Check conditions on startup -

I would like to test certain conditions on Startup of my ASP.Net Core 2.0 application. For example if my database server or other is running correctly. This is especially helpful for things that will only be instantiated after a request (like my repository).
Currently I have to do this request manually, but I would like to have my application fail early. At what moment and in what place is such a test recommended?

The Startup class is responsible for setting up your server, making it the perfect candidate for setting up one-time initialization stuff for your application.
You usually have two main methods in Startup: ConfigureServices and Configure. The former runs very early and is responsible for setting up the application services, dependencies and configuration. So you cannot use it to actually perform real work, especially since the dependency injection container is not ready yet.
However, the Configure method is different: While its main purpose is to set up the application middleware pipeline, the components that will later serve requests, you are able to fully use your dependencies here, making it possible to already do more extensive things here. So you could make your calls directly here.
It’s important to understand that Configure still runs rather early, way before your server is actually ready to serve requests. So if your initialization depends on the actual server being around already, you should probably further delay the execution.
The proper solution is likely to hook into the application lifecycle using IApplicationLifetime. This type basically offers you a way to register callbacks that are executed during the application lifecycle. In your case, you would be interested in the ApplicationStarted event which runs when the server just completed its setup phase and is now ready to serve requests. So basically the perfect idle moment to run some additional initialization.
In order to respond to a lifetime event, you need to register your handler inside the Configure method:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IApplicationLifetime applicationLifetime)
// other…
// register lifetime event
public void InitializeApplication()
// do stuff
One final note: Apparently, there is currently an open bug that prevents lifetime events from firing when hosting on IIS. In that case, executing your code directly in Configure is probably the best alternative.


NServiceBus configuration in netcore 3.1 Startup

I've gone through all the documentation and examples of setting up NServiceBuse in NetCore, however, all the examples have the configuration being done in the Program.cs (Host.CreateDefaultBuilder().UseNServiceBus()).
I would like to know if I can configure NServiceBus in the ConfigureServices method of Program.cs.
The reason is that in the HostBuilder I'm building up all of the IConfiguration options (e.g. reading from appsettings.json, EnvironmentVariables, AzureKeyVault, ConfigMaps, etc.) and the Logger implementation. By the time ConfigureServices is called, all of those have been resolved. I need to be able to get things like connection strings from the IConfiguration, and so I don't believe it will work to do it in the HostBuilder.
It looks like a lot of work might be being done under the covers to inject the IMessageSession and scan for IHandlMessages instances. That should be able to be done in the Service.
Edit: Forgot to add, because it is in the Program.cs and we are using Serilog, I do not have a LoggerFactory. The LoggerFactory is registered and injected by the Services, but I cannot get it at this point in startup.
Looks like this isn't an option. I was able to have a workaround to get it all working, which is just to put it in the Program() and just make sure it is called after all the other configuration is done. It doesn't seem ideal and seem to be an anti-pattern from where netcore 3 is going.
I'd like to add that this is a poor design choice. I should be able to register my stuff in startup and package scanning shouldn't be happening.
This is a neat project, but I think that for any non-trivial development it may be left lacking.
The reason is that I would like to have a web host with multiple endpoints and I cannot do that without running two full instances (
My workflow is
message comes in to do all the work
message #1 starts a saga with 100+ messages
each message publishes an update that it is done, so that the UI can check the status of the Saga
The messages from #3 are not handled until all 100+ messages are processed (FIFO).
What I'm wanting to do is have a second queue (we're using Azure service bus) to listen for the worker updates on and update the UI.
Although you already have a workaround I have build a similar setup as you described with with Serilog as logger and NServiceBus. You can access the configuration in Program.cs like so:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder() =>
.UseNServiceBus(c => NServiceBusSetup.Configure(c.Configuration, c.HostingEnvironment))
In the self made method NServiceBus.Configure you can setup your endpoint.

Testing fasthttp with httptest

I am wondering how I can test an application that's written with fasthttp using the httptest package in the base library of Go.
I found this guide which explains the testing pretty well, but the issue is that httptest does not satisfy the http.Handler interface so I have no idea how to do the http.HandlerFunc since fasthttp uses it's own fasthttp.ListenAndServe that's incompatible.
Any ideas on how to create a wrapper, or how to otherwise test a fasthttp written library end to end?
There are two possible approaches. Unit testing a handler isn't really viable as you would need to create a RequestCtx and stub/mock all necessary fields.
Instead, I would unit test the code that your fasthttp handlers call out
to. I would do e2e testing of the actual handlers themselves.
There is an in memory listener implementation that you could use to avoid actually listening on a TCP port or Unix socket. You would initialise the server but serve on this listener instead of on a network connection.
You would then create a HTTP client and call the relevant methods as normal but use this listener as the transport.
If you stub/fake anything that your handlers interact with then you could make this in-memory only with no external dependencies, i.e. like a unit test but it will actually doing a full system test.

MassTransit Consumer never invoked when using Windsor Integration

I can't seem to get the Castle Windsor Integration working for Mass Transit over RabbitMQ. Everything was working fine until I introduced Windsor into the picture. I referenced Castle.Windsor 3.2 and MassTransit.WindsorIntegration 2.9 and configured the container for use within my application. I'm registering the MassTransit Consumers via:
Container.Register(..., Types.FromThisAssembly().BasedOn<IConsumer>());
When I debug and inspect the container after this line is ran, I can see that it successfully registered all of the consumers along with all of my other components. I then have the following code to initialize and register the service bus:
var serviceBus = ServiceBusFactory.New(sbc =>
sbc.Subscribe(sc => sc.LoadFrom(Container));
I am using the LoadFrom(IWindsorContainer container) extension method provided by MassTransit.WindsorIntegration.
All of the examples I've found so far stop here and indicate that this is all you should have to do. Unfortunately for me my Consumers are never being called and messages are just piling up in the queue (eventually timing out and going to error queue). The fact that messages are showing up in the Consumer queue at all (+ I see a single consumer bound to the queue via the RabbitMQ Admin Tool) indicates to me that the consumers are probably being subscribed properly - so I'm not sure where the problem lies.
I added NLog logging for Windsor and MassTransit but no errors are showing up in the logs. I'm not sure how I should proceed troubleshooting at this point. Any ideas?
Also, this application is currently just a console application using Topshelf for development. Ultimately it will be installed as a Windows Service. Not sure if that is relevant or not but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
As a test I created a very simple Consumer with a parameter-less constructor for processing a very simple test message. This Consumer is successfully called! The "real" Consumers however have dependencies that need to be injected into them via the constructor. I was hoping the Container would resolve these but apparently it's having some sort of trouble. Weird that nothing is showing up in the logs about it. Stay tuned...
Okay I figured it out. Somewhere along the way when I was adding/removing NuGet packages I somehow managed to delete a reference to a DLL (ServiceStack.Text.dll) that one of my components needed (RedisClientsManager).
I started the debugger, let all my components get registered then popped open the Immediate Window and attempted to resolve each component one by one (by calling container.Resolve<RegisteredType>()) until I found the one that threw the exception when I attempted to resolve it.
The Exception message from Windsor at that point told me exactly what the problem was. I'm a little lost as to why this wasn't being logged or why the Exception was not raised when the container itself attempted to resolve it. Anyhow, moral of the story is make sure your components resolve.

How to test a rest api with Zend?

I don't know how to make unit test of my rest controller. Here is my code :
public function testpostAction(){
$this->request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json')
'chain_name' => 'mychaintest'
$this->assertAction('post'); ???
How I make a post?
Not sure if this is what you need but, if you want to make a POST call (http) to test your REST service, you can use Zend_Http_Client:
Anyway, if this is for unit testing it will be more complicated, since you'll need your application (the current build being testet) to be live and accesible in the server. That depends on how you have configured your build environment.
There should be a staging (virtual) machine where the build is (automatically) deployed before tests are run. That machine should be visible to the machine runing the tests.
Hope this helped. Cheers!
So, basically your question is how to emulate calling PUT and DELETE in your controller tests?
Since this apparently doesn't work:
You can access both these actions with plain HTTP POST by providing _method parameter.
So to call PUT:
To call DELETE:
More reading on how to deal with RESTful routing here -

WCF service operations not updated

I´m creating a new WCF service. I initially had only three operations. But after some time I decided to add two more. This operations doesn't appear in the Microsoft test client, neither in the list of operations when I try to add a service reference from my WPF client. Also I tried to comment one of the initial operations. It still apears in the Microsoft test client and can be invoked. I Tried also delete the dlls generated by the service and regenerate again. No luck. There are some kind of "cache" where Visual Studio stores the WCF services libraries that I can delete?
UPDATE: I'm working with the service running in the ASP.NET devolopment server.
You need to understand the order in which things happen.
You change your code, adding methods with [OperationContract] on them, or removing them, or changing their parameters or return values.
You then must build your service, producing a .DLL that contains the changes.
You must then deploy the changed DLL to the server it's going to run on
You must then restart the service (this may happen automatically depending on the server. For instance, IIS will recycle the service when it sees that the DLL changed)
You must then update your client, either the WCF Test Client, or "Add Service Reference", or the equivalent.
This last will have the effect of sending a request to the service for the new metadata or WSDL. Only then can the client see the changes you made to the definition of the service.
I don't know why, but I created a new project and copied the definitions of the operations from the problematic project and the problem is gone. One case more for Microsoft mysteries.
Make sure you are updating the services after adding the new operations.
Also make sure they have the attribute [OperationContract].
One thing we have discovered is that when you deploy the dlls that they must be in the bin, and cannot reside in the debug or release folder.
For me worked: just rebuild the wcf project
Did you close the client connection in client side
as showing your service
class Test
static void Main()
LocationClient client = new LocationClient();
// Use the 'client' variable to call operations on the service.
// Always close the client.
Make sure your dataContract does NOT contain any enum
(You can use integer instead)
Be sure to reference a project in the solution and not a dll on your disk
Remove your "bin" and "obj" folders
In IIS recycle the application pool
In IIS restart your service
In IIS "Browse" your service
=> You got it