Symfony 3.4 Custom Authentication Listener - authentication

I have implemented a login form manually in Twig and I am using the default authentication provided by Symfony 3.4 (based on username and password). Users are stored in a database, therefore I have an Entity which extends AdvancedUserInterface. I am using neither FOSUserBundle nor form builder. Just a simple form. It actually works.
The problem is that I want to integrate Google reCAPTCHA in the login process. I know how to check if the captcha is valid and implemented a custom AuthenticationListener (let's call it MyAuthenticationListener).
I know that Symfony uses UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener as its default listener. The problem is that I could not find a way to change the used listener to that I have implemented.
It seems that in Symfony2 it was as easy as adding the following line in the config.yml:
However, I cannot find a way for Symfony3. Any suggestions?
I also tried to find a specific bundle for Symfony3, but I actually could not find anything that is correctly integrated with Symfony Security, allowing me to use the recaptcha in a login form.
Thank you

Your question may be answered here:
The solution is based on a custom-listener triggered by SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN. That event is fired after verification of credentials but before redirecting to default_target_path defined in security.yml. At this position you can verify the request parameter g-recaptcha-response by calling the google recaptcha api with the corresponding secret.
If the verification fails you can throw an exception and you will be redirected to the login page.


Logout from Github Laravel Socialite

I have made an api in laravel with socialite and github and I need to log out so that the application asks me with which github account I want to log in every time.
What you are asking is how to logout from your registered user (which used Github) and destroy the oAuth session of github?
Maybe have a look at this:
laravel socialite logout issue
If you are using socialite, do check the documentation of each provider you use. Probably you should make a GET or a POST request to their service in order to log out the user.
For example, uses this link (documentation link) in order for you to log out your users:
Clicking it will log out your user from your service.
Do note that most provider might use similar techniques.
Use POSTMAN to make such requests and experiment (especially when you are trying to register users, making calls with POSTMAN might seem helpful)
Then you are faced with the following issue:
What type of data did you store on you database? (the next bullet might help you understand what I mean)
Did you store in some way, the provider name the user used to login to your system?
If so, each provider might use a different way to log out / register a user from your Laravel project.

Sitecore with LDAP - authenticate programmatically

I am creating an app inside Sitecore and I only want it available to the users via a direct URL. I want the authentication to occur against LDAP. I tried going directly to the app and let it redirect to the auto login page and redirect me to the app but it didn't do it. Instead it took me to the Sitecore login page.
I'm wondering if it is possible for me to write some code to auto authenticate a LDAP user and redirect to the app page. I want the user to never see the login page or Sitecore desktop or any of the Sitecore screens other than that one app.
We accomplished something similar by combining the AD module with some custom code in the Global.asax. Below are a few lines that might be helpful. You'll likely need a bunch of logic to check if the user is already logged in, and whether they are accessing a path you want to auto-login for.
NOTE: Make sure windows authentication is enabled in IIS.
protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){
// The user from Windows Authentication in IIS
var user = Context.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
//Log the user in
bool success = Sitecore.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Provider.Login(user, false);
You'll note that the sample I provided goes directly to the provider. You can also call Login at the AuthenticationManager class, and this will also do some other work with cache. In my case, I was trying to bypass that.
UPDATE (2017-06-29):
In newer versions of Sitecore it is not recommended to make changes to the Global.asax. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent pipeline in Sitecore. You can attempt to use httpRequestBegin (where the UserResolver processor is) or httpRequestProcessed, but these will fire on every single request.
One alternative (credit to #Mark Cassidy on SlackChat) is to use the Initialize pipeline and in that processor register to the session start event.
It is possible yes, a quick Google search turned up these:
based on the AD Module from Sitecore
That should give you a good place to start from.

How to authentificate on SoundClound using OAuth 2.0 without using redirect uri on a desktop application?

I would like to develop a desktop application.
Sadly I got stuck at login. I want to use a web view which be SoundClound login end point.
Using the above I received error : "invalid_client: The configured redirect_uri of the client application is invalid."
Would be nice if API would tell you which parameters are required and which are optional. As I read about OAuth 2.0, redirect uri is optional. This caused me confusion when received this error. I also tried curl version, same kind of error.
If I tried to add a random redirect_uri won't pass either. (I'm aware this is about security.)
I found this answer, but I doesn't work and I think is error-prone: it requires 2 text fields and you're asking the user to provide their credentials (then you're able to do what you want with them...)
Soundcloud API authentication without a web browser
I would like to do the flow this way:
Open a web view with SoundCloud login end point.
User is providing his credentials to SoundCloud Server.
SoundCloud Server is sending me a token.
Something similar to OAuth 1.0.
Is possible or is there something similar to achieve my goal?
After another few hours of research and keep trying to login I figured it out.
It works with redirect_uri after I did the setup for it on page "Your apps" on SoundCloud.

Issues with Worklight authentication

I'm trying to develop a custom login form using Worklight customSecurityTest, based on SingleStepAuthAdapter application sample.
Basically, I've noticed that the login function used in the SingleStepAuthAdapater is always called after that user try to access to a secured function (after that, on login action, secured data are sent to the user), but if i try to call the submitAuthentication function directly, before any attempt to access to a secured function (i have inverted the "login page" with the "get secured data" page), i got the following error/lo on firebug:
The two POST calls are the same function raised two times by Worklight on login action (submitAuthentication function inside the SingleStepAuthAdapter called by singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {})) and the error is related to the fact that authentication is requested twice: probably when the authentication request is performed, this function is issued twice after that the submitSuccess() function is called inside the handleChallenge (in fact, the issue doesn't occurs when i delete the submitSuccess invokation, but WL framework is not notified and, for example the isUserAuthenticated function return false, until the access to a secured resource is performed).
How can fix this behavior? What are the best practices to develop a simple login-form using worklight that allow authentication before any access to a proteced resource? I have found some workarounds (such as perform a fake data request before perform the submitAuthentication, but i hope that you can suggest me a better solution).
I've consulted the infocenter and the getting started modules, but probably due to my fault I'm not able to found any useful information
A common practice is to have an initial blank page or view for your app.
In WLCommonInit, either access a protected resource (that is what getsecretdata is all about), or call WL.Client.login(). Another option (suggested by #tk27) is to secure the app in the application descriptor and set connect on login to true. This will trigger authentication when the app starts.
Your challenge handler should display a login prompt dialog, and when the authentication successfully completes, transition to the first real page of your app.
This way, authentication is still done in response to a challenge from the WL Server (as it must be) but you don't see anything but a blank page to a login prompt until the login is successful.

Anti forgery token and web testing

I am trying to do a web test in VS2012 for an MVC site.
One of the scenarios is to login and go through a list of products, select the one you want and follow through to the purchase page.
Problem is that when the web test is run, I get an error about the anti forgery token and that it does not match.
How on earth is it possible to do the testing with the anti forgery token? The user must login - there will be thousands of users for the load test (eventually) but need to make it work for 1 user first.
the login view/action does do an AntiForgeryToken in the view and validation on the controller.
any advice and tips are appreciated.
Once you run your script and it fails, go to the call proceeding the one that fails.
Go to the response tab
In the body, find the __RequestVerificationToken name which is in an input tag and extract everything in between the value attribute.
Select the value and right click > add extraction rule and press OK.
You will find an Extraction rules folder and underneath it, the Extraction rule we just created. Feel free to rename the Context Parameter Name.
Go to the next page , which should be the one that failed, and find the Form Post Parameter named "__RequestVerificationToken". View it's properties
Bind it to the Context Parameter Name created previously. To do so, view the properties of this post parameter and set the "Value" to be:
{{Name Of Context Parameter}}
(Include the 2x curly braces)
Press enter to confirm/save
Next time you run the script - all works
This is how it worked for me...
I was seeing a similar problem. After recording a web test script, the script would fail at the point of log-in on with the following message:
The provided anti-forgery token was meant for user "Domain\UserName", but the current user is "".
The solution was to set the PreAuthenticate property to false in the test properties. By default the web tests will pass an authentication header to the server which was being used in the generation the token.
I am not familiar with "web testing in VS2012" but as I know "Anti-Forgery Token" requires sending the token from browser to the server back.
I had an experience with Selenium-Webdriver and suggest you use it because it provides an API to interact with supported browsers as real user does.
You can easily start using Selenium WebDriver if you add Selenium WebDriver 2.37.0 NuGet package to you test project.
Selenium-WebDriver makes direct calls to the browser using each
browser’s native support for automation. How these direct calls are
made, and the features they support depends on the browser you are
Selenium-webdriver currently supports the following drivers:
Internet Explorer