I would appreciate some help with the following:
Given two tensors of
A = bsz x a_len x dim
B = bsz x b_len x dim
I would like to do a matrix-wise element-wise multiply such that each vector of length dim is multiplied with each vector (dim length) of B
The output should be:
bsz x a_len x b_len x dim
How can I do this in Tensorflow?
Thanks in advance!
Have you looked at tf.einsum?
Does tf.einsum('abd,acd->abcd', A, B) give you what you're looking for?
Given m x n matrix A and n x r matrix B how to write the following formula in np.einsum notation?
f(i) = \sum_{j,k} a_ij * b_jk
What will change in np.einsum if r x p matrix C will be added?
f(i) = \sum_{j,k,l} a_ij * b_jk * c_kl
#Sengiley Despite you already answered yourself's question. A more general version that allows broadcasting is:
np.einsum('...ij,jk,kl->...i', a, b, c)
I have curve that initially Y increases linearly with X, then reach a plateau at point C.
In other words, the curve can be defined as:
if X < C:
Y = k * X + b
Y = k * C + b
The training data is a list of X ~ Y values. I need to determine k, b and C through a machine learning approach (or similar), since the data is noisy and refection point C changes over time. I want something more robust than get C through observing the current sample data.
How can I do it using sklearn or maybe scipy?
WLOG you can say the second equation is
Y = C
looks like you have a linear regression to fit the line and then a detection point to find the constant.
You know that in the high values of X, as in X > C you are already at the constant. So just check how far back down the values of X you get the same constant.
Then do a linear regression to find the line with value of X, X <= C
Your model is nonlinear
I think the smartest way to solve this is to do these steps:
find the maximum value of Y which is equal to k*C+b
drop this maximum value from your dataset
df1 = df[df.Y != M]
and then you have simple dataset to fit your X to Y and you can use sklearn for that
This question already has answers here:
Is floating point math broken?
(31 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
As I was debugging my VBA code, I came across this weird phenomenon:
This loop
Dim x,y as Double
x = 0.7
y = 0.1
For x = x - y To x + y Step y
Next x
runs only twice!
I tried many variations of this code to nail down the problem, and here is what I came up with:
Replacing the loop boundaries with simple numbers (0.6 to 0.8) - helped.
Replacing variables with numbers (all the combinations) - didn't help.
Replacing the for-loop with do while/until loops - helped.
Replacing the values of x and y (y=0.01, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 - helped. 0.2, 0.6 -didn't help. x=1, 2 ,3 helped. x=4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - didn't help.
Converting the Double to Decimal with CDec() - helped.
Using the Currency data type instead of Double - helped.
So what we have here is a floating-point rounding-error that happens on mysterious conditions.
What I'm trying to find out is what are those conditions, so we can avoid them.
Who will unveil this mystery?
(Pardon my English, it's not my mother tongue).
GD Falcon,
Generally in solving a For...Next loop it would not be advisable to use 'double' or 'decimal' or 'currency' variables as they provide a level of uncertainty in their accuracy, it's this level of inaccuracy that is wrecking havoc on your code as the actual stop parameter (when x-y, plus (n x y) = x+y) is, in terms of absolutes, an insolvable equation unless you limit the number of decimals it uses.
It is generally considered better practice to use integers (or long) variables in a For...Next loop as their outcome is more certain.
See also below post:
How to make For loop work with non integers
If you want it to run succesfully and iterate 3 times (as I expect you want)
Try like below:
Dim x, y As Double
x = 0.7
y = 0.1
For x = Round(x - y, 1) To Round(x + y, 1) Step Round(y, 1)
Debug.Print x
Next x
Again, it is better not to use Doubles in this particular way to begin with but if you must you would have to limit the number of decimals they calculate with or set a more vague end point (i.e. x > y, rather than x = y)
The coding you use implies that you wish to test some value x against a tolerance level of y.
Assuming this is correct it would imply testing 3 times where;
test_1: x = x - y
test_2: x = x
test_3: x = x + y
The below code would do the same but it would have a better defined scope.
Dim i As Integer
Dim x, y, w As Double
x = 0.7
y = 0.1
For i = -1 To 1 Step 1
w = x + (i * y)
Debug.Print w
Next i
Good luck !
Im trying to create Monte-Carlo simulation that can be used to derive estimates for integration problems (summing up the area under
a curve). Have no idea what to do now and i am stuck
"to solve this problem we generate a number (say n) of random number pairs for x and y between 0 and 1, for each pair we see if the point (x,y) falls above or below the line. We count the number of times this happens (say c). The area under the curve is computed as c/n"
Really confused please help thank you
Function MonteCarlo()
Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim x As Double
Dim func As Double
Dim total As Double
Dim result As Double
Dim j As Integer
Dim N As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter a")
a = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter b")
b = Console.ReadLine()
Console.WriteLine("Enter n")
N = Console.ReadLine()
For j = 1 To N
'Generate a new number between a and b
x = (b - a) * Rnd()
'Evaluate function at new number
func = (x ^ 2) + (2 * x) + 1
'Add to previous value
total = total + func
Next j
result = (total / N) * (b - a)
Return result
End Function
You are using the rejection method for MC area under the curve.
Do this:
Divide the range of x into, say, 100 equally-spaced, non-overlapping bins.
For your function y = f(x) = (x ^ 2) + (2 * x) + 1, generate e.g. 10,000 values of y for 10,000 values of x = (b - a) * Rnd().
Count the number of y-values in each bin, and divide by 10,000 to get a "bin probability." --> p(x).
Next, the proper way to randomly simulate your function is to use the rejection method, which goes as follows:
4a. Draw a random x-value using x = (b - a) * Rnd()
4b. Draw a random uniform U(0,1). If U(0,1) is less than p(x) add a count to the bin.
4c. Continue steps 4a-4b 10000 times.
You will now be able to simulate your y=f(x) function using the rejection method.
Overall, you need to master these approaches before you do what you want since it sounds like you have little experience in bin counts, simulation, etc. Area under the curve is always one using this approach, so just be creative for integrating using MC.
Look at some good textbooks on MC integration.
I am trying to do some calculations with arrays.
e.g. I want to solve Ax=y, so I use the following code to do so, where A is a square matrix and y is a col. vector. In VBA, A is an array with two dimension and y is one with one dimension. However, this code does not work...
x = WorksheetFunction.MMult(WorksheetFunction.MInverse(A), y)
Where did I get wrong? Thanks!
You can be committing one or more of many mistakes:
Arrays not defined as Variant (Most worksheetfunctions won't work if data type is something other than Variant).
Dimensions of A and y don't match up as they need to for matrix multiplication.
In particular, won't work if y size is (1,2) instead of (2,1) as in example below.
etc... Can be anything, really. You don't tell us what error message you get.
Here's an example that works:
Dim A As Variant
Dim y As Variant
Dim x As Variant
ReDim y(1 To 2, 1 To 1)
y(1, 1) = 2
y(2, 1) = 3
ReDim A(1 To 2, 1 To 2)
A(1, 1) = 3
A(2, 1) = 1
A(1, 2) = 4
A(2, 2) = 2
x = WorksheetFunction.MMult(WorksheetFunction.MInverse(A), y)
Let matrix A (3 x 3) be an array in Range("A1:C3"), matrix y (3 x 1) be an array in Range("E1:E3"), and matrix x (3 x 1) be an array in Range("G1:G3"). Then you can try this simple program:
Range("G1:G3") = WorksheetFunction.MMult(WorksheetFunction.MInverse(Range("A1:C3")), Range("E1:E3"))
By using the same procedure, you can do this to find the result of multiplication of a matrix (n x m) with a matrix (p x q). Of course for the simplification you should declare the variables first. I hope this answer can help you.