IntelliJ keymap for remote desktop usage - intellij-idea

I notice that I cannot type Ctrl-Alt-B (Go To Implementation) in IntelliJ when I am using it via Remote Desktop. Is there a way that I can get keymap for IntelliJ that works through remote desktop?

That can be specific to your desktops and settings, there is no specific keymap for this environment as most keys will work fine.
The solution would be to use Settings | Keymap and change the shortcut for the Go To Implementation action to the one that works.


Is there a way to enable/disable Intellij IdeaVim plugin using keyboard shortcut?

I am using IdeaVim in Intellij as I can't really get over modular editing. But there are times when I just want it completely disabled (like when a coworker shows me something on my computer).
I know it can be disabled through the plugin manager by unchecking the enabled box, but this does not really cut it for me in many cases as it is too slow and disruptive for quick.
What would be nice to have is to make some keyboard shortcut to disable and enable the plugin so that I can easily switch between the modes. Is there a way to do this so that I don't have to restart Intellij for the changes to apply?
(Keeping vim in insert mode would not work in my case as it jumps to command mode at times for no reason)
Vim emulation can be disabled via Tools | Vim Emulator. There is already assigned shortcut, but it conflicts with some of IDE shortcuts and will be removed in the next release. You can assign your own shortcut using regular IDE mapping.

Access Terminal in IntelliJ Enterprise edition 2017

I'm on a windows 10 64 bit box. I need to open the terminal inside intellij 2017.1. According to google the key command for this is alt-F12 but that combination of keystrokes does nothing apparent for me.
Is there an alternative way to open the console inside intellij that I might be overlooking?
It has clearly explained in the documentation provided by the JetBrains.
To find the terminal related details please use the following link.
IntelliJ IDEA Terminal
If you want to configure the key bindings please refer the following
IntelliJ IDEA Keyboard Shortcuts
That shortcut is correct, to run embedded local terminal press Alt + F12. But you should make sure that the Terminal plugin is enabled. The plugin is bundled with IntelliJ IDEA and is activated by default, if it is not the case, you can enable it, go to Settings > Preferences > Plugins

Is there a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA to synchronize all Gradle projects?

Since I need to refresh Gradle quite often I wish to use a shortcut for this. Under
Settings > Keymaps
I just find the Gradle Tool Windows.
I use IntellJ IDEA 13.1.
There's an action in the IDE to "Refresh all external projects" which should kick off a refresh for the Gradle project.
You can allocate this action with your own keybinding. Open Settings -> Keymap and type "refresh" in the search field. Now you should see some refresh actions and the "ExternalSystem.RefreshAllProjects" as well.
In the keymap setting, there's Sync Project with Gradle Files. Assign your own keymap for it.
Bringing you smoothly programming by directly using the hotkey to sync.

Enable Perforce in all IntelliJ windows

For some reason, Perforce is working on one project window but not the other. Does anybody know what I have do to make intellij recognize that the current project uses perforce. I have checked the Settings -> Version Control -> Perforce settings. Settings are good, I was able to connect.
I am lost, any help is appreciated.
VCS -> Enable VCS Integration
Note that the this option is not visible if VCS Integration is already enabled.

Where is "File Explorer" in IntelliJ?

If I wanted to browse files, export databases, etc. on Android Emulator in Eclipse, I used File Explorer.
I cannot find this tool in IntelliJ and it seems that Android does not have its own GUI tool.
Does IntelliJ have this tool or I'd have to use adb console tool?
Although, IntelliJ does not have the File Explorer (like Eclipse has), we can use Android SDK native tool DDMS. You can find it in /tools/ folder. Start it, let it connect to Emulator's process and then open its File Explorer (Device/File Explorer). It has the same functionalities like Eclipse's plug-in.
There is a FileExplorer in IntelliJ.
You cand find it via the IntelliJ toolbar: Tools -> Android -> Monitor
There is no such tool in IDEA.
There is a file browser in Intellij, and it can be used to browse both local and remote file systems. It is called Browse Remote Host, which is a bit confusing, but it can be used to browse the local file system as follows:
Add a "server", denoting the local file system you want to browse:
Tools → Deployment → Configuration... → Add (green + sign)
Name: <name that will appear in popup menu in the browser window>
Type: Local or mounted folder
→ OK
Folder: <select the top directory of the file system you want to browse>
→ OK
Now, open the browser window as follows:
Tools → Deployment → Browse Remote Host
The browser window will appear at the right side of the IDE.
To tie a few of these answers together, there is a standalone tool at:
You can launch it from IntelliJ using
Tools -> Android -> Monitor
Or Eclipse using
Window -> Open Perspective -> DDMS
Either way, you get the exact same tool.
Go to Tools->Android->Monitor in your Intellij IDE.
askmo, maybe Intelliji IDEA commander tool will be helpful to you,
Try it in Window -> Tools Windows -> Commander
I'm not sure if its just improved over time over what others have discussed here, but I really like using DDMS with IntelliJ. I access it by: Tools->Android->DDMS.
I access the file explorer by clicking on my device in the top left hand window, then selecting Device->File Explorer.