How to modify shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea's switcher? - intellij-idea

IntelliJ has a switcher utility (default key combination: ctrl+tab) that displays, among others, a list of windows:
Some windows have a number/letter shortcut assigned and others don't. How can I assign a number/letter shortcuts to Maven Projects and Terminal? I've tried to search for switcher in Preferences, but I couldn't find any helpful settings as of version 2017.3.2.


Is there a way to enable/disable Intellij IdeaVim plugin using keyboard shortcut?

I am using IdeaVim in Intellij as I can't really get over modular editing. But there are times when I just want it completely disabled (like when a coworker shows me something on my computer).
I know it can be disabled through the plugin manager by unchecking the enabled box, but this does not really cut it for me in many cases as it is too slow and disruptive for quick.
What would be nice to have is to make some keyboard shortcut to disable and enable the plugin so that I can easily switch between the modes. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to restart Intellij for the changes to apply?
(Keeping vim in insert mode would not work in my case as it jumps to command mode at times for no reason)
Vim emulation can be disabled via Tools | Vim Emulator. There is already assigned shortcut, but it conflicts with some of IDE shortcuts and will be removed in the next release. You can assign your own shortcut using regular IDE mapping.

Configuring Intellij to behave as Eclipse

As i recently switched to Intellij from eclipse, i was looking for a way a way i can make Intellij shortcuts to behave same as Eclipse.
I found that there are individual shortcuts available to be edited, But that is too much time taking.
Any help on locating the easy way out?
If you go to File -> Settings -> Keymap you can choose Eclipse from the dropdown list.
More information regarding keyboard shortcut configuration you could find here.
Personally I would advise to learn the default shortcuts from Intellij IDEA.
There is Eclipse predefined keymap in "Keymap" list at Settings | Keymap.
Also check this article:

How to reset to Inellij keybindings?

I recently changed my Keymappings. I went to top menu Intellij IDEA > Preferences > Keymap > Keymaps and selected "visual studio".
I want to revert back to the keybindings I had, which I configured during installation of intellij. I think they called it "IDEA keybindings". I do not see this as an option. I tried every Keymap in the dropdown and none of them match the installation keymap.
How do I get back to the IDEA keybindings?
Depending on the OS, the default keymap is called Default for Windows and Linux and Mac OS X 10.5+ for Mac.
It corresponds to the official PDF keymap reference.

IntelliJ keymap for remote desktop usage

I notice that I cannot type Ctrl-Alt-B (Go To Implementation) in IntelliJ when I am using it via Remote Desktop. Is there a way that I can get keymap for IntelliJ that works through remote desktop?
That can be specific to your desktops and settings, there is no specific keymap for this environment as most keys will work fine.
The solution would be to use Settings | Keymap and change the shortcut for the Go To Implementation action to the one that works.

How to assign a keyboard shortcut to a run configuration in IntelliJ?

It seems you can assign a keyboard shortcut to almost everything else, but I can't see an option to do this for run/debug configurations?
The "run configurations" are listed in the drop-down on the IntelliJ toolbar. I'd like to setup a run configuration that can perform two maven tasks sequentially (jetty:stop and then jetty:run if you are interested), and assign a keyboard shortcut to this action.
Any ideas?
Finally! JetBrains has implemented this feature in IntelliJ IDEA v9.
in Idea 8 anyway, you can specify a shortcut to any file menu item- even Maven goals. Try settings- Keymap and look for the Maven goals. You will still probably need two keys. One for each action.