MS Dynamics 365 Business Process Flow Visual Designer Output - entity

I have created a "project"-entity Business Process Flow in MS Dynamics 365 Visual Process Designer. How do I now output it into a live project interface which users would interact with? I get the sense this can either be done in Sales-> Opportunities or Project Service Automation -> New Project but no areas I see seem to mention my active business flow to output from.
Other Microsoft resources (examples linked below) describe the Process creation steps fully but skip the "export" step and immediately drop into the live project interface.
Research links:

Partial answer to my own question ... after I deactivated all the other default "project"-entity processes (specifically the standard "Project Phases" process), Dynamics Project Service automatically chose my active custom process when I created a new project.
It seems odd that only one active process per entity type is allowed, and there are no choices for user to output from other templates.


Nintex / SharePoint upgrade

My team is embarking on moving from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2016 with Nintex. They want to move content on an individual basis.
However, we also need to move running workflows and keep these intact.
What's the process of moving Nintex workflows and lists from SP2010 to a SharePoint 2016 environment?
Need to ensure the workflows/lists remain with the correct status
You cannot move running workflows in SharePoint. The best suggestion is to pause or end the workflow, save the status and then kick them off after you move them. I recommend trying to complete whatever process is running before moving that content or workflow. This means scheduling the migration around business processes or informing your users that SharePoint will be down for a period of time. You can also copy the workflow and list over to the new site and have users start using that one while you wind down the old site. A tool like Sharegate is good for this type of stuff.

Microsoft Project releationship VBA code

I am doing a working semester right now, with the course of study bachelor of business computing. I am not an expert in coding (think got some OK basics) nor I am a 100% fluent in English as my 2nd language so be a bit gentle on mistakes or "bumpy" formulations.
My Task:
I am working on a template, which will be handed to the company's project managers to make it easier for them to "load up" backlogs into TFS and assign tasks via MS Project.
The template itself is kinda finished right now, but I have one more problem to tackle.
Automatizing the "Create Relationship Process" between Backlog Items and Tasks
TFS cant create "Parent-Child-Relationships" with the "Parent Backlog" not published yet.
This means, I have to find a way (thinking of a macro/VBA) to create the relationships AND to publish some items of MS Project first, then creating the relationship and publish the rest.
Macro Start --> publish all backlogs --> creating relationships --> publish relations + tasks --> Macro End
The tricky part for me is, that it has to be as simple and intuitive as possible to use.
I hope I managed to impress myself at least a little bit understandable and someone has a little help for me.
I used Google and the Stackoverflow Search, but didn't get a satisfying answer.
There is out of the box integration between TFS and both Excel and MS Project. If you install Team Explorer you will get a "Team" tab in both products.
Well it was my own bad.
I only tried to for testcases the first 5-10 Tasks/Backlogs. But for MS Project + Tfs you need to fix all "publish errors" to get the connections to work #tfs.
Greetings Declade

SharePoint Integrated Reports missing drop down to manage data sources

I have installed and configured SSRS using SharePoint integrated deployment mode and have been able to successfully run a report from SharePoint. I created a custom deployment application that will upload all reports and datasets as well as create all data sources and make the proper connections between them when necessary.
I have one report that failed and I need to manually mess with the reports connection to a data source but I found that the drop down does not contain the options to let me manage its shared data sources (see example below).
In this image you can see the option that I am missing. Please excuse the colors, this is the best image I could find online in a pinch.
This is only happening in one environment so there must be a configuration change I am not thinking of to show these options. Here are the things I have already checked:
The account I am using is in the sites Owners group and has full control of everything, including the report file.
The item is being uploaded as a Document content type for some reason, but I edited properties and changed that to Report Builder Report content type.
The Report Server Integration site collection feature has been activated.
All of the Reporting Service content types have been added to the list.
I would revert to deployment from BIDS to debug this issue. It will perform some validation during that process and possibly return meaningful errors.
So this turned out to be caused by one of our customizations. We had an old custom javascript function that was named the same as a SharePoint javascript function that has something to do with those drop down actions. Hope this helps someone else.

SP2010 Client Object Model: Uploading File to Drop Off Library Doesn't Apply Content Organizer Rules

I am currently developing a service using the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model to programmatically upload Excel worksheets to a Drop Off Library and then set the properties on the file. This process is working well. However, the Drop Off Library is governed by Content Organizer Rules that aren't being applied to the uploaded file. I have examined every property I thought I could have missed:
ContentTypeId is being properly set
_ModerationStatus is being set to 0
The two properties required to invoke the rule are being set to valid values
Update is being called on the ListItem
The file is checked in after the ListItem is updated
The list doesn't have minor versioning enabled so I don't make any calls to publish.
What's most frustrating is that if I edit the document properties using the Web UI and check it back in without making any changes, the file is moved to its final location. What might I have overlooked that is preventing Content Organizer Rules from being applied to newly uploaded files when using SP2010 COM?
The ultimate answer to this question turned out to be that everything was indeed being set correctly. However, one cannot force the evaluation of content management rules programmatically. The information I required was provided by a post from Steve Curran on this MSDN thread.
In SharePoint 2010 Central Administration under the "Monitoring" section there is a control panel for "Timer Jobs" that includes an item to "Review job definitions." On this panel, there should be a job named "Content Organizer Processing." This is a nightly task that will run and clean up content according to the rules you have established in your site. After uploading a file to the drop off library programmatically, you will likely find that hitting the "Run Now" button for this job will cause the file to be moved to its final destination if the properties are set correctly.
The solution was to change the frequency of this job under the Recurring Schedule section from a nightly process to one that is executed every 15 minutes (or whatever interval you determine will work best).
A word of caution: Be certain to note that if you send automated e-mail to the site administrator or a mailing list when files are left in the drop off library that do not have their properties set correctly, these will start arriving with the same frequency as the job's execution.
This article may help.
Basically, it does not appear to be supported in the 2010 COM so you have to work around it, unfortunately. winforms design / layout issue

I am working on a windows forms project that will allow a user to have an interface to the database, and another will be a nightly run process file that will update the database table.
The user will add new records to the table, whereas the nightly process will update the columns with new values (think mortgage interest rates)
Both these projects will be using the same business logic component that has the calculations needed to enter values into the table.
The way I am figuring this out, is that I will have two exe's (one for the interface and one for the nightly process) and have a central object that will host the calculations. What would be the best object for this purpose?
A class file?
A windows service? (I want to stay away from a windows service, because it will have to be running all the time)
You're on the right track.
The central object with your business logic components should be a Class Library project (outputting a DLL).
The Winform project that allows users to interface with the database should reference (and use) your Class Library project.
The nightly process should run a Windows Console Application that would also reference and use your Class Library project. Like Davita suggests the nightly process should be called from a Windows Scheduled Task.
if I understand correctly your question, you can consider Windows Task Scheduler. You create a job which will execute your exe at any given time of day.