What is the meaning of totalSlotMs for a BigQuery job? - google-bigquery

What is the meaning of the statistics.query.totalSlotMs value returned for a completed BigQuery job? Except for giving an indication of relative cost of one job vs the other, it's not clear how else one should interpret the number. For example, how does the slot-milliseconds number relate to the stack driver reported total slot usage for a given project (which needs to stay below 2000 for on demand BigQuery usage)?
The docs are a bit terse ('[Output-only] Slot-milliseconds for the job.')

The idea is to have a 'slots' metric in the same units at which slots of reservation are sold to customers.
For example, imagine that you have a 20-second query that is continuously consuming 4 slots. In that case, your query is using 80,000 totalSlotMs (4 * 20,000).
This way you can determine the average number of slots even if the peak number of slots differs as, in practice, the number of workers will fluctuate over the runtime of a query.


How do databases store live second data?

So what I mean by live second data is something like the stock market where every second the data is getting inputted to the exact area of the specific stock item.
How would the data look in the database? Does it have a timestamp of each second? If so, wouldn't that cause the database to quickly fill up? Are there specific Databases that manage this type of stuff?
Thank you!
Given the sheer amount of money that gets thrown around in fintech, I'd be surprised if trading platforms even use traditional RDMBS databases to store their trading data, but I digress...
How would the data look in the database?
(Again, assuming they're even using a relation-based model in the first place) then something like this in SQL:
CREATE TABLE SymbolPrices (
Symbol char(4) NOT NULL, -- 4 bytes, or even 3 bytes given a symbol char only needs 32 bits-per-char.
Utc datetime NOT NULL, -- 8 byte timestamp (nanosececond precision)
Price int NOT NULL -- Assuming integer cents (not 4 digits), that's 4 bytes
...which has a fixed row length of 16 bytes.
Does it have a timestamp of each second?
It can do, but not per second - you'd need far greater granularity than that: I wouldn't be surprised if they were using at least 100-nanosecond resolution, which is a common unit for computer system clock "ticks" (e.g. .NET's DateTime.Ticks is a 64-bit integer value of 100-nanosecond units). Java and JavaScript both use milliseconds, though this resolution might be too coarse.
Storage space requirements for changing numeric values can always be significantly optimized if you instead store the deltas instead of absolute values: I reckon it could come down to 8 bytes per record:
I reason that 3 bytes is sufficient to store trade timestamp deltas at ~1.5ms resolution assuming 100,000 trades per day per stock: that's 16.7m values to represent a 7 hour (25,200s) trading window,
Price deltas also likely be reduced to a 2 byte value (-$327.68 to +$327.67).
And assuming symbols never exceed 4 uppercase Latin characters (A-Z), then that can be represented in 3 bytes.
Giving an improved fixed row length of 8 bytes (3 + 3 + 2).
Though you would now need to store "keyframe" data every few thousand rows to prevent needing to re-play every trade from the very beginning to get the current price.
If data is physically partitioned by symbol (i.e.. using a separate file on disk for each symbol) then you don't need to include the symbol in the record at all, bringing the row length down to merely 5 bytes.
If so, wouldn't that cause the database to quickly fill up?
No, not really (at least assuming you're using HDDs made since the early 2000s); consider that:
Major stock-exchanges really don't have that many stocks, e.g. NASDAQ only has a few thousand stocks (5,015 apparently).
While high-profile stocks (APPL, AMD, MSFT, etc) typically have 30-day sales volumes on the order of 20-130m, that's only the most popular ~50 stocks, most stocks have 30-day volumes far below that.
Let's just assume all 5,000 stocks all have a 30-day volume of 3m.
That's ~100,000 trades per day, per stock on average.
That would require 100,000 * 16 bytes per day per stock.
That's 1,600,000 bytes per day per stock.
Or 1.5MiB per day per stock.
556MiB per year per stock.
For the entire exchange (of 5,000 stocks) that's 7.5GiB/day.
Or 2.7TB/year.
When using deltas instead of absolute values, then the storage space requirements are halved to ~278MiB/year per stock, or 1.39TB/year for the entire exchange.
In practice, historical information would be likely be archived and compressed (likely using a column-major approach to make them more amenable to good compression with general purpose compression schemes, and if data is grouped by symbol then that shaves off another 4 bytes).
Even without compression, partitioning by symbol and using deltas means needing around only 870GB/year for the entire exchange.
That's small enough to fit into a $40 HDD drive from Amazon.
Are there specific Databases that manage this type of stuff?
Undoubtedly, but I don't think they'd need to optimize for storage-space specifically - more likely write-performance and security.
They use different big data architectures like Kappa and Lambda where data is processed in both near real-time and batch pipelines, in this case live second data is "stored" in a messaging engine like Apache Kafka and then it's retrieved, processed and ingested to databases with streaming processing engines like Apache Spark Streaming
They often don't use RDMBS databases like MySQL, SQL Server and so forth to store the data and instead they use NoSQL data storage or formats like Apache Avro or Apache Parquet stored in buckets like AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage properly partitioned to improve performance.
A full example can be found here: Streaming Architecture with Apache Spark and Kafka

BigQuery Count Appears to be Processing Data

I noticed that running a SELECT count(*) FROM myTable on my larger BQ tables yields long running times, upwards of 30/40 seconds despite the validator claiming the query processes 0 bytes. This doesn't seem quite right when 500 GB queries run faster. Additionally, total row counts are listed under details -> Table Info. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to get total row counts instantly?
When you run a count BigQuery still needs to allocate resources (such as: slot units, shards etc). You might be reaching some limits which cause a delay. For example, the slots default per project is 2,000 units.
BigQuery execution plan provides very detail information about the process which can help you better understand the source of the delay.
One way to overcome this is to use an approximate method described in this link
This Slide by Google might also help you
For more details see this video about how to understand the execution plan

Check number of slots used by a query in BigQuery

Is there a way to check how many slots were used by a query over the period of its execution in BigQuery? I checked the execution plan but I could just see the Slot Time in ms but could not see any parameter or any graph to show the number of slots used over the period of execution. I even tried looking at Stackdriver Monitoring but I could not find anything like this. Please let me know if it can be calculated in some way or if I can see it somewhere I might've missed seeing.
A BigQuery job will report the total number of slot-milliseconds from the extended query stats in the job metadata, which is analogous to computational cost. Each stage of the query plan also indicates input stats for the stage, which can be used to indicate the number of units of work each stage dispatched.
More details about the representation can be found in the REST reference for jobs. See query.statistics.totalSlotMs and statistics.query.queryPlan[].parallelInputs for more information.
BigQuery now provides a key in the Jobs API JSON called "timeline". This structure provides "statistics.query.timeline[].completedUnits" which you can obtain either during job execution or after. If you choose to pull this information after a job has executed, "completedUnits" will be the cumulative sum of all the units of work (slots) utilised during the query execution.
The question might have two parts though: (1) Total number of slots utilised (units of work completed) or (2) Maximum parallel number of units used at a point in time by the query.
For (1), the answer is as above, given by "completedUnits".
For (2), you might need to consider the maximum value of queryPlan.parallelInputs across all query stages, which would indicate the maximum "number of parallelizable units of work for the stage" (https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/query-plan-explanation)
If, after this, you additionally want to know if the 2000 parallel slots that you are allocated across your entire on-demand query project is sufficient, you'd need to find the point in time across all queries taking place in your project where the slots being utilised is at a maximum. This is not a trivial task, but Stackdriver monitoring provides the clearest view for you on this.

BigQuery GUI - CPU Resource Limit

Is there a way to set the CPU Resource Limit on the BigQuery with Python and GUI?
I'm getting an error of:
Query exceeded resource limits. 2147706.163729571 CPU seconds were used, and this query must use less than 46300.0 CPU seconds.
Looking at the BigQuery's Python reference page: http://google-cloud-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/bigquery/reference.html
It looks like there's:
1. maximum_billing_tier
2. maximum_bytes_billed
That can be set, but there is no CPU second options.
You cannot set anymore maximum_billing_tier - it is obsolete and as soon as you are lower than tier 100 you are billed as if it were 1. if you exceed 100 - query just failes.
As of CPU - check concept of slots
Maximum concurrent slots per project for on-demand pricing — 2,000
The default number of slots for on-demand queries is shared among all queries in a single project. As a rule, if you're processing less than 100 GB of queries at once, you're unlikely to be using all 2,000 slots.
To check how many slots you're using, see Monitoring BigQuery Using Stackdriver. If you need more than 2,000 slots, contact your sales representative to discuss whether flat-rate pricing meets your needs.
See more at https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/quotas#query_jobs

SDK2 query for counting: which is more efficient?

I have an app that is displaying metrics about defects in a project.
I have the option of making one query that returns all the defects, and from that I can break out about four different metrics (How many defects escaped QA in 90 days, 180 days, and then the same metrics again but only counting sev1/sev2 defects).
I could make four queries and limit the results to one so that I just get a count for each. Or I could make one query that encompass them all (all defects that escaped QA in 180 days) and then count up the difference.
I'm figuring worst case, the number of defects that escaped QA in the last six months will generally be less than 100, certainly less 500 worst case.
Which would you do-- four queryies with one result each, or one single query that on average might return 50, perhaps worst case 500?
And I guess the key question is-- where are the inflections points? Perhaps I have more metrics tomorrow (who knows, 8?) and a different average defect counts. Is there a rule of thumb I could use to help choose which approach?
Well I would probably make the series of four queries and use the result count. If you are expecting 500 defects that will end up being three queries each with 200 defects anyways.
The solution where you do each individual query and use the total result count would be safe with even a very large amount of defects. Plus I usually find it to be a bad plan to think that I know the data sets that an App will be dealing with. Most of my Apps end up living much longer and being used on larger datasets than I intended.
The max page size is 200, so it sounds like you'd be requesting between 1 and 3 pages to get all the data vs. 4 queries with a page size of 1 and using the TotalResultCount...
You'd definitely have less aggregation code to write if you use the multi query approach (letting the server do the counting for you based on your supplied filters).
I'd guess the 4 independent queries might be faster but it would be interesting to hear back your experimental results...