How to grab each frame from CSS animation? - css-animations

Many libraries are available to animate text using CSS. I need to grab each frame from the animation.
Can anyone help me please?


Horizontal scrollable table that is responsive

I am currently trying to create a horizontally scrollable table (filled with pictures) where my content (img with some p) always fitts the screen. This means the height of the content has to adapt depening on your screen resolution or ideally also when browsing from a mobile device... I've tried a lot with HTML and CSS and actually thought this should be an easy task, but I just can't get it to work properly :(
I'd really appreciate some help. How'd you do this?
Thanks in advance!

How to add a ID or a class to slider background image in slider revolution

Im trying to change the background image of slider revolution using media queries. I want to change the image to a different one for mobile devices. Is there a way to do this within slider revolution editor? So far I couldn't find any setting to do that.
If not, is there a way to add an ID or a class to the background image of the slider?
Please try using the method from this article to achieve what you needed there.

CSS to slide and squish text up?

I'm wondering if CSS alone can perform the following effect or if I need javascript? Here's a video demo of what I mean
Notice how the text slides up and has as "squish effect"? The line items at the top change from a big line-height to a small line-height faster than the lines at the bottom. Can this effect be achieved by CSS alone? Or do I need javascript or a javascript plugin?
I tried to view the source code for the demo in the video, but I couldn't identify what's causing this effect.
Anyone have ideas?
I did achieve the squishing effect via CSS only by setting a different transition-delay: for each element.

Image slider or carousel that handles different image sizes

NivoSlider, Flexslider, and others all require the images to be the same width and height. I need a slider that will allow me to have images with varying widths. has a good example, but it only works if you have the slider take up the full width of the screen.
Any direction would be greatly greatly appreciated!
RoyalSlider fits the bill. It accommodates different size images.
Check this out
Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive
carousel slider.

Tips on implementing a custom UITextView interface on the iPhone?

I am trying to implement a control to edit text that will display the text in multiple colors. None of the solutions I have attempted yet have been good enough.
UITextView cannot accomplish this. All of the text must be the same color.
Using CoreGraphics to draw the text does not allow the text to be selected.
Using a UIWebView, DIV and PRE tags cannot be set to contentEditable on Mobile Safari.
Currently playing with using an off-screen TEXTAREA and an on-screen DIV to show the rendered text. This works pretty well, except supporting all of these at the same time seems impossible: click-to-type, click-to-move-cursor, click-and-hold-select/copy/paste.
Anyone have any tips on this predicament?
I've been trying to find any preexisting library out there that will accomplish this in a good way, to no luck. I'm open to any ideas!
Well, just pulling an idea out of my... let's say hat.
Could you put a transparent UITextfield over a view that draws the text? If the background was clear and the text color was clear the user could not perceive it but it should still respond to all commands. As the user enters and edits text you could draw the results on the view underneath.
I think the selection would work without any modification at all. When the user selected the clear text, it should create the illusion of selecting the drawn text automatically.
Like this one? StyledText It's in Three20 .
Here is an idea. I have no idea if it would work.
If you are only using colors, and not styles, the a UIWebView with colored text might layout text in exactly the same way as a UITextView. You could put a UITextView with invisible ink (text and background fully transparent) over a UIWebView and mirror the contents with colors in the html. I assume you can do scrolling with javascript along with the colored layout.