db2, roll up unknown number of rows from case statement result - sql

I am trying to write a query where I can concatenate some rows into a single column based on the result of the case statement in DB2 v9.5
The contractId can be a variable number of rows as well.
Given I have the following table structure
| ContractId | Reference | Code |
| 12 | P123456789 | A |
| 12 | A987654321 | B |
| 12 | 9995559971 | C |
| 12 | 3215654778 | D |
| 13 | abcdef | A |
| 15 | asdfa | B |
| 37 | 282jd | B |
| 89 | asdf82 | C |
I would like to get the output of the result like so
| ContractId | Reference with Code A | Other References |
| 12 | P123456789 | A987654321, 9995559971, 3215654778 |
| 13 | abcdef | asdfa, 282jd, asdf82 |
I've tried queries like
select t1.contract_id,
max(case when t1.code = A then t1.reference end) as "reference with code a",
max(case when t1.code in ('B','C','D') then t1.reference end) as 'other references
from table t1
group by t1.contractId
however, this is still giving me an output like
| ContractId | Reference with Code A | Other References |
| 12 | P123456789 | null |
| 12 | null | A987654321 |
| 12 | null | 9995559971 |
| 12 | null | 3215654778 |
I've also attempted using some of the XML Agg functions but can't seem to get it to format the way I want it too.


mySQL : Populate a column with the result of a query

I have a table ORDERS with a column named cache_total_price, spent by each client.
| id | client_id | date | reference | cache_total_price|
| 1 | 20 | 2019-01-01 | 004214 | 0 |
| 2 | 3 | 2019-01-03 | 007120 | 0 |
| 3 | 11 | 2019-01-04 | 002957 | 0 |
| 4 | 6 | 2019-01-07 | 003425 | 0 |
I have another table ORDERS_REFS where there is the price total spent for each orders id
| id | order_id | name | quantity | unit_price | total_price|
| 1 | 1 | Produit 19 | 3 | 49.57 | 148.71 |
| 2 | 1 | Produit 92 | 4 | 81.24 | 324.96 |
| 3 | 1 | Produit 68 | 2 | 17.48 | 34.96 |
| 4 | 2 | Produit 53 | 4 | 83.69 | 334.76 |
| 5 | 2 | Produit 78 | 6 | 5.99 | 35.94 |
I want to had to column cache_total_price the result of my query :
select sum(total_price) from orders_refs group by order_id;
result :
| sum(total_price) |
| 508.6299819946289 |
| 370.700008392334 |
| 132.3699951171875 |
| 2090.1800079345703 |
I've tried some queries with Insert into select or update set, but didn't worked :(
If you're wanting to update all the orders at once, in MySQL a subquery like this should do the trick. You could always add a WHERE clause to do one at a time.
SET cache_total_price = (
SELECT sum(total_price) from ORDERS_REF where order_id = ORDERS.id
update t
set t.cache_total_price=x.sum_total_price
from ORDERS as t
select order_id,sum(total_price)as sum_total_price
from orders_refs group by order_id
)x on t.id=x.order_id
In SQL Server you can try this one.

Oracle SQL Left join same table unknown amount of times

I have this table
| old | new |
| a | b |
| b | c |
| d | e |
| ... | ... |
| aa | bb |
| bb | ff |
| ... | ... |
| 11 | 33 |
| 33 | 523 |
| 523 | 4444 |
| 4444 | 21444 |
The result I want to achieve is
| old | newest |
| a | e |
| b | e |
| d | e |
| ... | |
| aa | ff |
| bb | ff |
| ... | |
| 11 | 21444 |
| 33 | 21444 |
| 523 | 21444 |
| 4444 | 21444 |
I can hard code the query to get the result that I want.
newer.new firstcol,
newer1.new secondcol,
newerX-1.new secondlastcol,
newerX.new lastcol
from Table older
Left join Table newer
on older.old = newer.new
Left join Table newer1
on newer.new = newer1.old
Left join Table newerX-1
on newerX-2.new = newerX-1.old
Left join Table newerX
on newerX-1.new = newerX.old;
and then just take the first value from the right that is not null.
Illustrated here:
| old | new | firstcol | secondcol | thirdcol | fourthcol | | lastcol |
| a | b | c | e | null | null | ... | null |
| b | c | e | null | null | null | ... | null |
| d | e | null | null | null | null | ... | null |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | null |
| aa | bb | ff | null | null | null | ... | null |
| bb | ff | null | null | null | null | ... | null |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | null |
| 11 | 33 | 523 | 4444 | 21444 | null | ... | null |
| 33 | 523 | 4444 | 21444 | null | null | ... | null |
| 523 | 4444 | 21444 | null | null | null | ... | null |
| 4444 | 21444 | null | null | null | null | ... | null |
The problem is that the length of "the replacement chain" is always changing (Can vary from 10 to 100).
There must be a better way to do this?
What you are looking for is a recursive query. Something like this:
with cte (old, new, lev) as
select old, new, 1 as lev from mytable
union all
select m.old, cte.new, cte.lev + 1
from mytable m
join cte on cte.old = m.new
select old, max(new) keep (dense_rank last order by lev) as new
from cte
group by old
order by old;
The recursive CTE creates all iterations (you can see this by replacing the query by select * from cte). And in the final query we get the last new per old with Oracle's KEEP LAST.
Rextester demo: http://rextester.com/CHTG34988
I'm trying to understand how you group your rows to determine different "newest" values. Are these the groupings you want based on the old field?
Group 1 - one letter (a, b, d)
Group 2 - two letters (aa, bb)
Group 3 - any number (11, 33, 523, 4444)
Is this correct? If so, you just need to group them by an expression and then use a window function MAX(). Something like this:
MAX() OVER(PARTITION BY MyGrouping) AS newest
WHEN NOT IS_NUMERIC("old") THEN 'string' || CHAR_LENGTH("old") -- If string, group by string length
ELSE 'number' -- Otherwise, group as a number
END AS MyGrouping
FROM MyTable
) src
I don't know if Oracle has equivalents of the IS_NUMERIC and CHAR_LENGTH functions, so you need to check on that. If not, replace that expression with something similar, like this:

Showing data from another table if it exists

I am having a hard time trying to get the correct data out of my DB.
I have a couple of tables:
events_template laser_events
| id | something | | id | extid | added |
================== ===========================
| 1 | something | | 1 | 7 | added |
| 2 | something | | 2 | 4 | added |
| 3 | something | | 3 | 2 | added |
| 4 | something | | 4 | 1 | added |
| 5 | something | | 5 | 9 | added |
| 6 | something | | 6 | 3 | added |
| 7 | something |
| 8 | something |
| 9 | something |
| 10 | something |
| 11 | something |
| 12 | something |
| 13 | something |
| 14 | something |
What I am trying to do is get some output that will show me the results of both tables together linked by id and extid, but still show the results from events_template even if there isn't a matching laser_events row.
I've tried something like
events_template.id = laser_events.ext_id;
But that doesn't show me the events_template rows if there isn't a matching laser_events row.
Any help would be appreciated!
You have to use LEFT JOIN:
SELECT e.id, l.ext_id
FROM events_template e
LEFT JOIN laser_events l ON e.id = l.ext_id;

Selecting all rows in a master table and summing columns in multiple detail tables

I have a master table (Project List) along with several sub tables that are joined on one common field (RecNum). I need to get totals for all of the sub tables, by column and am not sure how to do it. This is a sample of the table design. There are more columns in each table (I need to pull * from "Project List") but I'm showing a sampling of the column names and values to get an idea of what to do.
Project List
| RecNum | Project Description |
| 6 | Sample description |
| 7 | Another sample |
| RecNum | UserName | Day1Reg | Day1OT | Day2Reg | Day2OT | Day3Reg | Day3OT |
| 6 | JustMe | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 6 | NotMe | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | JustMe | | | | | | |
| 7 | NotMe | | | | | | |
| RecNum | UserName | Day1Reg | Day1OT | Day2Reg | Day2OT | Day3Reg | Day3OT |
| 6 | JustMe | 7 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 6 | NotMe | 7 | 8 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 7 | JustMe | | | | | | |
| 7 | NotMe | | | | | | |
So the first query should return the complete totals for both users, like this:
| RecNum | Project Description | sumReg | sumOT |
| 6 | Sample description | 40 | 52 |
| 7 | Another sample | 0 | 0 |
The second query should return the totals for just a specified user, (WHERE UserName = 'JustMe') like this:
| RecNum | Project Description | sumReg | sumOT |
| 6 | Sample description | 20 | 26 |
| 7 | Another sample | 0 | 0 |
Multiple parallel tables with the same structure is usually a sign of poor database design. The data should really be all in one table, with additional columns specifying the week.
You can, however, use union all to bring the data together. The following is an example of a query:
select pl.recNum, pl.ProjectDescription,
sum(Day1Reg + Day2Reg + Day3Reg) as reg,
sum(Day1OT + Day2OT + Day3OT) as ot
from ProjectList pl join
(select * from weekA union all
select * from weekB
) w
on pl.recNum = w.recNum
group by l.recNum, pl.ProjectDescription,;
In practice, you should use select * with union all. You should list the columns out explicitly. You can add appropraite where clauses or conditional aggregation to get the results you want in any particular case.

Joining two tables and calculating divide-SUM from the resulting table in SQL Server

I have one table that looks like this:
| id_instrument | id_data_label | Date | Value | Note |
| 1 | 57 | 1.10.2010 | 200 | NULL |
| 1 | 57 | 2.10.2010 | 190 | NULL |
| 1 | 57 | 3.10.2010 | 202 | NULL |
| | | | | |
And the other that looks like this:
| id_fundamental | id_instrument | id_data_label | quarter_code | value | AnnDate | Note |
| 1 | 1 | 20 | 20101 | 3 | 28.2.2010 | NULL |
| 2 | 1 | 20 | 20102 | 4 | 1.8.2010 | NULL |
| 3 | 1 | 20 | 20103 | 5 | 2.11.2010 | NULL |
| | | | | | | |
What I would like to do is to merge/join these two tables in one in a way that I get something like this:
| Date | Table1.Value | Table2.Value | AnnDate | quarter_code |
| 1.10.2010. | 200 | 3 | 1.8.2010 | 20102 |
| 2.10.2010. | 190 | 3 | 1.8.2010 | 20102 |
| 3.10.2010. | 202 | 3 | 1.8.2010 | 20102 |
| | | | | |
So the idea is to order them by Date from Table1 and since Table2 Values only change on the change of AnnDate we populate the Resulting table with same values from Table2.
After that I would like to go through the resulting table and create another (Final table) with the following.
On Date 1.10.2010. take last 4 AnnDates (so it would be 1.8.2010. and f.e. 20.3.2010. 30.1.2010. 15.11.2009) and Table2 values on those AnnDate. Make SUM of those 4 values and then divide the Table1 Value with that SUM.
So we would get something like:
| Date | FinalValue |
| 1.10.2010 | 200/(Table2.Value on 1.8.2010+Table2.Value on 20.3.2010 +...) |
| | |
Is there any way this can be done?
Hmm yes now I see that I really didn't do a good job explaining it.
What I wanted to say is
I try INNER JOIN like this:
SELECT TableOne.Date, TableOne.Value, TableTwo.Value, TableTwo.AnnDate, TableTwo.quarter_code
FROM TableOne
INNER JOIN TableTwo ON TableOne.id_intrument=TableTwo.id_instrument WHERE TableOne.id_data_label = somevalue AND TableTwo.id_data_label = somevalue AND date > xxx AND date < yyy
And this inner join returns 2620*40 rows which means for every AnnDate from table2 it returns all Date from table1.
What I want is to return 2620 values with Dates from Table1
Values from table1 on that date and Values from table2 that respond to that period of dates
| Date | Value |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |
| Value | AnnDate |
| x | 1 |
| y | 4 |
Resulting table:
| Date | ValueT1 | ValueT2 |
| 1 | a | x |
| 2 | b | x |
| 3 | c | x |
| 4 | d | y |
You need a JOIN statement for your first query. Try:
SELECT TableOne.Date, TableOne.Value, TableTwo.Value, TableTwo.AnnDate, TableTwo.quarter_code FROM TableOne
ON TableOne.id_intrument=TableTwo.id_instrument;