Upgrade nxt explorer to draw a map - nxt

I have made this robot:
and i want to upgrade it to draw a map of the environment where he moves.
I have tried a lot of things but never succeeded, and also i can not find a good tutorial to make this.
Can you help me and tell me how to do this?
I am using nxt 2.0 and my robot and the code are the same from the link above.


How to configure MOCP mapping and Expression with metahuman and Live Link

as my title says I am having trouble mapping face data from the Live Link app to a metahuman.
Here is what I have done so far:
Created a UE5 project (Film/Video & Live Event)
Imported a metahuman (custom-made) into the project
Added required plugins to project (Live Link, ArKit, Apple-etc)
Connected Live Link mobile application to local network
Set the metahuman's animation controller to the Live Link feed
Calibrated the Live Link data within the Live Link application
The problem I am having:
Parts of the face are not responding at all (ex. metahuman's right eyebrow does not respond to me lifting my left eyebrow).
The left corner of the mouth seems to be stuck (ex. when I try to open my mouth, all points respond except for the single point stays where it is).
The mapping/naming of facial components seems to be mirrored/off/labeled wrong (ex. if I was to wink my right eye this would result in my right eye closing and my right cheek pressing upward. On the metahuman, the left eye would blink and the right cheek would raise.)
These issues are very frustrating as I can not seem to get past this basic calibration. I see online people using these same tools and getting results with the metahuman's facial movements that are really clean. Is there something I am missing? I know that after the metahuman has been calibrated, I will create sequences, am I supposed to be modifying these value there? I am not sure... I have commented on every video I can find and I have posted this question in the Unreal Discord (here) with basically no help.
Note: I don't need a full solution, I just need to be pointed in the right direction! Please let me know if there is anything I am missing in my setup or calibration workflow.
thanks for reading.
Had the exact same problem with a customer project, and the issue was it wasn't using the correct animation blueprint. Once we switched it to the correct animation blueprint for LiveLink the issue was immediately resolved. I remember that exact same facial expression - sorry as I know this was a frustrating one for the customer as well.
It seemed that I was doing everything right. After upgrading from 5.0.3 to 5.1 the issue stopped completely.

Remove the Rotate icon in Syncfusion WinRT Diagram

Hi, I need to develop an WinRT app with XAML and I'm using Syncfusion's library for that. Whenever I click on a node the resizer appears along with the rotate icon. I removed all the QuickCommands but the rotate icon won't go away.
Please note that I am using the SfDiagram inside a custom control. Thanks
We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio 2015 Volume 1 is rolled out and is available for download under the following link:
Feature Information:
Requirement: Remove the Rotate Icon from Node
We have provided support to achieve your requirement in our Essential Studio 2015 Volume 1.This requirement can be achieved by using SelectorConstraints property of ISelector. We have provided code snippet to represent this. Please refer to the following code snippet
Code Snippet:
(DiagramControl.SelectedItems as ISelector).SelectorConstraints = (DiagramControl.SelectedItems as ISelector).SelectorConstraints & ~SelectorConstraints.Rotator;
Here, DiagramControl is the instance of SfDiagram.
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.
Syncfusion Support Team

iOS6+ Custom component creation guide

I'm starting the iOS development and need to find out what is required to create custom component. I have a few of them to build like star rating bar (which promising tutorial I've found here btw.) or download button with progress like it is in the App Store app.
Instead of searching for ready built solutions I would like to learn on how to build it thus my question, is there any up-to-date guides on how to accomplish it? Using OOP rules:) ofcourse as I'm used to it from ActionScript and JAVA.

OpenGL template changes Xcode 4.5

I'm currently attempting to learn how to program in OpenGL in iOS. Turns out the book that I'm reading is made for Xcode 3 (Learning iOS Game Programming) and there's a huge leap in integrating Open GL between Xcode v3 and v4.5 with getting rid of the separation of OpenGL v1 and v2, the OpenGL library and getting rid of the old template. I think it would really help me get a starting foot if I could look at the original OpenGL template (the one with the 2D square moving up and down) translated over to the new standard OpenGL template, instead of seeing the 3 dimensional squares, so I can see what's translated to what. I have no idea why they changed the view (to show off possibilities?) but it makes it extremely hard to cross reference to know what should go where and what's what compared to the older template. Does anyone know a good way to tackle this or better yet, has the old template been translated?
The template that is included in xcode 4.5 uses openGL es 2. It shows 2 approaches. The first one is by using OpenGL ES 2.0 natively, shaders and everything that people are used to. The other is by using the special apple framework (GLKit). This one is made to ease the leap between OpenGL 1 and 2. (The transition between fixed and programable pipeline). My suggestion is to change completely your sources. Focus completely on OpenGL ES 2.0 by using other internet sources.
This link here explains the basics using the new template:

Using Titanium.Platform.takeScreenshot

I'm evaluating using Titanium for a project that makes videos from browser based animations. I was hoping for a way to take screenshots from within the app for each frame. The documentation of takeScreenshot seems a little slim so I was hoping to ask before I build a prototype.
Does take screenshot get the full document, or just the visible content?
Does the screenshot include window chrome?
Someone from titanium QA was able to answer the question. takeScreenshot actually takes a screenshot of the whole desktop.