Sitecore with LDAP - authenticate programmatically - authentication

I am creating an app inside Sitecore and I only want it available to the users via a direct URL. I want the authentication to occur against LDAP. I tried going directly to the app and let it redirect to the auto login page and redirect me to the app but it didn't do it. Instead it took me to the Sitecore login page.
I'm wondering if it is possible for me to write some code to auto authenticate a LDAP user and redirect to the app page. I want the user to never see the login page or Sitecore desktop or any of the Sitecore screens other than that one app.

We accomplished something similar by combining the AD module with some custom code in the Global.asax. Below are a few lines that might be helpful. You'll likely need a bunch of logic to check if the user is already logged in, and whether they are accessing a path you want to auto-login for.
NOTE: Make sure windows authentication is enabled in IIS.
protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e){
// The user from Windows Authentication in IIS
var user = Context.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
//Log the user in
bool success = Sitecore.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Provider.Login(user, false);
You'll note that the sample I provided goes directly to the provider. You can also call Login at the AuthenticationManager class, and this will also do some other work with cache. In my case, I was trying to bypass that.
UPDATE (2017-06-29):
In newer versions of Sitecore it is not recommended to make changes to the Global.asax. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent pipeline in Sitecore. You can attempt to use httpRequestBegin (where the UserResolver processor is) or httpRequestProcessed, but these will fire on every single request.
One alternative (credit to #Mark Cassidy on SlackChat) is to use the Initialize pipeline and in that processor register to the session start event.

It is possible yes, a quick Google search turned up these:
based on the AD Module from Sitecore
That should give you a good place to start from.


Symfony 3.4 Custom Authentication Listener

I have implemented a login form manually in Twig and I am using the default authentication provided by Symfony 3.4 (based on username and password). Users are stored in a database, therefore I have an Entity which extends AdvancedUserInterface. I am using neither FOSUserBundle nor form builder. Just a simple form. It actually works.
The problem is that I want to integrate Google reCAPTCHA in the login process. I know how to check if the captcha is valid and implemented a custom AuthenticationListener (let's call it MyAuthenticationListener).
I know that Symfony uses UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener as its default listener. The problem is that I could not find a way to change the used listener to that I have implemented.
It seems that in Symfony2 it was as easy as adding the following line in the config.yml:
However, I cannot find a way for Symfony3. Any suggestions?
I also tried to find a specific bundle for Symfony3, but I actually could not find anything that is correctly integrated with Symfony Security, allowing me to use the recaptcha in a login form.
Thank you
Your question may be answered here:
The solution is based on a custom-listener triggered by SecurityEvents::INTERACTIVE_LOGIN. That event is fired after verification of credentials but before redirecting to default_target_path defined in security.yml. At this position you can verify the request parameter g-recaptcha-response by calling the google recaptcha api with the corresponding secret.
If the verification fails you can throw an exception and you will be redirected to the login page.

How to make the login/ page in Grails Spring Security 2.0 the inital screen?

I am migrating from grails 2.2.2 to grails 2.3.4 to avoid a bug in 2.2.2 where the text value in the spring security property messages where not displaying, but I am running into all sorts of issues. Stuff that worked before, now it does not.
When I run the grails app, the initial default page is index.gsp which is standard functionality but after installing and configuring the spring security core, spring security ldap, and spring securiy ui plugins I would like to make the /login/auth my default page.
In the previous release, I had it done via the UrlMappings.groovy config file by simply commenting, replacing or deleting this line
for this one
My Config.groovy is set so that if the authentication is successfull to take me to the home page
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.userDomainClassName = 'security.Person'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.userLookup.authorityJoinClassName = 'security.PersonAuthority'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.authority.className = 'security.Authority'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.requestMap.className = 'security.Requestmap'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.securityConfigType = 'Requestmap'
grails.plugin.springsecurity.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl = '/home/'
and my Requestmap entries in the Bootstrap (if they are of any importance for this issue are as follows):
for (String url in [
'/', '/index', '/index.gsp', '/**/favicon.ico',
'/**/js/**', '/**/css/**', '/**/images/**',
'/login', '/login.*', '/login/*',
'/logout', '/logout.*', '/logout/*']) {
new Requestmap(url: url, configAttribute: 'permitAll').save()
new Requestmap(url: '/home/*', configAttribute: 'IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY').save()
It turns that when i do that... Eureka the login/auth comes as soon as the application is started but when I put the correct authentication credentials it does not seem to authenticate, it does does a 'slight little flicker' and it shows itself again.
However, If I delete this line
and put this one back in
and then when I restart the application I manually to login/auth and put the correct credentials then it correctly takes me to the home page.
Did I miss any config setting anywhere that would make the login/auth the first page (but also allowing me to authenticate)?
I am not sure if this should be a separate posted question, but now by design the login page it's part of the plugin, before it was generated by and part of my code and I could style at my will. Do I have to copy paste the LoginController and the Auth.gsp in my app in order to customize the view or is there a better preferred way?
Thanks in advance.
The authentication mechanism in Spring Security works by keeping track of a referral URL when the login page is shown. And then redirecting to this page on a successful login. If you want the login page to be the first page people see just make the root view require authentication. I'm assuming most, if not all, of your application requires authentication. If this is the case, you don't need to make the login page the root view. Assuming everything under /home/* is locked down then Spring Security will detect that and immediately redirect to the login page when any of the secured pages are requested.
Long story short, you're making it harder than it needs to be.
As to your second question, I do believe you just need to create your own versions of those files in your app to customize them.
Hey I'm not pretty sure about your problem but you can try making the default login url /login/auth by
grails.plugin.springsecurity.auth.loginFormUrl = '/login/auth'

Form authentication for not authorised user

i'm implementing a form based authentication for my web application.
i created some users in the JDBCrealm on TomEE server and allow only particular users to access the protected jsf pages.
Now authentication works perfectly and if there is a username password mismatch it is redirected to the error page.
the problem i'm facing here is, if i try to login with the user already available in the JDBCrealm who is not authorised to access the protected the page im getting 403 error.
When I come back and try again get to protected pages i can't again login. Is it because information about my login is remembered in session and I have to invalidate session?
Even if I don't login ?
i ask about at forum:
and i think its the best answer for my question
instead of trying to implement this yourself take a look to something like spring security, it provides most of the options you will need and if you need to extend it is easy as well

How to deal with logged in user who happens to be deleted?

In MVC 4 project I've deleted user from the system while he happened to be logged in. Now he's getting exception from SimpleMembershipProvider methods (or from Membership/Role helpers) that user does not exists.
The issue is however, that while logged in, instead of any possibility to log off gracefully, he's getting error page, which would not let him use the page till the auth cookie would get outdated. How to intercept such a situation? It looks like I can't hook anywhere to just handle those exceptions. What is a nice way of dealing with it?
If you are using role-based authorization and have authorization setup correctly in your application, then the graceful way to handle this is to not delete the user but to take his roles away so he does not have access to areas you do not want him to.
Another way to do this is to add an enabled flag to the UserProfile by customizing it as described in this article. Then use the enabled flag in your authorization process by customizing the Authorize attribute to fail authorization if enabled is false. Instead of deleting the user you just flip the enabled flag to false.

How to execute a function immediately after authentication

My question is this: With a web application, after performing a login authentication for a protected resource, how can I run some sort of function (in this case, I want to run a function to initialize some user-dependent session-scope variables) BEFORE the web-app redirects to the protected resource.
I am programming a web application using servlets and JSP's, all within the struts framework. I believe I have followed the correct JAAS or J2EE standards for security.
In other words, I have configured the web-application via the web.xml file to redirect all requests for protected material to a login form that asks the user for login information. It then submits to j_Security_check which performs the authentication and authorization before redirecting the user to the protected materials.
So, I need to run a function sometime just after the web application says "yes, this person is who they say they are" and before the web application shoves them at where they want to go.
Hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
If you use serverside sessions:
Create a servlet filter
In the filter: See if an attribute in the session has been set
If not: Check if user is authenticated and perform your operation if they are. Then set the attribute in the session
Thus, the operation will be executed only once.