I'm working using sublimetext 3 to make markdown files.
the header indicator # makes a big header, ## slightly smaller, but ### or more than 2 hashes doesn't render. Do i need to install an ST3 package for markdown or something?
I'm using packages MarkdownEditing and Markdown Preview.
I uninstalled all markdown packages with Package Control, then installed MarkdownEditor and Markdown Preview packages, quit and restarted ST3, and it seems to be working correctly.
I had a few other markdown packages installed- perhaps there were conflicts.
I'm new to coding and I'm using the Express framework in Sublime.
When I create .ejs files, (for example footer.ejs) for some reason Sublime shows these files as Plain Text files, instead of .ejs files, even though I have NPM installed ejs.
Furthermore, when I click on "Plain text" in the bottom right of Sublime, EJS doesn't show up as an option.
My package.json shows that I have ejs installed: "ejs": "^2.5.9".
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? And how I can get .ejs files to automatically default to EJS instead of plain text? Thanks!
The short version of the answer to your question is that installing a package via npm doesn't have any effect on Sublime. In order to add support for EJS to Sublime you need to install a package for it in Sublime.
Package Control has a couple of packages, EJS and EJS 2 (and maybe also Hyperloop EJS, if that's a thing; I'm unfamiliar with EJS).
Just at first blush it seems like EJS 2 might be the better first bet; it's been more recently updated and is using the newer sublime-syntax syntax format and seems to support more things. Take that with a grain of salt though, since I have no experience with either one.
You can select the command Package Control: Install Package from the command palette and then select one of those packages to install it. If you're going to try them both, do it one at a time and use Package Control: Remove Package before installing the next one so that they don't compete with each other.
If those commands aren't in your command palette, you don't have Package Control installed yet. In that case you can select Install Package Control from the command palette to install PC first. If that doesn't work there are also instructions on how to install it manually.
Once you have a package installed, you can close and reopen the file to apply the correct syntax, or use the menu as you mention in your question.
Let's make it short and simple.
Syntax highlighting and auto completions are not great if you were to download ejs package.
Instead I recommend you to use html syntax highlighting.
Open Command pallet using ctrl+ shift + P or cmd + shift + P.
Set Syntax: HTML
Generally I am using CDN (or nuget) for including Bootstrap or other client side libraries to my website
Recently I read about NPM/Bower and other modern package-management tools, and decided to try
After some time of surfing and investigating I am now completely puzzled, how to just download and include bootstrap distrib css/js files to my page like it was....
1 st Try, I install bootstrap with NPM, it downloads whole Bootstrap with all sources/modules and etc to the node_module directory... well, I found distributions in node_modules/Bootstrap/dist folder
now questions:
Should I link node_modules/Bootstrap/dist/ css and js files to my site?
If yes, should I then deploy whole node_modules folder with website?
if No, and I know that npm package is modular and bla bla bla and should be included by require("bootstrap") than lots of other questions
is require("bootstrap") node js or some oter js function?
should I include some other node packages or js files in order require("bootstrap") to work
where should I write require("bootstrap") in html in script tag? create some js and include it or what?
2 nd try, Ok than I understand that npm might be package management for NodeJs server side, and got bower... but again it downloads the same files to another folder bower_components and again same questions...
As you mentioned, bower works well for this use case. Change the destination of the bower_components directory as described here How to change bower's default components folder?
then include as you normally would. Do not use the require function since that is for nodejs server side only.
I am trying to build Sphinx doc output as PDF rather than HTML. I can only use the tools which come with Sphinx, i.e. I cannot download additionl tools like rst2pdf. I have tried using 'make latexpdf', per the Sphinx documentation, which states it will produce pdf in addition to the .tex files. However I am only getting .tex. What am I missing? The Sphinx documentation states that PDF files will be produced.
Sphinx uses Latex to export the documentation as a PDF file.
Thus one needs the basic Latex dependencies used to write a pdf on the system.
For example, on a system running Ubuntu 16.04, they can be downloaded and installed by :
apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-fonts-recommended
If running Sphinx 1.6 or above on GNU/Linux or OSX, you may also need the latexmk package.
Reference: sphinx.builders.latex.LaTeXBuilder documentation.
After installing the above packages, running make latexpdf in the sphinx project directory generates the documentation output as the PDF file ./_build/latex/<sphinx-project-name>.pdf>
Note: In the current scenario where you do not see a PDF file on your system after running make latexpdf, check the output of the command for any errors regarding missing latex tools/files. Use the system package manager to identify the missing packages and install them.
The Swig template engine: http://paularmstrong.github.io/swig/
Webstorm has a plugin for it: Textmate bundles support
A Textmate bundle for Swig is available: https://github.com/paularmstrong/Swig.tmbundle
I expect I should be able to get Swig highlighting fixed, but I'm only getting half way.
Below is the resulted highlighting I get. The Swig code is highlighted as expected, but HTML is not highlighted anymore.
I've tried installing and enabling the HTML textmate bundle as well, but when both the HTML and the Swig bundle are activated, the code is highlighted as only HTML. If I disable the HTML bundle but have the Swig bundle still active, I only get Swig highlighting.
My Question: How do I get Swig code and HTML code highlighted in the same file in WebStorm on Windows?
This is my Textmate Bundles configuration in WebStorm 9:
Again, simply selecting the HTML bundle to enable it doesn't work.
Swig has nearly identical syntax to Twig, so we can assume they can be used interchangeably speaking of syntax highlighting and code completion.
The thing is that PHPStorm it has a Twig support throught a plugin (which is awesome BTW), but sadly it is not available in the others IDEs thought the Plugins menu.
This issue can be solved by:
manually downloading the plugin from the official repo at https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7303?pr=
then installing it manually thought the Plugin interface,
then or use the .twig extension on files or adding a new mapping in the File Types system menu for the type Twig, with wildcard *.html or *.swig, how you prefer.
I'm using the *.html workaround and work like a charm, both Swig & HTML syntax highlighting + code completion.
Hope this helps you like it did to me :)
I have a Markdown file that I wish to convert to PDF so that I can upload it on Speakerdeck. I am using Pandoc to convert from markdown to PDF.
My problem is I can't specify what content should go on what page of the PDF, because Markdown doesn't provide any feature like that.
E.g., Markdown:
* abc
* def
* ghi
* jkl
Now I want Hello to be one slide and Bye to be on another slide on Speakerdeck. So, I will need them to be on different pages in the PDF that I generate using Pandoc.
But both Hello and Bye gets on the same page in the PDF.
How can I accomplish this?
Via the terminal (tested in 2020)
Download dependencies
sudo apt-get install pandoc texlive-latex-base texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra
Try to use
pandoc MANUAL.txt -o example13.pdf
pandoc MANUAL.md -o example13.pdf
Via a Visual Studio Code extension (tested in 2020)
Download the Yzane Markdown PDF extension
Right click inside a Markdown file (md)
The content below will appear
Select the Markdown PDF: Export (pdf) option
Note: Emojis are better in Windows than Linux (I don't know why)
2016 update:
NPM module: https://github.com/alanshaw/markdown-pdf
Has a command line interface: https://github.com/alanshaw/markdown-pdf#usage
npm install -g markdown-pdf
markdown-pdf <markdown-file-path>
Or, an online service: http://markdown2pdf.com
As SpeakerDeck only accepts PDF files, the easiest option is to use the Latex Beamer backend for pandoc:
pandoc -t beamer -o output.pdf yourInput.mkd
Note that you should have LaTeX Beamer installed for that.
In Ubuntu, you can do sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended to install it. If you use Windows, you may try this answer.
You may also want to try the HTML/CSS output from Slidy:
pandoc --self-contained -t slidy -o output-slidy.html yourInput.mkd
It has a decent printing output, as you can check out trying to print the original.
Read more about slideshows with pandoc here.
Easy online solution: dillinger.io.
Just paste your Markdown content into the editor on the left and see the (html) preview on the right. Then click Export as on the top and chose pdf.
It's based on the open source dillinger editor.
Adding to elias' answer, if you want to separate text in slides, just put *** between the text you want to separate. For your example to be in several pages, write it like this:
### Hello
- abc
- def
### Bye
- ghi
- jkl
And then use elias' answer, pandoc -t beamer -o output.pdf yourInput.md.
I have UbuntuĀ 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) and installed the full package from texlive. It works for me.
Previously I had used the npm markdown-pdf answer. However, on a fresh install of UbuntuĀ 19.04 (Disco Dingo) I had issues getting it to install correctly.
Instead I started using the Visual Studio Code package: "Markdown PDF"
Name: Markdown PDF
Id: yzane.markdown-pdf
Description: Convert Markdown to PDF
Version: 1.2.0
Publisher: yzane
Visual Studio Marketplace link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=yzane.markdown-pdf
It has worked consistently well. If you've had issues getting other answers to work, I would recommend trying this.
I've managed to get a stable Markdown -> HTML > PDF pipeline working with the MarkReport project.
It is a bit more than what Pandoc will do though, since it is based on WeasyPrint and is therefore aimed for clean report publishing, with cover, headers, sections, ...
It also enriches the HTML with syntax highlighting and LaTeX equations.
Simple way with iOS:
Use Shortcuts app (by Apple)
Make Rich Text From Markdown: Clipboard
Make PDF from Rich Text From Markdown
Show [PDF] in Quick Look
Just copy text and run the shortcut. Press share in Quick Look (bottom left) to store or send it. I use this to quickly convert Joplin notes to pdf.
I found that many markdown-to-pdf converters produce files that I don't find exactly neat-looking. However there is a solution to this.
If you're using IntelliJ, you can use a plugin called "Markdown". The export function uses pandoc as an engine so you probably will need to install that along with pdf-latex. https://pandoc.org/installing.html
In IntelliJ, under Tools > Markdown Converter > Export Markdown File To...
And there you go, a clean looking document. Additional styling can be added via a .css stylesheet.