With syslog-ng how do you embed regex's in templates - syslog-ng

I am converting a rsyslog template to syslog-ng and I cannot find in the syslog-ng docs how to embed regex's in a template. The incoming message body looks like this:
123 someone#somewhere.com US
The original rsyslog template is:
$template graylog_json,"{\"version\":\"1.1\", \"host\":\"%HOSTNAME:::json%\", \"short_message\":\"Mail Authentication Log\", \"_LogDateTime\":\"%timereported:::date-rfc3339,json%\", \"_Cluster\":\"c25\", \"_ResponseCode\":\"%msg:R,ERE,1,BLANK:^[^ ]*? ([0-9]{3}) --end:json%\", \"_SourceIP\":\"%msg:R,ERE,2,BLANK:^ ([0-9]{3}) ([0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3})--end:json%\", \"_DestinationIP\":\"%msg:R,ERE,1,BLANK: ([0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}):[0-9]{2,4}--end:json%\", \"_DestinationPort\":\"%msg:R,ERE,1,BLANK: [0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}:([0-9]{2,4})--end:json%\", \"_UserAccount\":\"%msg:R,ERE,1,BLANK::[0-9]{2,4} ([^ ]{1,})--end:json%\", \"_Country\":\"%msg:R,ERE,2,BLANK::[0-9]{2,4} ([^ ]{1,})( [A-Z?]{2})?--end:json%\"}\n"
The regex bits in the template parse out the relevant fields in the original message. I can't just dump messages to graylog because we use custom fields. I believe I want to use a template in syslog-ng, but I can't find examples, or even docs, showing how to embed regex's inside a template.

looking at the body of your message, you have the following options:
Parse the message with a csv-parser, using the whitespace as separator character. Note that the csv-parser will not split the IP:port, but you can run another csv-parser on the address (this time with : as separator) to do that. You can find examples for that in the syslog-ng documentation
Alternatively, you can write a custom syslog-ng parser in Python to process this message, and use the standard python string functions to separate the message into words and split the IP:port pair.
Using the csv-parser is probably easier and has better performance.
Also, syslog-ng version 3.13 includes a graylog destination (that's not included in the docs yet, but you can find an example in this blog post Graylog as destination in syslog-ng)


How to process multiline data filebeat and skip the first line?

I am new with ELK , I can send all the data from a file but how can I skip the first line ?
is it also possible to sent every 4 set of lines together multiline ?
You can definitely do this, its just the matter of configuring filebeat for multiline messages. For some nice examples, refer: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/multiline-examples.html
and https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-codecs-multiline.html
If you already have some skeleton pattern, you can use the Playground to tweak and test your use cases: https://go.dev/play/p/uAd5XHxscu

Paramiko, channel.recv(9999) causing confusion [duplicate]

I am using Python's Paramiko library to SSH a remote machine and fetch some output from command-line. I see a lot of junk printing along with the actual output. How to get rid of this?
output = chan1.recv(1024).decode("utf-8")
[u'Last login: Wed Oct 21 18:08:53 2015 from\r', u'\x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H[local]cli#BENU>enable', u'[local]cli#BENU#Configure',
I want to eliminate, [2J\x1b[1;1H and u from the output. They are junk.
It's not a junk. These are ANSI escape codes that are normally interpreted by a terminal client to pretty print the output.
If the server is correctly configured, you get these only, when you use an interactive terminal, in other words, if you requested a pseudo terminal for the session (what you should not, if you are automating the session).
The Paramiko automatically requests the pseudo terminal, if you used the SSHClient.invoke_shell, as that is supposed to be used for implementing an interactive terminal. See also How do I start a shell without terminal emulation in Python Paramiko?
If you automate an execution of remote commands, you better use the SSHClient.exec_command, which does not allocate the pseudo terminal by default (unless you override by the get_pty=True argument).
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls')
See also What is the difference between exec_command and send with invoke_shell() on Paramiko?
Or as a workaround, see How can I remove the ANSI escape sequences from a string in python.
Though that's rather a hack and might not be sufficient. You might have other problems with the interactive terminal, not only the escape sequences.
You particularly are probably not interested in the "Last login" message and command-prompt (cli#BENU>) either. You do not get these with the exec_command.
If you need to use the "shell" channel due to some specific requirements or limitations of the server, note that it is technically possible to use the "shell" channel without the pseudo terminal. But Paramiko SSHClient.invoke_shell does not allow that. Instead, you can create the "shell" channel manually. See Can I call Channel.invoke_shell() without calling Channel.get_pty() beforehand, when NOT using Channel.exec_command().
And finally the u is not a part of the actual string value (note that it's outside the quotes). It's an indication that the string value is in the Unicode encoding. You want that!
This is actually not junk. The u before the string indicates that this is a unicode string. The \x1b[2J\x1b[1;1H is an escape sequence. I don't know exactly what it is supposed to do, but it appears to clear the screen when I print it out.
To see what I mean, try this code:
for string in output:
print string

LDIF idempotent apply tool

Before I write one, are there any tools for idempotent applying LDIFs:
If change type is not specified, add or replace an entry (aka UPSERT) (removing any attributes not mentioned in the LDIF record).
If change type is specified process like normal ldapmodify.
I saw someone suggesting ldapmodify -c, but this is meh :) I want to catch all errors.
I'm writing a new tool. Something like this https://github.com/ip1981/ldapply

Jmeter dynamic URL property with variable not substituted

I have a simple Jmeter test where I have a property to set the URL. The PATH in the Jmeter test is set to the following.
This works well for all URLs that I have been working with, except for the ones where I need to pass a variable in the URL component.
For example, it works for http://server:port/getemployeelist when I run the test with -JGET_URL=/getemployeelist
Then I created a CSV config element to populate the variable EMP_ID.
Then if I run the test with -JGET_URL=/getemployee/${EMP_ID}, the EMP_ID variable is not getting substituted. Jmeter test gives me an error as follows:
java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index xx: https://://getemployee/${EMP_ID}
Appreciate any help/pointers.
It will not work this way, JMeter doesn't know anything about ${EMP_ID} at the time it is being started, you need to append this ${EMP_ID} to HTTP Request sampler "Path" in the runtime
Start JMeter as:
jmeter -JGET_URL=/getemployee/
Use CSV Data Set Config to read the EMP_ID from the CSV File
In the HTTP Request sampler use construction like /${__P(GET_URL,)}/${EMP_ID} to combine JMeter Property specified via -J command line argument and JMeter Variable originating from the CSV file.
If anything goes wrong first of all check jmeter.log file - it normally contains enough troubleshooting information. If there is nothing suspicious - use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to inspect requests and response details, variables and properties names and values, etc.
Had asked this question a while back. Thought of posting the solution which I eventually ended up implementing. In the solution, I created a template jmx with a substitution variable for the HttpSampler.path and then replace the path at runtime. Following are the key points from the scripting done.
This turned out to be a simpler solution that worked for all kinds of API call patterns.
Created a template jmx (jmeter_test_template) with the following line.
<stringProp name="HTTPSampler.path">#PATH#</stringProp>
This jmx has CSV config element to populate variable "EMP_ID". To create this file, just create a new test with any URL and then save it as a template and replace the URL with substitution variable #PATH#.
Created a wrapper script like run_any_api.sh with usage,
sh run_any_api.sh URL=http://server:port/myapp/employees/${EMP_ID}
In the wrapper script, this URL is replaced in place of the token.
sed "s/#PATH#/$URL" jmeter_test_template.jmx > jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx
jmeter -t jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx
Last but not the least, please remember to cleanup the temporary jmx,
rm jmeter_test_template.current_test.jmx

How to use # symbol in HTML in a CGI script

Sure a very simple question but I can't seem to find the terminology to find the answer in a search!
I'm using a file-uploader CGI script. Inside the CGI script is some code that generates some HTML. In the HTML I need to put an email address using the # symbol, however this breaks the script. What is the correct way to escape the # symbol in a CGI script?
The error when using the # symbol is:
"FileChucker: load_external_prefs(): Error processing your prefs file ('filechucker_prefs.cgi'): Global symbol "#email" requires explicit package name at (eval 16) line 1526."
Many thanks for any help
Hi All, many thanks for the replies - I guess it is perl.. (shows my ignorance of what's going on here perfectly!). The code below shows the problem the # in 'email#domain.com'.
'test$PREF{app_output_template} = qq`
<div id="fcintro">If you're using a mobile or tablet and have problems uploading, we recommend emailing your CV to: email#domain.com<br><span class"upload_limits">We can accept Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word and all popular image and text file types. (max total upload size: 7MB)</span></div>
Try # instead of #.
Reference: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_ascii.asp