How to discard older build while Fabric distribution? - google-fabric

I have a problem with automated build distribution thru Fabric Beta with concurrent uploading.
For example I starting upload of first build and 5 seconds after it I starting upload second one. But because Internet is a magic-unstable-box the second build have uploads before the first build. And it's treated as first build is newer then second. But it's not true.
So I want to discard older (first) build when I uploading newer one.
Or I want some other workaround for my situation.

Mike from Fabric here. There is not an automated way within Fabric to stop the upload once it's started. You can manually remove versions via the app's settings page. From the documentation:
To remove, a specific version of your app, head to your app’s settings. Select the app whose name you want to change and click on the “Versions” button. After that, select the toggle on any build or version you want to disable. Disabling a version prevents new crash reports from flowing in, hides it from the version filter, and prevents beta testers from installing that version.


AHK-Studio stuck at downloading

Downloaded the from Github
AHK-Studio directory--
Stuck at this download screen --
using Win 7 64bit.
AHK version
You need to let the main AutoHotkey executable (or AHK-Studio.exe if it's compiled) through your firewall so that it can update and download its dependencies. It does this on every startup, but you can disable it by creating an empty file called NoUpdate.txt in AHK-Studio's directory (where AHK-Studio.ahk is located)—but you'll probably want to let it update at least once after a fresh install, or else the themes and languages won't be set correctly and you might not be able to see/read it.
Try this link:
This link works for me, the other one may be down atm
Since this only happens with Windows 7 fresh installs (or without security updates).
Here's how to fix:
Install 2019 security updates
Some other updates provided by ProtonVPN (while installing it will automatically install required updates)
These 5 updates in order.
After installing these three, AHK-Studio can now access internet connection and complete downloading process.
Mission accomplished!

What are ways to update a windows form application?

I need suggestions on how to update my application. The form application is going to be put on a drive for many users to be using non stop all day. What are ways to update the program or allow updates to the program while it being use? If I update the program and recreate a new build for it, trying to copy paste over the old application will not let me if someone else has it open. Open to any suggestions.
Option 1: Deploy the app with ClickOnce and set it to check for updates every time it runs.
In your project settings, click on the Publish tab.
From here you can configure where the app publishes to and if it should be installed or available online only.
Once you have it all configured you will use the Publish Now button to compile and upload your update to the publish location. Each time your users open the app it will check for updates at your set location. To have your app check for updates programmatically use code like the one found at this MSDN link -
You should note that users will no longer run an exe directly and you won't copy your exe to the publish folder. Your users will have to click on a file that has the extension of .application. The users could create a shortcut to this .application file to place on their desktop or wherever they want.
Also note that if using ClickOnce and you publish a bad version (with a bug for instance) then your users have the ability to revert back to the previous version so that they can continue using the app while you fix the bug. Your users also have the option to skip an update so you'll want to inform them to never skip the updates.
Option 2: Create an app that publishes your main app
I'll admit that this answer is not a great way
You could create another exe for the purpose of publishing the main exe. The publishing exe will simply try to copy the new exe over the old one and keep trying until it is successful. It will be successful when all instances of the program are terminated.
Option 3: Use a database
Have your app check a database value that indicates an update is available. Prompt users using the app to shutdown and don't allow other instances to startup while the database value is set to update available.
You could use nUpdate, a free and open-source .NET-library for updating applications that also cares about the safety of your update packages which is an important fact. Many update routines do not validate the packages they downloaded, which can result in serious damage, if updates are replaced by malware (as it happened to the puush-service some time ago).
nUpdate is especially designed for Windows Forms-applications.
It is still being improved at the moment and the support for WPF-applications will be added soon, but the current version is very stable, yet.

Cannot select latest uploaded version to add to testflight

I cannot select the latest version I have uploaded to seed to beta in external testing. First of all whenever I upload a build two version appearing, that have upload time difference of 5 to 15 minutes between them. One of them gets changed from processing to normal available state, but other does not. But now selecting the available build also selects the processing one and my selection is blocked and I cannot select the OK button because probably my selection is blocked by the processing one. I think it is UI frontend issue at itunesconnect side but it could be something I am doing wrong. Please help me if anyone has been able to tackle this issue if they faced. Please see checkout the attached image.
I Included <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in my subsequent builds that I uploaded according to the new Export compliance message on the iTunes Connect home page. I am still facing the issue. I have contacted Apple Dev support, will keep you updated if I find a solution.
The issue has been mysteriously solved by uploading the application from Application Loader with Aspera turned off instead of using Xcode's organizer window as suggested by Apple Developer support. Make sure you add: <key>ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption</key><false/> in your info.plist file before archiving the build. Although mysteriously my previously uploaded builds have also become available for external testing.
Body of email that helped solve the issue:
After further research, it looks like their may be an issue from your
end with your network while trying to upload to this app record in
iTunes Connect.
First, for the best upload experience make sure that all ports and IP
addresses are accessible. Additionally, it’s important to make sure
the internet connection is very good, and that there are no firewalls
blocking the uploads. More information can be found here:
Second, it may be beneficial to try using the latest version of
Application Loader. Please note that you can export your project from
Xcode to upload through Application Loader. As a temporary workaround,
once you have Application Loader open, you can go to the File menus
and select the following:
Application Loader > Preferences
Then, select Advanced, and as a temporary workaround you can try
deselecting Aspera and upload the build again. You can follow the
steps below to use the latest version of Application Loader.
Download the latest version of Xcode from the Mac App Store:
Open the latest version of Xcode
Go to the File menu and select Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
Lastly, try uploading again to see if the issue persists.
Hello my dear friend there,
I am also having your issue yesterday, I have this similar screen with yours:
The build is duplicated which one of them are processing forever until today.
My personal problem solving was:
Increase my build number in Xcode so that I can reupload my build
Rearchive the build then export for iOS App Store Deployment in Xcode Organizer
Reupload the build using Application Loader
Then try to reconfigure the build in iTunes Connect. For a while it is processing like usual, but it will not take forever, after one hour, the build will be available for testing.
Hope my personal troubleshooting can be applied to your issue too.

Worklight console apps overwritten when same project name, but different contexts

I have a base app that I modify slightly for each customer. I have been using version control to switch between customers' versions in the same working directory and restart Eclipse. However, I now want to have multiple versions of the app next to each other (in separate directories). They all have the same app ids and adapter names, but different contexts.
The problem is, as soon as I deploy a second app, the first one gets overwritten by it. Say:
I deploy version 1, open it (common resources) -> it shows version 1.
I deploy version 2, open it -> it shows version 2.
I open version 1 again it -> it now shows version 2.
I presume it has something to do with the app names/id's being equal. I tried switching the Worklight Console DB from Derby to MySQL, but to no avail.
I'm not sure I've tried all possible combinations, but right now version 1 shows version 2 when I click on common resources and version 1 when I click on an actual environment.
This clearly seems to be a bug or a very obscure undocumented peculiarity, doesn't it? Any help with this?
Worklight Studio version is
I was finally able to reproduce the error in the question. It does appear to be an obscure bug indeed...
I see no workaround other than a restart of the server (a reboot of Eclipse is not required), via the Servers view > green "play" button.
My suggestion is to open a support ticket (PMR) to have this further investigated and possibly have a fix delivered.

How do i prevent Xcode from overwriting iTunes binary?

I have a really annoying problem. My app is published in the AppStore.
Everytime i run the app from Xcode, the iTunes binary just gets overwritten... and next time i need to test something with the production version of the app, i need to re-download it.
Is there any way to solve this?
Thanks in advance!
You need to change your bundle identifier. Here's how I set it up in my projects
Select your Project
Select your target
Navigate to the Info tab
Change the bundle identifier to a custom build setting e.g. I have it as ${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}
Now click on Project - (you may wish to keep at target level your choice)
Navigate to the Build Settings tab
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see User-Defined
Click Add Build Setting
(1) Select Add User-Defined Setting
(2) Add Key as the name you chose earlier
Set a different bundle identifier for each scheme
You can use the same trick for icons so you can easily tell apart your builds on one device
Changing the bundle identifier, as Paul.s suggested, works — but it means your Release and Debug builds will diverge. Technically they will be different apps that use different containers. There can be good reasons to do this, but it has it's risks too: it's a bit more complicated, and you usually have to work a little harder to make sure you test that the development version properly handles data from the production version. You'll want to make sure any ad hoc builds you send to testers use the production bundle identifier.
Another way to approach the problem is to streamline installing the old version. If you Archive your production builds, then you can install them without downloading them again through the App Store. Just open-up a previously exported IPA and sync.