GetAppendBlobReference is removed from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobContainer - azure-storage

What is the alternative to get an appendblob from a container?

Check your WindowsAzure.Storage version. As I test, the version>= 5.0.2 of MicrosoftAzure Storage contains a definition for GetAppendBlobReference. You could follow the SDK.
What is the alternative to get an appendblob from a container?
You could use Rest API to get the append blob. Append Block is supported only on version 2015-02-32 version or later.
For more detail, you could read this article.

Per the official documentation offered here, it is supported and applied to the latest versions of Azure SDK and ,NET
This is a code example:
public virtual Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudAppendBlob GetAppendBlobReference (string blobName, Nullable<DateTimeOffset> snapshotTime);


atlassian-plugin.xml contains a definition of component-import. This is not allowed when Atlassian-Plugin-Key is set

This is what I get when I run atlas-create-jira-plugin followed by atlas-create-jira-plugin-module selecting option 1: Component Import.
The problem is that all tutorial examples appear to have plugin descriptor generated by old SDK version (that won't deploy with newer versions of SDK/Jira at all), which do not feature Atlassian-Plugin-Key, so I can't find my way to import a component.
I'm using SDK 6.2.3 and Jira 7.1.1.
Any hint - how to get this sorted out?
anonymous is correct. The old way of doing things was to to put the <component-import> tag in your atlassian-plugin.xml. The new way and also recommended is to use Atlassian Spring Scanner. When you create your add-on using atlas-jira-create-plugin and your pom.xml has the <Atlassian-Plugin-Key> tag and the dependencies atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation and atlassian-spring-scanner-runtime then you are using the new way.
If you have both the dependencies, you are using Atlassian Spring Scanner version 1.x. If you only have atlassian-spring-scanner-annotation then you are using version 2.x.
You don't have to omit/comment out Atlassian-Plugin-Key in your pom.xml and you don't have to put component-import in your atlassian-plugin.xml.
For example, you want to add licensing for your add-on and need to import the component PluginLicenseManager. You just go straight to the code and your constructor might look like this:
public MyMacro(#ComponentImport PluginLicenseManager licenseManager) {
this.licenseManager = licenseManager;
And your class like this:
public class MyMacro implements Macro {
If memory serves me right, be sure to check for null because sometimes Atlassian Spring Scanner can't inject a component. I think on version 1, writing an #EventListener, it could not inject a ConversionContext. But when writing a Macro, it was able to inject a ConversionContext.
According to
component-import is not needed. You can replace it by #ComponentImport annotation in your Java.
Found answer here:
It looks like I've somehow been missing that Atlassian-Plugin-Key can be omitted, and it must be done when you need to import components.
This key just tells spring not to 'transform' plugin's Spring configuration, which must happen as part of components import process..

Aerospike: Migrating from Python client to Go client

I was using Aerospike since 3.4 and Python client 1.0.31.
Currently upgraded to Aerospike 3.6.3 and Python client 1.0.50.
Since Python client doesn't have Async writes feature, I am planning to go with Golang. Also read that Go fits well with Aerospike (
I would like to know what are the consequence I will face on changing the client and how to handle them.
One of the issue I see is serialization. As I was using python client since Aerospike 3.4, How to handle older serialized data like float values. I Need not worry on new data as recent releases support floats natively.
Thanks in Advance.
Well, "Python client doesn't have Async" needs to come with a big yet. The C client 4.0.0 provides async operations. The current work being done in the Python client is compatibility with Python >= 3.4. Async is something that is planned.
The main thing to consider when moving from one language client to another, or when combining different SDKs is how to handle 'unsupported' types. You'll have to review your data for where it will contain serialized data in as_bytes, encoded as AS_BYTES_PYTHON. See the 'Serialization' section in the Python API doc. You want to come up with a common custom serialization scheme to allow your Go client to read that data.

SQLite.Net-PCL in Metro App using VB.NET - missing classes

I have included SQLite.Net-PCL v2.3.0 in my Metro app but it seems some classes are missing.
Dim MyPlatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT()
Using connection = New SQLiteConnection(MyPlatform , _dbPath)
End Using
**SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT** class is not recognized.
Tried adding SQLite.Net.Platform.WinRTfirst but no success. IT says:
"To use this package you will need to install one of the platform packages or write your own implementation of ISQLitePlatform." (taken from
What does it mean to implement my own interface ? I know my platform is WinRT, why can't I just use that version?
Any sample code or solution for this ?
You have to download and copy the sqlite3.dll in all the projects. See the following documentation:
It will explain for each type of project

The supplied credentials '{0'} cannot be used to sign request

While using Shared Access Signature to fetch Table data using StorageClient Library 2.0, I am consistently getting the error "The supplied credentials '{0'} cannot be used to sign request". From GitHub what I can understand is that the error is due to sasCredentials.CanSignRequest returning false...but as per code in GitHub there are no scenarios where it is supposed to return it a bug...or am I doing something wrong here?
StorageCredentials sasCredentials = new StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature(sharedAccessSignature);
CloudTableClient ctc = new CloudTableClient(tableEndpoint, sasCredentials);
StorageCredentialsSharedAccessSignature type does not exist in Azure Storage Client Library 2.0. Hence, I am assuming you are still using an older version, most probably 1.7. As also described in the Introducing Table SAS (Shared Access Signature), Queue SAS and update to Blob SAS blog post, support for Table SAS was added in newer releases of the Azure Storage Client Library.
I strongly recommend upgrading to 2.0, which also has many other improvements in addition to the functionality you are looking for. For more details, please refer to Introducing Windows Azure Storage Client Library 2.0 for .NET and Windows Runtime.

Problems after Qooxdoo migration to 1.3-pre

I checked out the latest SVN trunk of qooxdoo and now i have the following problems:
Some events seems that they are not comming through
Virtual Lists are not filled anymore (the _createWidget() method of the extension from qx.ui.virtual.cell.AbstractWidget is not called)
My original version was QX 1.0.1-pre and the problems appeared also when i tried to migrate to 1.2
Just to get the obvious stuff out of the way, did you follow the steps of the migration guide and make any necessary changes outlined in migration.log?
Aside from that, the virtual widgets are still experimental and no migration path is provided, meaning you'll have to go over your code and check if the parts of the ui.virtual API you're using have changed since 1.0.1.
For the missing events, please provide some more information: What events are you listening for?
The problem with the event seems to be a bug in Qooxdoo