Okta Service with angular - angular5

I am using Okta signin widget, I got user info. But I am unable to getting the specific user groups data(user belonging to which group) with okta login with angular.

it sounds like you want to configure custom claims:
Let me know if that documentation is helpful?


External Login in react native with JWT authentication token asp.net core

As I am new to mobile development and I am using react native. I am trying to implement external login(Facebook/Google) login, I got libraries using which I am able to get the details of user profile such as firstName, lastName, email from both Facebook and Google. Here my question is, is it right and safe to get details of the user profile, and calling register api to register/login and get the JWT token to land the application to home screen? Or is there any way that we can just click on Facebook/Google button by passing just provider name we can get all details from web api itself.
I feel, fetching the user profile details from web api is safer than getting user profile using react native library/sdk and then calling register api to register/login the same.
If there any link or Github reference please share the same for better and in details understanding.
Thanks In Advance.
You seems to have it figured out yourself. Call Google or other third party to retrieve user details such as email and name. Then call your own backend to register that user to your platform.
The next time user login using social login do a similar call to your backend to check if user with the details exist in your database and send a corresponding response back.
Check this link Google Login React Native. This reference is a little old one but might give you a heads up.
Note: You will need to have corresponding permissions enabled in providers developer console. Some cases you will get an access token after login/signup using social media. You will then need to fetch user data from corresponding provider using their api or SDK.

Need to perform authentication without giving the credentials from Salesforce Login screen from Mule

Use case Scenario: Mule to Salesforce redirection of user to home page without username and password
User details will come from source and based on details i will validate and create the user in Salesforce using Mule.
after creating the user in Salesforce without logging in. i want to redirect the user to enter Salesforce community home page.
Here I am able to redirect to the Salesforce page but how can i enter to community page without logging in
Any suggestion or solutions also welcome but here i require for multiple users
If the page requires authentication to be accessed you have to provide that authentication, there is no way around it. You can use any authentication method supported by the HTTP Requester, including OAuth 2 Authorization Code and OAuth 2 Client Credentials. I don't have an example like you want but it is theoretically possible at least.

Okta re enter password after logging in for a particular action

I'm using okta to sign-in to my react based web application. There is an edit action within the app that requires the user to re-enter his password. I've checked the docs and couldn't find anything similar. The closest I got to was the 're-authenticate' user part. However, that's only based on time. I want to achieve similar functionality based on an event(say, button click). Can I do this using refresh tokens? (I'm not clear about the whole idea of refresh token). Is there a workaround or a specific okta API that allows me to do this?
I have contacted Okta support and they advised me to use the Okta MFA factors(OTP to email/phone, Google Auth etc.) and not to prompt the user to enter a password.
MFA Factors API: https://developer.okta.com/docs/reference/api/factors/

Multiple ember apps with one login app

I have multiple ember apps, but just one of them has the login page. I want to authenticate all of them with this unique page. How can I redirect other apps to an external login page using ember-simple-auth and redirect to the corresponding app after the authentication?
You need to write custom authenticator. In it's authenticate method I suggest to not redirect, but open a child window with login page. And that login page should be able to communicate with your ember app in some way (window.postMessage for example) in order to give your app auth token. Authenticator must wait until it receive answer (promise and timer will help with waiting). I used such method with google's oauth in node-webkit application (my authenticator opens google's oauth page where user prompted to give my app an access). I don't want to share a code because its too big, complex and have code specific to nw.js but I hope my answer will help. I used code of oauth2 authenticator to develop my own, it helped me a lot.

unable to login with the credentials of user who does not have an appid for facebook application in silverlight

Am trying to login to my facebook app. created with c#.net and silverlight. here, I am sending a request containing appid that I have requested from the facebook sdk to login to my application which is successful with my facebook credentials where as no other user is able to login in to my application with their facebook credentials.
Enums.ExtendedPermissions[] permissions = { Enums.ExtendedPermissions.publish_stream,
Enums.ExtendedPermissions.share_item, Enums.ExtendedPermissions.video_upload};
Session = new BrowserSession("MyAppId");
Session.LoginCompleted += browserSession_LoginCompleted;
Session.LogoutCompleted += browserSession_LogoutCompleted;
please let me know the way to resolve my issue. Thanks in advance.
Is your app public?
If your don't want it to be public yet, you have to add the other users.
In the developers.facebook.com page, you can add users as testers, admins etc. to your app. You can find this section by your app and then Roles. I think your the only one standing in the role section now.