Calculate separate No of Week and Days between 2 Dates - sql

I want to calculate weeks and days between 2 Dates, Like that
if Date from : 10-01-2018 Date to : 19-01-2018
so i want the result "1 week and 2 days"

If you are using MSSQL (Transact-SQL) you can use the datediff-method:
DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )
whic in your case would be
DATEDIFF(day,10-01-2018, 19-01-2018);
And then divide the days with 7 and take the remainer as days.
More info at MS Docs

Try this.
DECLARE #From datetime
DECLARE #To datetime
SET #From ='20180110'
SET #To ='20180119'
SELECT DATEDIFF(ww,#From, #To) AS Week,
DATEDIFF(dd,#From, #To)%7 AS Days

Use the DATEDIFF function with datepart=day.
The number of weeks is the result divided by 7 and the number of days is the remainder


SQL query that displays the current date and count of days between two specific dates

I am trying to write a SQL query that shows the count of the days and date depending upon the financial period it falls in. The financial period starts 5 days before the month end eg march 27th to 26th April
For the above mentioned period if the day is 29th march, the count of the day should be 3 and the date should be 2020-04. The date should adjust depending upon the period it falls in.
I tried to adress the second part of this query by writing the below script but it does not bring any result
declare #date datetime
set #date = getdate()
SELECT format (date,'yyyy-MM-dd') as date
where #date
between dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(getdate(),-1)) and dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(getdate()))
updated to include 5 days from previous month.
Is this what you are looking for the second part?
Edit: Modifying the query. I guess this should give you what you need for both the parts.
you can try changing the dates in set #date.
Please note that the -4 instead of -5 is done intentionally as you said the financial month starts 5 days earlier. For March, 31 - 5 would give 26, but it should start on 27 right? so that on 29th the no. of days should be 3 including 27 and 29. Anyways, the query should be self explanatory, might just need to change the number depending on your requirement.
declare #date datetime
--set #date = getdate()
set #date = '2020-02-14'
SELECT format(#date,'yyyy-MM-dd') as date,
case WHEN #date < dateadd(day,-4,EOMONTH(#date)) THEN format(EOMONTH(#date),'yyyy-MM')
ELSE format(EOMONTH(#date, 1),'yyyy-MM') END
AS FinancialMonth,
CASE WHEN #date < dateadd(day,-4,EOMONTH(#date)) THEN DATEDIFF(day,dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(#date,-1)), #date)
ELSE DATEDIFF(day, dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(#date)), #date) END
AS CountDays
The following code will calculate what you need. Please read the comments in the code itself.
-- First, lets declare all the variables we need.
-- I tried to name them so they are selfexplanatory.
declare #inputdate DateTime,
#financialPeriodStartDate DateTime,
#EndOfTheMonth DateTime,
#nextFinantialMonthYear DateTime,
#previousFinancialPeriodStartDate DateTime
-- Now we calculate some of the values
set #inputdate = GETDATE() -- Let's use Today's date, but you can change this to any date.
set #EndOfTheMonth = EOMONTH(#inputdate) -- This is the end of the month for the input date
set #financialPeriodStartDate = DATEADD(DAY,-5,EOMONTH(#inputdate)) -- This is you Financial Period Start Date for the giving input date.
set #previousFinancialPeriodStartDate = DATEADD(DAY,-5,EOMONTH(DATEADD(MONTH, -1, #inputdate))) -- Also calculates the Start Date of the precious financial period.
set #nextFinantialMonthYear = DATEADD(MONTH, 1,#financialPeriodStartDate) -- This is the start date of the next financial period.
-- In the following Select, it calculates the values you need, based in the previous variables.
#inputdate as Today,
#EndOfTheMonth as EndOfMonth,
#previousFinancialPeriodStartDate as PreviousFinancialPeriodStartDate,
#financialPeriodStartDate as FinacialPeriodStartDate,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 ) < 0
THEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #previousFinancialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 )
WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 ) >=0
THEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 )
END as DaysFromFPStartDate,
STR(YEAR(#nextFinantialMonthYear)) +'-'+LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(MONTH(#nextFinantialMonthYear)))) as NextFinantialPeriodMonthAndYear
I hope it helps.

difference between two dates in sql wih year and month format

i have two date like this
-4 year and 6 month
-2 year and 3 month
i want to calculate difference between this two date ?
If you have a datetime value then you can use Datediff function to calculate the difference between two datetime values in SQL Server.
SELECT DATEDIFF(day, '2004-06-01', '2008-06-01') AS "Number of Days";

How to get the last seven days of one month's data in SQL?

I used below SQL to get last day of the month, but I need last seven days of the month:
DECLARE #dt as DATETIME = '7/29/2018'
DECLARE #LastDayOfTheMonth as DATETIME = DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(Month, 1, DATEADD(DAY,1 - DAY(#dt),#dt)))
SELECT #LastDayOfTheMonth
I could also use this SQL function in order to get above result, but I need last 7 days of any month's records.
SELECT EOMONTH('7/29/2018')
Just use DATEADD again to take 1 to 6 more days off #LastDayOfTheMonth.
SELECT #LastDayOfTheMonth, DATEADD(DAY,-1,#LastDayOfTheMonth), ..
If you want to return 7 values from a function, suggest making it a table function.

SQL Get interval last week (sunday to saturday)

I need a simple sql script where i can grab the rows with a date between sunday 2 weeks ago and saturday the previous week.
I need the query to return the elements no matter what day of this week I run the query.
Lets say I run the query today: Thursday 12. dec 2016. (12-08-2016)
I need to get this interval:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE date BETWEEN '11-27-2016' AND '12-03-2016'
DECLARE #StartInterval DATE,
#EndInterval DATE,
#Today = GETDATE()
SET #EndInterval = DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(dd,-1*(DATEPART(dw,#Today)-1),#Today))
SET #StartInterval = DATEADD(dd,-6,#EndInterval)
FROM table
WHERE date BETWEEN #StartInterval AND #EndInterval
You can use:
select * from table where date between next_day(date, 'SUN')-21 AND
next_day(date, 'SAT')-14

dateadd and between in SQL Query

I have a SQL query that prompts for a startdate and enddate, Between #startdate And #enddate. But what I am trying to do is have the same query automatically look 3 months forward from today's month using a dateadd / getdate code, but can not figure out how to integrate the two?
In sql-server, which I assume because you are referencing GETDATE() and DATEADD()
IN Oracle based on Why is the GETDATE() an invalid identifier, and Equivalent function for DATEADD() in Oracle
Based on your comment and if Siebel is on sql-server you would need
Where vwS_CoPrimPolicy.S_PrimPolicyExpDT Between #startdate And #enddate And vwS_Co.S_CoStatus = 'Customer' And vwS_Co.S_CoType = 'Automotive
to become
where vwS_CoPrimPolicy.S_PrimPolicyExpDT Between
And vwS_Co.S_CoStatus = 'Customer' And vwS_Co.S_CoType = 'Automotive
To Break that down a little because you are actually looking for the start of the month 3 months from today to the end of the month 3 months from today and those months could be 28,29,30,or 31 days long you actually need to find the date 3 months ahead then get the beginning of the month DATEFROMPARTS() is useful for that. Then for the end of the month, find the date 4 months out and go back a day.