I'm getting following compilation error in Intelij Idea when running scalatests in my play framework application:
Error:(41, 54) Cannot find an instance of play.api.libs.json.JsObject
to WSBody. Define a BodyWritable[play.api.libs.json.JsObject] or
extend play.api.libs.ws.ahc.DefaultBodyWritables
val response = await(wsClient.url(testUrl).post(data))
Though when running sbt test it compiles and runs fine.
I've tried to clear Intelij cache and restart, didn't help.
What can be an issue?
I could resolve this issue by deleting .idea folder and re-importing the project.
I am unable to run a simple test project using the intellij plugin cursive. I am able to open a REPL without any problems and can even call functions defined in the core.clj file.
Running the project directly however yields this error message:
Error running 'new-project.core': failed to access class com.intellij.execution.impl.ProcessStreamsSynchronizer from class com.intellij.execution.impl.ConsoleViewRunningState (com.intellij.execution.impl.ProcessStreamsSynchronizer is in unnamed module of loader com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader #402f32ff; com.intellij.execution.impl.ConsoleViewRunningState is in unnamed module of loader com.intellij.ide.plugins.cl.PluginClassLoader #c9a79eb)
Intellij run configuration here. Changing How to run it and What to run does nothing.
Starting the project via the Leiningen tab yields the same error message.
There is an issue open about it.
Also I tried to do lein run Let me know if this work for you.
I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for my UnetStack Project.
I'm following this blog
I get this error when done following this:
Error: Could not find or load main class org.codehaus.groovy.tools.GroovyStarter
I had the same issue.
This happened to you because you ran your simulation as a groovy script and not as the configured application. Run it as application and groovyStarter will not even be used.
Alright, so I'm using Idea right, and I'm getting this exception: Exception in thread "main" org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to scan for SQL migrations in location: classpath:db/migration while attempting to run my project in it.
It's not a code error, as far as I can tell as this project worked fine before and hasn't been touched until now. Heck, it still runs fine now in a jar file. (Source Code:
21:50:17 http://github.com/TechCavern/WaveTact).
All I have done is run "gradle idea", and then try to run the project as an application in idea.
Every time I encounter this exception in IntelliJ, I fix it trivially and forget the fix easily.
package whatever;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestClass
void test() {}
Add new TestClass.
Right-click TestClass.
Select "Run 'TestClass'" to run test cases.
The "Messages Build" pane shows:
Information:javac 9-ea was used to compile java sources
Information:Module "dummy" was fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies changes
Information:8/16/17 11:35 PM - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 1s 663ms
Error:java: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
What can possibly go wrong?
What are the likely issues in this simple scenario?
IntelliJ: COMMUNITY 2017.1 (idea-IC-171.4424.56)
To fix the issue, I do:
File -> Project Structure... -> Project Settings / Project -> Project SDK.
Change from "9-ea" to "1.8".
Apparently, the issue is discrepancies in selected JDK-s to build (java 9) and run (java 8).
I'm not sure how "9-ea" gets re-selected there for the same project - neither IntelliJ itself runs in "9-ea" JRE (according to Help -> About) nor JAVA_HOME env var is set to it nor other possible settings (like Maven -> Runner) suggest any "9-ea".
I also didn't manage to run the test under the same JDK (java 9) which it gets compiled under. However, it's unclear what JDK tests are run under because IntelliJ reports only about JDK for compilation.
If you use Lombok: For me it was a solution to set the newest version for my maven lombok dependency in the pom.xml.
I was facing same error when i tried to run my application in IntelliJ-2019.2 version. Below are the steps i followed to resolve this issue.
IntelliJ : IDEA-IntelliJ-2019.2
Java : jdk1.8_221
Go to below path in IntelliJ
File -> Project Structure -> Project -> Project SDK -> (select java version which you want to use )
(In my case under 'project SDK' java-11 was selected, I changed it to 'java8')
Click on 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
I feel I ran into this issue because IntelliJ was trying to compile my java classes using in-built java-11 whereas my java classes are built on java-8. So when i explicitly configured java-8 in IntelliJ, It worked!! Hope this helps.
I started seeing this exception once I installed Java 11 in my machine. JAVA_HOME was by default pointing to Java 11 and my project was still in Java 8. Changing JAVA_HOME to Java 8 jdk fixed the issue for me.
If you have multiple projects each running on a different JDK, use this command to temporarily change the Java version per command.
JAVA_HOME=/path/to/JVM/jdk/Home mvn clean install
If you have recently updated your IDE then you can try these steps.
Delete .idea directory for the idea project/workspace
Then go to File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Once Idea is restarted re-add/import your module(s)
I faced a similar issue with JARs and Jena (while run from IntelliJ it works).
I was using Apache Jena v4.0.0 in my project and have built a JAR (with a main class for the JAR to act as a console app).
The JAR builts successfully with IntelliJ but when run throws java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError ... Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException. NPE suggests that something was not initialized properly.
The jar built with previous version Jena 3.17.0 works perfectly.
What I did to fix it
I've opened both the JARs, compared their META-INF folders and encountered the difference in
The new version (jena v4.0.0) contains only one line:
The old version (jena v3.17.0) contains two different lines:
I've added the old two lines to the file and repacked new JAR with it:
It resolved my issue.
Update: recent Jena v4.4.0 builts with the same "bug".
I'm not an expert and there is probably a better way than patching a JAR by hand.
But I still hope that this solution will help someone like me.
I have been trying to get play set up in IntelliJ for hours but I can't get it to work correctly.
I continuously get this error: http://imgur.com/MYY8fXI
I have tried create a project though the terminal with:
play new
and then using the terminal to create the idea files with
idea with-sources=yes
I have also installed the play 2 plugin and used it to create the project, but I get the same error.
I am able to use the plugin I downloaded to successfully run the app and view it in my browser, but I keep getting the
Cannot resolve method 'ok(?)' error.
edit: I am using OSX, and have the ultimate version of Intellij.
edit 2: I have made a little progress. If I import the view directly using import views.html.index; it gets rid of the errors on the application. However, if I use import views.html.*; it results in the errors. Any ideas?
At the time of this writing, it seems that play2 support in IntelliJ 13 Ultimate has some minor problems...
How I did solve the issues:
1) Navigate to your project director and start your play console (play.bat / play.sh should be on the PATH)
2) enter command 'compile' in your play console
3) enter command 'idea" in your play console
4a) in case your IntelliJ project was alread open, IntelliJ will detect the changes and suggest to reload the project. Confirm you want to reload
4b) in case IntelliJ was not running, open the project by File | Open... and select your project Directory.
These steps should resolve your issue.
Does it help to make sure that play has compiled the templates to class files, 'run' + open in browser or 'compile'?