Flyway.migrate not working in idea - intellij-idea

Alright, so I'm using Idea right, and I'm getting this exception: Exception in thread "main" org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to scan for SQL migrations in location: classpath:db/migration while attempting to run my project in it.
It's not a code error, as far as I can tell as this project worked fine before and hasn't been touched until now. Heck, it still runs fine now in a jar file. (Source Code:
All I have done is run "gradle idea", and then try to run the project as an application in idea.


Configuring UnetStack in Intellij IDEA

I'm trying to use IntelliJ IDEA for my UnetStack Project.
I'm following this blog
I get this error when done following this:
Error: Could not find or load main class
I had the same issue.
This happened to you because you ran your simulation as a groovy script and not as the configured application. Run it as application and groovyStarter will not even be used.

Intelij IDEA scala test - compilation error, but ok in sbt

I'm getting following compilation error in Intelij Idea when running scalatests in my play framework application:
Error:(41, 54) Cannot find an instance of play.api.libs.json.JsObject
to WSBody. Define a BodyWritable[play.api.libs.json.JsObject] or
val response = await(wsClient.url(testUrl).post(data))
Though when running sbt test it compiles and runs fine.
I've tried to clear Intelij cache and restart, didn't help.
What can be an issue?
I could resolve this issue by deleting .idea folder and re-importing the project.

Adobe Air Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature

Error #3207: Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature.: SecurityError: Error #3207: Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature.
at flash.system::Security$/allowDomain()
Hi all,
I have an air project that I am trying to run via a terminal using run-air command. If I run it in flash builder it seems to run with no errors, but after using a makefile to build the project and then run the code via run-air in the terminal I get the above error. Before I Was getting the same error and put a try catch around the code, however, I can't do that in this part of the code and don't want to put a try catch everywhere I get this error. I would rather just fix it. It seems to get called whenever my code is trying to access a class via a swc or import.
Anyone have suggestions?
I have tried:
which through the same error, so I put a try catch around it and now it moves on and I Get the above error when I Try to load a swc.
Also we are adding the src folder to the class that is throwing the error above via the compiler properties (we are doing unit tests) and using a makefile to build the project. If we didn't put it in compiler properties the class never seems to get picked up.

Could not copy the file "resources.dll" because it was not found

I'm getting this error after clicked for the first time in TEST-> Debug -> All Tests
I've been looking and seen something to add Pre build events but it didn't worked out, the error code:
Error 1 Could not copy the file "obj\Debug\qps-ploc\Bigbuilder.resources.dll" because it was not found. Bigbuilder
The program doesn't debug at the first try but when it asks "there was build errors. Would you like to run the last successfull build?" if i click no and retry to execute it will say nothing but the error will mantain in the error list
Uninstall the Multilingual App Toolkit from Programs and Features, download the latest version, and re-install. This fixes the build issues.
Encountered the same problem with building a console application using the Multilingual App Toolkit in a Portable Class Library, and now it is working.

Team Build sends error when trying to compile a Structuremap method

I'm getting a strange error when trying to compile a solution that is using StructureMap on Team Build.
When I try to compile the solution locally on Visual Studio it works fine, but when trying to queue a new build in Team Build I get the following error:
Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Use' can be called with these arguments:
The line of code that gets this error is the second one:
ForSingletonOf(Of ISessionFactory)().Use(NHibernateSessionFactory.SessionFactory)
Me.For(Of ISession)().lifecycleIs(New HybridLifecycle()).Use(Function(x) x.GetInstance(Of ISessionFactory)().OpenSession())
It's a standard registration for the NHibernate session, so I don't really get why this error pops up.
Thanks in advance for the clues.
Make sure you have the correct version of NHibernate on the build server, and that your hint paths are all appropriately set in your project file. We haven't had this specific issue (as we're not using NHibernate), but we've had weird issues like that being related to version mismatches of "infrastructure" DLLs between local and build.