How can I capture click event on custom directive on Vue.js? - vue.js

I am trying to learn Vue.js and came to an practice example where I need to implement a custom directive whice works lice 'v-on'.
This means that i need to capture the click event on my custom directive and call a method.
The template i was thinking of.
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click</h1>
The problem is i don't know how to capture the click event in the custom directive. Excuse the clumsy code below.
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
bind(el, binding, vnode) {
Can anyone help me understand how this works? I didn't manage to find any example of something similar.

After some more searching i came to this solution:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click me!</h1>
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
// Add Event Listener on mounted.
bind(el, binding) {
el.addEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value);
// Remove Event Listener on destroy.
unbind(el, binding) {
el.removeEventListener(binding.arg, binding.value);

The solution you found is, as far as I can tell, the very best solution for what you are looking for. However, for those who don't know much about Vue.JS I thought I'd give a quick explanation. I'd also suggest you check out the official Vue documentation for Custom Directives or my Medium article on the concepts.
This is the code that Vlad came to and I would support:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click me!</h1>
export default {
methods: {
alertMe() {
alert('The Alert!');
directives: {
'my-on': {
bind(el, binding) {
let type = binding.arg;
let myFunction = binding.value;
el.addEventListener(type, myFunction);
In short, Vue Directives are called on the lifecyle of the element they are attached to, based on the directive object definition. In the example the function defined is called "bind" so the directive will call that function when the element is bound into the DOM.
This function receives the element it's attached to "el" and the different content of the directive usage in the template "binding". In the binding usage in the template, the value after the colon ":" is the "arg" which in this example is the string literal "click". The value inside of the quotes '""' is the "value" which in this case is the object reference to the function "alertMe".
The vars that are defined by getting binding.arg and binding.value (with their respective content) can then be used to create an event listener contained inside of the element "el" that the directive is used on (el is modifiable). So, when the element is created and bound, this new event listener is created on the "click" event defined by "arg" and it will call the "alertMe" function defined by "value".
Because the modification is contained inside the element, you don't have to worry about cleaning up on unbind, because the listener will be destroyed when the element is destroyed.
And that is a basic description of what is happening in the suggested code. To see more about directives and how to use them, follow the suggested links. Hopefully that helps!

You need to register a listener for the event being emitted within your directive.
// emit a custom event
// binding.expression is alertMe
// listen for the event
export default {
this.$on('alertMe', event => {
This is not calling the method alertMe, rather passing alertMe through to the directive as the binding expression:
<h1 v-my-on:click="alertMe">Click</h1>

#Vlad has an excellent solution!
May I also add an important point: if you wanna pass parameters to your callback, it will confuse you by the way Vue handles your expression. In short, for custom directives, whatever in between quotation marks gets evaluated and the resulted value is passed in (hence, you can get it via binding.value (duh!), while for built-in directives, at least for v-on, the contents between quotation marks get evaluated later on, when event is fired.
Maybe this is best demonstrated with a comparison between custom directive and the built-in v-on directive. suppose you have a "my-on" directive written exactly as what #Vlad does, and you use it side by side with v-on:
<h1 v-on:click="myAlert('haha')"> Click me!</h1>
It works as expected, when button is clicked, alert window pops up.
<h1 v-my-on:click="myAlert('haha')">Click me!</h1>
As soon as button is displayed, the alert window pops up, and when you click on it, the event is fired but nothing visible happens. This is because "myAlert('haha')" is evaluated as soon as binding(?), hence the alert window, and its value gets passed to your directive(undefined or whatever), cuz its value is not a function, nothing seems to happen.
now, the workaround is to have whatever in between the quotation marks returns a function upon evaluation, eg v-my-on:click="() => {myAlert('haha')}"
Hope it helps.

As #Vlad said it worked for me:
Here's my directive:
Vue.directive('showMenu', {
bind: function (el, binding, vnode) {
el.addEventListener('click', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
Thanks dude!

Seems like addEventListener works only for native events
To catch events fired with Vue inside the directive use $on
newdirective: {
bind(el, key, vnode){
vnode.componentInstance.$on('event-fired-from-component', someFunction)
You can put this code either inside your component or mixin under directives section like this
directives: {...}
And then connect it to the component you want to receive this event from


Vue3 child component does not recreating, why?

I have made some sandbox code of my problem here:
<div v-if="started">
<HelloWorld :msg="msg" #exit="exit" #remake="remake" />
<button v-if="!started" #click="started = !started">start</button>
import HelloWorldVue from "./components/HelloWorld.vue";
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
HelloWorld: HelloWorldVue,
data() {
return {
started: false,
msg: "Hello Vue 3 in CodeSandbox!",
methods: {
exit() {
this.started = false;
remake() {
this.msg = this.msg + 1;
//this code should recreate our child but...
this.started = true;
// setTimeout(() => {
// this.started = true;
// });
So! We have 2 components parent and child. The idea is simple - we have a flag variable in our parent. We have a v-if statement for this - hide / show an element depend on the flag value "false" or "true". After we toggle the flag - the child component should be recreated. This is the idea. Simple.
In our parent we have a button which will set the flag variable to "true" and our child will be created and will appear on our page.
Ok. Now we have 2 buttons inside our child.
One button is "exit" which is emit an event so the flag variable of parent will set to "false" and the elemint will disappear from our page(It will be destroyed btw). Works as charm. Ok.
The second button "remake". It emit event so the flag variable will be just toggled (off then on). Simple. We set to "false", we set to "true". So the current child should dissapear, and then imediatly will be created new one.
But here we are facing the problem! Ok, current child is still here, there is no any recreation, it just updates current one... So in child I have checked our lifecycle hooks - created and unmounted via console.log function. And the second button dont trigger them. Start->Exit->Start != Start->Remake.
So can anyone please explain me why this is happening? I cant figure it out.
Interesting thing, if you can see there is some asynchronous code commented in my demo. If we set our flag to "true" inside the async function the child will be recreated and we will see the created hook message but it seems like crutch. We also can add a :key to our component and update it to force rerender, but it also seems like a crutch.
Any explanations on this topic how things work would be nice.
Vue re-uses elements and components whenever it can. It will also only rerender once per tick. The length of a 'tick' is not something you should worry yourself about too much, other than that it exists. In your case the this.exit() and this.started = true statements are executed within the same tick. The data stored in this.started is both true in the last tick and the current tick as it does not end the tick in between the statements, and so nothing happens to your component.
In general you should think in states in Vue rather than in lifecycles. Or in other words: What are the different situations this component must be able to handle and how do you switch between those states. Rather than determining what to do in which point in time. Using :key="keyName" is indeed generally a crutch, as is using import { nextTick } from 'vue'; and using that to get some cadence of states to happen, as is using a setTimeout to get some code to execute after the current tick. The nasty part of setTimeout is also that it can execute code on a component that is already destroyed. It can sometimes help with animations though.
In my experience when people try to use lifecycle hooks they would rather have something happen when one of the props change. For example when a prop id on the child component changes you want to load data from the api to populate some fields. To get this to work use an immediate watcher instead:
watch: {
id: {
handler(newId, oldId) {
immediate: true
Now it will call the watcher on component creation, and call it afterwards when you pass a different id. It will also help you gracefully handle cases where the component is created with a undefined or null value in one of the props you expect. Instead of throwing an error you just render nothing until the prop is valid.

Vuetify Centralize Rules [duplicate]

The following code has been written to handle an event after a button click
var MainTable = Vue.extend({
template: "<ul>" +
"<li v-for='(set,index) in settings'>" +
"{{index}}) " +
"{{set.title}}" +
"<button #click='changeSetting(index)'> Info </button>" +
"</li>" +
data: function() {
return data;
Vue.component("main-table", MainTable);
data.settingsSelected = {};
var app = new Vue({
el: "#settings",
data: data,
methods: {
changeSetting: function(index) {
data.settingsSelected = data.settings[index];
But the following error occurred:
[Vue warn]: Property or method "changeSetting" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option. (found in <MainTable>)
[Vue warn]: Property or method "changeSetting" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive data properties in the data option. (found in <MainTable>)
The error is occurring because the changeSetting method is being referenced in the MainTable component here:
"<button #click='changeSetting(index)'> Info </button>" +
However the changeSetting method is not defined in the MainTable component. It is being defined in the root component here:
var app = new Vue({
el: "#settings",
data: data,
methods: {
changeSetting: function(index) {
data.settingsSelected = data.settings[index];
What needs to be remembered is that properties and methods can only be referenced in the scope where they are defined.
Everything in the parent template is compiled in parent scope; everything in the child template is compiled in child scope.
You can read more about component compilation scope in Vue's documentation.
What can I do about it?
So far there has been a lot of talk about defining things in the correct scope so the fix is just to move the changeSetting definition into the MainTable component?
It seems that simple but here's what I recommend.
You'd probably want your MainTable component to be a dumb/presentational component. (Here is something to read if you don't know what it is but a tl;dr is that the component is just responsible for rendering something – no logic). The smart/container element is responsible for the logic – in the example given in your question the root component would be the smart/container component. With this architecture you can use Vue's parent-child communication methods for the components to interact. You pass down the data for MainTable via props and emit user actions from MainTable to its parent via events. It might look something like this:
Vue.component('main-table', {
template: "<ul>" +
"<li v-for='(set, index) in settings'>" +
"{{index}}) " +
"{{set.title}}" +
"<button #click='changeSetting(index)'> Info </button>" +
"</li>" +
props: ['settings'],
methods: {
changeSetting(value) {
this.$emit('change', value);
var app = new Vue({
el: '#settings',
template: '<main-table :settings="data.settings" #change="changeSetting"></main-table>',
data: data,
methods: {
changeSetting(value) {
// Handle changeSetting
The above should be enough to give you a good idea of what to do and kickstart resolving your issue.
Should anybody land with the same silly problem I had, make sure your component has the 'data' property spelled correctly. (eg. data, and not date)
export default {
name: "MyComponent",
data() {
return {
name: ""
In my case the reason was, I only forgot the closing
But that caused the same error message.
If you're experiencing this problem, check to make sure you don't have
methods: {
computed: {
declared twice
It's probably caused by spelling error
I got a typo at script closing tag
Remember to return the property
Another reason of seeing the Property "search" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance is when you forget to return the variable in the setup(){} function
So remember to add the return statement at the end:
export default {
const search = ref('')
//Whatever code
return {search}
Note: I'm using the Composition API
Adding my bit as well, should anybody struggle like me, notice that methods is a case-sensitive word:
export default {
name: "MyComponent",
Methods: {
name() {return '';}
'Methods' should be 'methods'
If you use two times vue instance. Then it will give you this error. For example in app.js and your own script tag in view file. Just use one time
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
I got this error when I tried assigning a component property to a state property during instantiation
export default {
props: ['value1'],
data() {
return {
value2: this.value1 // throws the error
this.value2 = this.value1 // safe
My issue was I was placing the methods inside my data object. just format it like this and it'll work nicely.
module.exports = {
data: () => {
return {
name: ""
methods: {
myFunc() {
// code
In my case, I wrote it as "method" instead of "methods". So stupid. Wasted around 1 hour.
Some common cases of this error
Make sure your component has the data property spelled correctly
Make sure your template is bot defined within another component’s template.
Make sure you defined the variable inside data object
Make sure your router name in string
Get some more sollution
It is most likely a spelling error of reserved vuejs variables. I got here because I misspelled computed: and vuejs would not recognize my computed property variables. So if you have an error like this, check your spelling first!
I had two methods: in the <script>, goes to show, that you can spend hours looking for something that was such a simple mistake.
if you have any props or imported variables (from external .js file) make sure to set them properly using created like this;
make sure to init those vars:
import { var1, var2} from './constants'
export default {
return {
var1: 0,
var2: 0,
var3: 0,
props: ['var3'],
this.var1 = var1;
this.var2 = var2;
this.var3 = var3;
In my case it was a property that gave me the error, the correct writing and still gave me the error in the console. I searched so much and nothing worked for me, until I gave him Ctrl + F5 and Voilá! error was removed. :'v
Look twice the warning : Property _____ was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.
So you have to define it ... in the data function for example which commonly instantiate variables in a Vuejs app. and, it was my case and that way the problem has been fixed.
That's all folk's !
In my case, I forgot to add the return keyword:
computed: {
Change to:
computed: {
return this.productVariants[this.selectedVariant].image;
return this.productVariants[this.selectedVariant].quantity;
In my case due to router name not in string:
:to="{name: route-name, params: {}}"
change to router name in string:
:to="{name: 'router-name', params: {}}"
In my case I was trying to pass a hard coded text value to another component with:
when it should be:
note the single quotes to indicate text instead of calling a local var inside the component.
If you're using the Vue3 <script setup> style, make sure you've actually specified setup in the opening script tag:
<script setup>
I had lapsed into old habits and only created a block with <script>, but it took a while to notice it.
Although some answers here maybe great, none helped my case (which is very similar to OP's error message).
This error needed fixing because even though my components rendered with their data (pulled from API), when deployed to firebase hosting, it did not render some of my components (the components that rely on data).
To fix it (and given you followed the suggestions in the accepted answer), in the Parent component (the ones pulling data and passing to child component), I did:
// pulled data in this life cycle hook, saving it to my store
created() {
.then(myProfile => {
const mp =;
this.$store.dispatch('dispatchMyProfile', mp)
this.propsToPass = mp;
.catch(error => {
console.log('There was an error:', error.response)
// called my store here
computed: {
menu() {
return this.$store.state['myProfile'].profile
// then in my template, I pass this "menu" method in child component
<LeftPanel :data="menu" />
This cleared that error away. I deployed it again to firebase hosting, and voila!
Hope this bit helps you.
It seems there are many scenarios that can trigger this error. Here's another one which I just resolved.
I had the variable actionRequiredCount declared in the data section, but I failed to capitalize the C in Count when passing the variable as a params to a component.
Here the variable is correct:
data: () => {
actionRequiredCount: ''
In my template it was incorrect (notd the no caps c in "count"):
<MyCustomModule :actionRequiredCount="actionRequiredcount"/>
Hope this helps someone.
Most people do have an error here because of:
a typo or something that they forgot to declare/use
the opposite, did it in several places
To avoid the typo issues, I recommend always using Vue VSCode Snippets so that you don't write anything by hand by rather use vbase, vdata, vmethod and get those parts generated for you.
Here are the ones for Vue3.
You can of course also create your own snippets by doing the following.
Also make sure that you're properly writing all the correct names as shown here, here is a list:
As for the second part, I usually recommend either searching the given keyword in your codebase. So like cmd + f + changeSetting in OP's case to see if it's missing a declaration somewhere in data, methods or alike.
Or even better, use an ESlint configuration so that you will be warned in case you have any kind of issues in your codebase.
Here is how to achieve such setup with a Nuxt project + ESlint + Prettier for the most efficient way to prevent bad practices while still getting a fast formatting!
One other common scenario is:
You have a component (child) extending another component (parent)
You have a property or a method xyz defined under methods or computed on the parent component.
Your are trying to use parent's xyz, but your child component defines its own methods or computed
Sample code with the problem
export default {
computed() {
abc() {},
xyz() {} // <= needs to be used in child component
export default {
extends: myParentComponent,
computed() {
childProprty1() {},
childProprty2() {}
The solution
In this case you will need to redefine your xyz computed property under computed
Solution 1:
Redefine xyz and copy the code from the parent component
export default {
extends: myParentComponent,
computed() {
xyz() {
// do something cool!
childProprty1() {},
childProprty2() {}
Solution 2
Redefine xyz property reusing parent component code (no code redundancy)
export default {
extends: myParentComponent,
computed() {
xyz() {
return this.$parent.$
childProprty1() {},
childProprty2() {}
For me it happened because I wrote method: instead of methods: (plural). It's a silly mistake but it can happen :)
In my case it was the methods: { } I had put the } before my method functions so for example I had it like this methods: { function , function }, function, function so some of the functions that were out of the curly braces were not included inside the methods function.

Why in my nuxt-link doesn't reload page with same url?

If I’m on a page with the URL 'http://localhost:8080/item' and I’m clicking on the same link on this page, then the page does not reload.
I need to make that if I click on the same link, the page will reload.
My link:
<nuxt-link :to="/item">
Any insight will be welcome. Thanks!
Use key, something like:
<router-view :key="$route.params.yourCustomParam"/>
Also you can use something like:
<router-link :to="{ params: { yourCustomParam: } }" replace>link</router-link>
Remember to is passed router.push() and it accept an object also. Doing that, it is more declarative and controllable. I'm using this to decide if the page of component should be rerendered since they will based on id params obtained from URL entry, and my child component can still using nesting .
I recently tried to solve a similar issue and to overcome this I used Vuex with :key (ref).
Firstly, in your store you need a state property such as:
export const state = () => ({
componentUpdates: {
item: 0,
//can add more as needed
In general, you could use only one property across the app if you prefer it that way. Just remember that later on, the key value needs to be unique - that is in the case if you used this property for two or more components within one page, for example. In this case, you could do something like this :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item+'uniqueString'"
then a getter:
export const getters = {
getComponentUpdates(state) {
return state.updateComponent;
finally a mutatation:
export const mutations = {
updateComponent(state, payload) {
return state.componentUpdates[payload.update]++
Now we can utilise the reactive :key wherever needed.
But first in your nuxt-link lets add an event to trigger the mutation, note the usage of #click.native to trigger the click event:
<nuxt-link #click.native="$store.commit('updateComponent', { update: 'item'})" :to="/item">
Now in the item page, for example. Let's imagine there is a component that needs to be updated. In this case we would add :key to it:
<my-item :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item" />
That is it. As you can see this solution utilises the benefits of nuxt-link but also allows us to selectively update only parts of our page that need updates (we could update the entire page this way as well if needed).
In case if you needed to trigger the logic from mounted or initial load in general, then you could use computed property and :key to your div container, right inside the <template> of your page.
Add :key to the div:
<div :key="$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item"></div>
Create computed property:
computed: {
updateItemPage() {
//run your initial instructions here as if you were doing it in mounted then return the getter
return this.$store.getters.getComponentUpdates.item
The final touch, which is not crucial but can be implemented in order to reset the state property:
export const mutations = {
updateComponent(state, payload) {
return state.componentUpdates[payload.update] >= 10
? state.componentUpdates[payload.update] = 0
: state.componentUpdates[payload.update]++

Programatically assign handler for native event in Vue JS?

I am trying to leverage a Vue mixin to add behavior when a native event happens. Using a mixin will allow me to share that across several components. Specifically, when a field component (or button, or checkbox, etc.) has focus, and the Escape key is pressed, the field loses focus.
A similar Stack Overflow question seemed to indicate I could listen for native events (see code comment about multiple events).
However, the Vue Documentation for programmatically adding an event listener using $on says that it will
Listen for a custom event on the current vm...
(Emphasis added)
Unsure if the custom event remark is absolute or based on the context, I have been experimenting. I have been trying to listen for the native keyup event (using the Vue alias keyup.esc) but have had no success. So I am wondering if it is indeed limited to custom events, and if so, why?
You can see my experiment in a code sandbox. The custom event works, the native does not.
The mixin looks like so:
// escape.mixin.js
export default {
created() {
// Custom event
this.$on("custom-event", function() {
console.log("Custom event handled by mixin");
// Native event
this.$on(["keyup.esc", "click"], function() {
alert("Native event handled!");
The main point of all this is to be able to add the behavior to a set of components by adding to how the event is handled, without overriding behavior that might also exist on the component. The secondary goal is to provide the behavior by simply adding the mixin, and not having to do component level wiring of events.
So a component script would look something like this:
// VText component
import escapeMixin from "./escape.mixin";
export default {
name: "VText",
mixins: [escapeMixin],
methods: {
onFocus() {
console.log("Has Focus");
Also, I was trying to avoid attaching the listener to the <input> element directly with vanilla JS because the Vue documentation suggested that letting Vue handle this was a good idea:
[When using v-on...] When a ViewModel is destroyed, all event listeners are automatically removed. You don’t need to worry about cleaning it up yourself.
skirtle's solution in the comment below did the trick. You can see it working in a code sandbox.
Or here's the relevant mixin:
export default {
mounted() {
this.$el.addEventListener("keyup", escapeBlur);
beforeDestroy() {
this.$el.removeEventListener("keyup", escapeBlur);
function escapeBlur(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) {;
console.log("Lost focus");

Why is "event" accessible in Vue v-on methods even without the argument?

According to the page on event handling in the docs for Vue, when you use v-on like v-on:click="handler" the handler function will automatically get the original DOM event as the first argument. This code snippet is directly adapted from those docs.
new Vue({
// Vue config shortened for brevity
methods: {
handler(event) {
// `this` inside methods points to the Vue instance
alert('Hello ' + + '!')
// `event` is the native DOM event
if (event) {
Why the heck can I still access event even if I omit it from the functions parameter list like this:
handler() {
console.log(event); // Still returns the native DOM object even though
// I don't explicitly define `event` anywhere
Shouldn't event be undefined if I don't add it as an argument to the function?
I believe that'll be the global window.event:
Nothing to do with Vue, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that you happened to call it event.
Maybe the docs explains the reason to use event in the handler function as first argument:
You should avoid using this property in new code, and should instead use the Event passed into the event handler function.