IBM MobileFirst CLI 7.1 older release - ibm-mobilefirst

I'm working with IBM MobileFirst 7.1, version, this version have problem as IBM MobileFirst 7.1 with Android Cordova failure when init JSONStore, so I try a newer CLI version to fix a problem, then I download newest MobileFirst Platform Foundation CLI v7.1 from (IF20171213-0650), but this release have problem with cordova command as IBM confirmed, they said they will fix in upcomming release, but I don't know when next CLI release?
Please help me to download CLI 7.1 release > and

IBM just release new CLI (IF20180105-1108) to fix this problem


Installing cordova plugin in MFPF 7.1

can we install Cordova plugin "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" in MFPF 7.1
If Yes, can someone please advise what steps we need to follow.
You can integrate cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine plugin in your MFP 7.1 Cordova Application by following this blog if the app is built using Mobilefirst Studio Plugin.
If it is MFP 7.1 pure cordova application, you can add wkwebview plugin by running following command in terminal.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
Note : MobileFirst Features like Direct Update, Server Notifications might stop working if you are using wkwebview plugin.
cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine plugin needs cordova-ios >4.0.0.
where as MobileFirst CLI contains an instance of Cordova CLI v5.0.0, and iOS platform version 3.7.0.
for more details see here : link
So it may not work.Try below command if it works
mfp cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine

How to install IBM mobile first platform studio 8.0 in eclipse Mars?

I am new to IBM mobile first.I have installed eclipse Mars and also installed Mobile First platform 8.0 and Eclipse Hybrid Mobile (THyM) from Eclipse market place.Then installed node js.
Now I want to create a app and run in android device or emulator.But I am unable to do it.
Can anyone provide me the next steps I have to follow to work with IBM mobile first
System environment : Windows 7,Eclipse Mars, Java 1.8
You are missing the final piece - the MobileFirst CLI. Install the CLI from command line: npm install -g mfpdev-cli.
The MobileFirst CLI is required for the MobileFirst Eclipse plug-in to function. The plug-in exposes CLI commands in the Eclipse UI.
You can then create applications and register them in the MobileFirst Server and other actions. Learn more in the following tutorial:

MobileFirst 7.1 and Android SDK 23

I would like to know if MobileFirst 7.1 is compatible with Android SDK 23. My current application is build on SDK 21. What are the pros and cons of moving to 23 with MFP 7.1?
The support is currently lacking. There is an open APAR to fix this. Once the support for API level 23 is added it will be available through an iFix from IBM Fix Central.
Kindly check this -
Android 6.0 Marshmallow support in IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation

MobileFirst 7.1 - Manage Cordova

With MFP 7.1 can I replace cordova ios 3.7 or android 3.6.4 with an even newer or older ones? Since MFP is now a Cordova Plugin, I should just take care about the plugin compliance between MFP and Cordova itself... Shouldn't I?
Thanks and regards.
As written in the tutorial for using Cordova in MobileFirst, currently you cannot.
Make sure to thoroughly read it.

MobileFirst Version Mismatch

FWLSE3210W: Environment: android of application BBQ version 1.0 has
been deployed with a different version of the native MobileFirst SDK.
Direct updates will no longer be available for existing clients with
other versions of the MobileFirst SDK. To continue to use direct
updates, increment the app version, publish it to the public app
store, deploy to the server, and (optionally) block/notify older
versions of the app to enforce customers to upgrade to the new version
from the app store.
I am seeing the above warning again and again. And it doesnt seem to be related to the version difference between my worklight studio and worklight server.
I have created a MobileFirst Project in MobileFirst 6.3.
I have a remote MobileFirst 6.3 server.
When I deploy the iphone wlapp file first through the worklight console it goes through successfully but when I deploy the android wlapp file of the same app, it shows me the above warning and similar thing happens when I upload the android wlapp file first no issue but when iphone wlapp file is uploaded it shows the warning. Could someone tell me what this warning really is?
This is a false-positive warning message that you can safely ignore.
If you'd like it gone you can also download the latest MobileFirst Platform Foundation 6.3 iFix from IBM Fix Central where it has been fixed.