C# Gecko Allow Notifications - notifications

I am using the Geckofx 45 in C# for a webpage to render.
My web app will send notification messages.
I am having trouble to accept the notifications and show in the browser.
Notification.Persmission should be kept granted for a page to load.
I am trying to set User preferences for Gecko Browser
Gecko.GeckoPreferences.User["notification.feature.enabled"] = true;
Gecko.GeckoPreferences.User["dom.webnotifications.enabled"] = true;
But still the notifications are not accepted.
How to enable notifications in the Gecko Browser.
Appreciate for the suggestions.


React-Native: Open mobile app from website

Can that be possible? I have a web app and a mobile app as well. The user goes to website and there is a button "Download App for Mobile". When the user clicks on the button, if the app is already installed, the app should be opened otherwise the user must be redirected to the respective store with the link to download the app from store. Any help in the form of Articles, Videos or suggestions would be highly appreciated.
To do this you would have to use sockets and make a background service on your mobile app that listens to an event. When you click on the button an event should be fired from the browser which when listened by the background service, brings the app to foreground. And it will require your web app and react-native to have a socket connection. If no connection is established then you can redirect the respective store. To create socket connection you would need to use a server for communication between mobile app and web app.
read about
see here for more information

How to disable the notifications on Edge and Safari browser using selenium java

How to disable the notifications on Edge and Safari browser using Selenium and Java?
I have used the following code to disable the notification on the browsers.
caps.setCapability("disable-infobars", true);
caps.setCapability("--disable-notifications", true);
But it is not working as expected. Do I miss anything here?
Just figured out a way to close Push notifications on safari.
Try navigating to the URL twice, this seems to automatically adding the URL to Notifications DENY list.

Closing Safari push notification dialog in Browserstack

We're using Browserstack to automate testing of my website. The website uses push notifications and so Safari prompts the user with a dialog asking for permission to send push notifications. This dialog blocks interaction with the browser and the test fails. We've tried browser.switchTo().alert().accept() as well as browser.switchTo().window() to close it or switch back to the website, to no avail.

Instant App link in SMS does not work

I have created an Instant App that works perfectly when I click its link in an email. When I send the same link in an SMS and click it, the default-url is displayed. I am using AS3.2 Canary 9. Has anyone seen the same thing?
This depends of the message app of your phone. Sometimes the message app have an internal web view to manage the urls. In this case the link is directly open in web browser.
If the link is open in the default browser, you should go in this browser app settings and check the links already set as manage by this browser. Or clear the cache of the browser. if it s still not working, go in :
Settings -> Google -> Instant app, then disable an enable it again.
if it s still not working, make it sure by rebooting the device.

windows authentication and iOS7

We are developing a web application in asp.net and HTML5 (+ offline feature) and we are using “Add to desktop” button to create the desktop application.
Before access main screen, we have a windows authentication screen, so people can connect using their domain credentials.
In safari, we have almost no problem. It's the expected behavior when we are online. For the offline mode, safari needs to keep an active tab with the website loaded to allow offline access to it, otherwise safari does not find website – even if it’s cached with cache manifest...
In the desktop application (using “Add to desktop” button), the authentication popup on the main page does not appears. When I trace the HTTP requests, I can see 2 requests with a return status of 401. When I look into the logs, safari sandbox throw an exception (twice tries then abort operation)... The screen remains blank.
any ideas anyone or any fix is planned to correct this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any advices.
It's a problem with iOS 7. Windows Authentication only works in "Private Mode" or in another browser such as Chrome or Puffin. However, there isn't a workaround currently available to save an app to the home screen. Here's a thread on the Apple forums about this same issue:
The new iOS 7.03 fixes this issue.