WCF service operations not updated - wcf

I´m creating a new WCF service. I initially had only three operations. But after some time I decided to add two more. This operations doesn't appear in the Microsoft test client, neither in the list of operations when I try to add a service reference from my WPF client. Also I tried to comment one of the initial operations. It still apears in the Microsoft test client and can be invoked. I Tried also delete the dlls generated by the service and regenerate again. No luck. There are some kind of "cache" where Visual Studio stores the WCF services libraries that I can delete?
UPDATE: I'm working with the service running in the ASP.NET devolopment server.

You need to understand the order in which things happen.
You change your code, adding methods with [OperationContract] on them, or removing them, or changing their parameters or return values.
You then must build your service, producing a .DLL that contains the changes.
You must then deploy the changed DLL to the server it's going to run on
You must then restart the service (this may happen automatically depending on the server. For instance, IIS will recycle the service when it sees that the DLL changed)
You must then update your client, either the WCF Test Client, or "Add Service Reference", or the equivalent.
This last will have the effect of sending a request to the service for the new metadata or WSDL. Only then can the client see the changes you made to the definition of the service.

I don't know why, but I created a new project and copied the definitions of the operations from the problematic project and the problem is gone. One case more for Microsoft mysteries.

Make sure you are updating the services after adding the new operations.
Also make sure they have the attribute [OperationContract].

One thing we have discovered is that when you deploy the dlls that they must be in the bin, and cannot reside in the debug or release folder.

For me worked: just rebuild the wcf project

Did you close the client connection in client side
as showing your service
class Test
static void Main()
LocationClient client = new LocationClient();
// Use the 'client' variable to call operations on the service.
// Always close the client.

Make sure your dataContract does NOT contain any enum
(You can use integer instead)
Be sure to reference a project in the solution and not a dll on your disk
Remove your "bin" and "obj" folders
In IIS recycle the application pool
In IIS restart your service
In IIS "Browse" your service
=> You got it


Updating Service reference WCF in VS2010 SP1 (mvc3 project) TFS -- Causes other developer failing to compile

On my local machine, I consume a WCF service via the Service References. I can add to the other WCF project and check in to TFS , run the service, Go to my main project and Click on Update Service Reference, and my web.config is fine whether change is needed or not. Rebuild is fine.
However, on another developer's machine, they make a change to the WCF Service run it, and go to main project and Update Service Reference, and sometimes the web.config get trampled, it doesn't show the Url to the wcf service etc... Thus compiling project causes a issue where it cannot find the namespace for the service reference.
Then if I get latest and checkin and tell a developer to get latest, their web.config will update, but they still increasingly have a problem with the namespace for the service reference does not exist. It is running, the update to the service works. The Url in the browser shows the endpoints.... but vs 2010 sp1 has repository files that cannot find the service reference for some reason. "Are you missing an assembly reference?" Any ideas??
If in the svcutil dialog, the option to use shared assemblies is turned on, and if any signed assemblies are not an exact match, the checked in version will fail on the other machine.
You need to make sure the assemblies used have the same public key token.

WCF service deployed to Azure

I have create a WCF Service Web Role project.I can consume the service locally. But I am having issues trying to deploy the service on the azure cloud. After starting the webrole it justs kepps going in a loop where it init then stops. I have not made any changes to the default WebRoleclass that was added automatically. Can anybody point me to some samples or examples of WCF being deployed to azure
The behaviour you're seeing occurs when the instance errors in the OnStart or Run. The usual diagnostics error trapping hasn't had a chance to start yet so this is a difficult problem to debug. You might try adding error trapping inside this functions that writes the error details out to either a blob or a queue so that you can see what is actually happening.
Having said that, with code that works in the dev fabric, but continues to cycle when deployed to live, the first thing to check is that all of the references have the appropriate "Copy Local" property set. Anything that is part of the framework or Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime will need to have Copy Local to false, everything else should be set to true (third party assemblies an the like). If this is a web role and you're using MVC, you'll need to check that System.Web.Mvc has Copy Local set to true as well as this is not included as part of the standard framework deployed in Azure.
Have you looked at the Known Issues information on the WCF Azure code page? There's a patch that's needed, as well as a tweak to the service behavior. Hopefully this will help you.
I just found out the root of the problem. It was caused by one of my projects having the target platform set to x86. Seems like it does not support x86 build assemblies which can be a problem

WCF: Updating Service Reference gives duplicate config entries

I have a WPF application using service references to a WCF service. When doing updates on the service I need to update the service reference, so I right click it and hit "Update Service Reference".
Doing this results in duplicate entries in the App.config file of the client project.
It duplicates a binding under wsHttpBinding - adding an equal entry with postfix number in name: WSHttpBinding_ISomeService --> WSHttpBinding_ISomeService1.
And it duplicates the endpoint definition under binding such that there is one endpoint for each wsHttpBinding. This too is a pure duplicate except of the name.
Why does it duplicate the config? Isn't it just supposed to update the name? And how can I make it stop?
Which version of Visual Studio are you using? This is a known bug, which has been fixed in VS2010. Check out this link!
code-zoop says that this known bug is resolved in VS2010, but I'm getting it in VS2010 as well.
Happens when I manually modify the default value for the MaxReceivedMessageSize property (and others) of the basicHttpBinding in App.config (as per this post: WCF - How to Increase Message Size Quota)
Just thought I'd mention that this happens in VS2010 as well. For the moment, I'm taking Shiraz Bhaiji's advice and just deleting the duplicate, which seems to be working for the moment being.
This has also happend to us on a few occasions.
You need to remove the duplicate, otherwise it will crash at runtime. The client looks in the configuration file to find where it should send a request to Interface(WCF contract X), finds more than one, and crashes.
one workaround is to put the service agent (web reference) in its own DLL and reference it from the main project.
it won't touch your service agent config in your web.config when you do Update Referene and as a bonus you'll have a project with up to date serviceagent config if you ever need to compare the default configuration with what you actually have in web.config
also has the benefit that if you have one service agent referencing another it will share the types
MAIN DLL > ServiceAgent1 DLL > ServiceAgent2 DLL
If ServiceAgent1 and ServiceAgent2 have shared types you won't get two generated duplicate classes

Update service reference not working

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and have a WCF client working against a WCF service. They are both located in the same Visual Studio solution. After I've made a change in my WCF contract, I want to update the service reference on the client so that changes made to the contract is also made in the proxy.
My problem is that the proxy code is not re-generated.
When I select to update the service reference, the following happens:
A dialog with the title "Updating service reference 'name-of-reference'" is shown. This dialog has a progress bar.
The progressbar moves and the status text in the dialog is changed to "Updating configuration"
The progressbar moves a bit more, and the status text is chnaged to "Configuration update complete"
The dialog doesn't show the text "Generating \something\" (can't remember the exact wording) which I would expedct.
If I delete the service reference and add it again, the proxy is properly generated. I add the service using the exact same settings as before, so I don't think it's a issue I can solve by changing the service reference configuration on the client.
One thing I suspect may be the problem is that I've renamed the default wsHttpBindings in app.config. I've also renamed the default endpoints. The reason behind this is that I need more than one endpoint and having one named 'some-default-name' and one with my own name is just confusing.
The problem with deleting the service and adding it again is that Visual Studio adds a new binding in app.config (among other things) which should not be there.
Anyone seen this problem before? Anyone knows of a solution to it?
When we have had this problem it has usually been one of these errors:
The size of the contract has increased, and is now so large that the WCF configuration does not allow it to be transferred.
A new class has been added to a WCF Interface and that class is not marked as serializable.
There is a compile error that stops the code from building and it therefore uses the old dll
I've run into this problem with the following conditions:
Our workstations are connected to an Active Directory domain (nearly everything uses Windows Authentication)
The service reference I'm trying to update is hosted on localhost, and is running under IIS Express (so the Application Pool user is running as the developer's personal domain user account)
Another developer has added or updated the reference to the project more recently than me.
The only way I have figured out how to workaround this issue is to edit the configuration.svcinfo file for that service reference (you will need to show all files for the project to see it in visual studio), locate the following section:
userPrincipalName value="user#domain.com"
and change the user to my own domain user. After saving the file, I have no trouble updating the reference until another developer updates the service reference (likely using the same workaround). Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out a permanent solution to this issue.
My error was that I forgot to add the OperationContract attribute.
In my case the problem was that the previous developer had added the service reference using his machine name rather than localhost. So when I told Visual Studio to update, it connected to his machine, which did not have the changes. I modified the service reference files and replaced his machine name with localhost and it was able to update the reference.
I had this problem too. Deleted the service reference and recreated it again.
My problem was that I had two methods with the same name. Everything builded fine, but I couldn't update service reference. When I tried to start just the WCF service, the error pops up.
Two easy steps to solve that:
Run Service, then stop it.
Update service reference.
Highlight the service as the active project, F5 to run it in VisualStudio, it will start up in the service test app. Stop debugging. Then try to update your service reference - worked for me.
I know this solution is a bit late, but after trying the posted solutions with no success, this worked:
When you create a WebService, it generates a .dll file that you reference as your service reference. This .dll is (as most know) not recreated everytime you make changes to the .SVC file. You can see this if you go and view the date modified property of the web service .dll file, in my case it was three hours old!
My solution was to make appropriate changes to the service contact, save it, and re-build the project which will cause it to recreate all the .dll's reflecting the changes you made to the service contact file (.svc).
After this, update the service reference on the client app, and the changes are evident.
I had the same problem. Modified some of the data contracts. Tried to "Update Service Reference" and did not see the change. Dropped and re-added the service. Still didn't see the change when writing code in the client. Opened my client with Reflector and saw the service types had the change! So why was intellisense still showing old properties? Restarted Visual Studio and the modifications finally showed in intellisense.
I had the same problem, this by me it was caused by GIT Merge Conflict, i was missing the following code from my csproj file
<None Include="Service References\<SERVICE NAME>\Reference.svcmap">
<Generator>WCF Proxy Generator</Generator>
I have added this onder the line of Reference.svcmap
Another solution to these kinds of problems is if your namespaces get jumbled in referenced projects that both consume the service. So:
ProjectA - Consumes ServiceA
ProjectB - Consumes ServiceA, Has Reference to ProjectA
If you change ServiceA and update ProjectB, sometimes the namespaces can can change to look at ProjectA's version of the service.

Silverlight WCF service acting strange

I have a silverlight project that calls into a wcf service. Everything works fine on my local machine.
However when I deploy to a virtual machine, with the exact same query the wcf service returns, but the result is empty.
I've tried debugging, but have not been able to get it to break in the wcf service.
Any ideas what the problem could be, or how I could go about debugging it?
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightApiService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
I had this exact problem when deploying to amazon ec2 - The machine name for the service was being returned in the wsdl rather than the dns.
There were a couple solutions (one involved creating static wsdl - yuck!)
But the other was creating a sort of factory pattern for the service
This thread (you can read it all, but the answers are at the bottom.)
The slight downfall with this is that although it works - if you change the location of the server, you will need to remember to update your config - Which although isn't hard, it's easy to forget to do.
Can you give us a bit more information? What kind of binding are you using? What does the service config and the client config look like? Where do you get your data from that gets returned? Could it be the service on the VM just doesn't get any data? (e.g. queries a database that just doesn't have the data requested?)
I have had that happen before. I would try this. Set you start page as the web service file and run the app. Then set the start page back to your default page. Then update all the server references in your SL project. Recompile everything and republish. This has helped me a bunch of times in the past.
I figured it out.
Basically my machine name was hard coded in my ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file in my silverlight project.
What I had to do was specify programmatically what url to use for the service reference when instantiating my service client:
System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new Uri
(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebServices/SilverlightService.svc"));
ServiceClient serviceClient = new ServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IService", address);
I figured out what the problem is, but am not sure what the solution is.
In my silverlight project the wcf service I am referencing is http://localhost/.../SilverlightService.svc
I used fiddler on my vm to see the request that was made and instead of trying to contact the above service, it was trying to contact:
So, for some reason my machine name is getting inserted in there instead of localhost. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.