if you send the data to the wrong endpoint. Make sure that you sending the live credentials and data to our live endpoint. When you want to test your store make sure that you use our test endpoint and the credentials from your sandbox test account. If you are using a third party shopping cart, make sure that your store is running in test or live mode, regarding which credentials you are using.
For reffrence link

How can I use Google's OpenID and/or OAuth services to login and allow access to APIs with only ever one prompt to the user?

I am attempting to create a login system for my website that permits both authentication via Google's API and access to any of the OAuth-supported Google Data APIs while ideally only showing the user one prompt ever, no matter if he's creating an account or logging into his existing one. I want to minimize the number of times he's asked for approval.
I am aware that Google provides Hybrid OpenID/OAuth for this purpose, but the issue is that every time I add OAuth extensions to my OpenID request, it never remembers the user's approval for that request. Is there any way for the approval to be remembered when I am doing Hybrid OpenID/OAuth? If I just do OpenID without OAuth extensions, everything is remembered just fine and it doesn't keep bugging the user with the prompt.
Here are the pertinent extensions I'm sending in addition to my OpenID request, which result in me getting an OAuth request token (good) but cause the approval to never get remembered (bad).
PHP syntax:
$args["openid.ns.ext2"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.consumer"] = '';
$args["openid.ext2.scope"] = '';
$args["openid.mode"] = 'checkid_setup';
$args["openid.realm"] = '';
Is it normal for Hybrid OpenID/OAuth to act this way (not remembering the last OAuth authorization)? What is the best way to get around this? I have thought of storing cookies on the user's computer to link to somewhere in my database so I could use the last access token again, etc... (the issue here being I don't know whose token to look up unless I know who the user is...a circular problem). And doing an OpenID-only request to get his user ID to see if he has an account in order to look up his access token, followed by an OpenID+OAuth request (if an access token for him isn't stored) would result in two prompts, which really wouldn't help.
It also seems like Hybrid only supports OAuth 1.0, which I think is fine until 2015, so it's not an issue right now for me. I am assuming they will support OAuth 2.0 in the future.
Is checkid_immediate relevant to this in any way? I'm just not sure how to use this to accomplish what I want.
I would suggest using OAuth 2.0. This supports getting both identity and access to APIs -- so accomplishes the same end goal, but is much easier than OAuth 1 Hybrid.
Take a look here:
The scopes you're trying to access are included in the URL (see "Forming the URL"). The referenced doc lists the scopes required for getting identity/profile information. You can simply add additional scopes to the string, comma-delimited in order to request access to other APIs. The resulting access token will access both the APIs and identity information (via the UserInfo API endpoint mentioned).
That said, what you're trying to do with OpenID 2.0/OAuth 1 hybrid should work-- and the user should see a checkbox for "remembering" the authorization. If you really want to debug this further, it'd be helpful to have a webpage you can point to which kicks off this authentication+authorization flow so we can see what's happening.
I figured out that checkid_immediate (and x-has-session, not sure if that's needed or even working) is allowing me to determine whether or not a user is logged in without prompting him, and if he is, it is giving me a claimed_id by which I can identify the user. That's exactly what I needed. The original question is solved, but I do want to figure out how to use identify with OAuth 2.0 because I have already implemented that.
Furthermore, I've noticed that when using OpenID/OAuth that the user still gets asked to authorize OAuth even after he's authorized OpenID. I can't see the advantage to the hybrid approach from the user's perspective.
If the user is logged out of Google, that's a total of three prompts just to sign up for my website and grab his name and profile image.
If anyone wondered, here are the steps necessary to get Hybrid OpenID/OAuth completely working (an overview). I was confused thoroughly throughout this process, so I hope this helps someone.
Do normal OpenID handshake and add on AX extensions for OAuth 1.0.
Use 'checkid_immediate' to permit probing for an active Google session without prompting the user. Use *claimed_id* as a unique identifier to link the user to your database.
If 'setup_needed' is returned, use 'checkid_setup' so the user is prompted and verified before continuing.
This leaves you with two possibilities. *checkid_immediate* returning immediately giving you a claimed_id, or a claimed_id coming through after *checkid_setup* (basically sign-up) succeeds.
Hybrid OpenID/OAuth 1.0 will give you an authorized request token.
Use the authorized request token to get an access token (you only need to call OAuthGetAccessToken)
Use that OAuth 1.0 access token to do whatever you want.
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token from the authorized request token my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
I was successful in using OAuthGetAccessToken to get an access token after my Hybrid OAuth dance, omitting the 'oauth_verifier' parameter (irrelevant to Hybrid).
In a PHP/Zend environment:
$config = array(
'accessTokenUrl' => '',
'consumerKey' => $consumer_key,
'consumerSecret' => $consumer_secret
$consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($config);
$zendRToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Request(); // create class from request token we already have
$accessToken = $consumer->getAccessToken(array(
'oauth_token' => $requestToken,
// 'oauth_verifier' => '', // unneeded for Hybrid
'oauth_timestamp' => time(),
'oauth_nonce' => md5(microtime() . mt_rand()),
'oauth_version' => '1.0'
), $zendRToken);
} catch (Zend_Oauth_Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Token: {$accessToken->getToken()}" . PHP_EOL;
echo "OAuth Secret: {$accessToken->getTokenSecret()}" . PHP_EOL;