Filter List of Class by Property Value and List Of Value -

I have a Devexpress Gridcontrol bound to a custom class.
The class looks like this:
Public Class AuditList
Public CasualtyList As List(Of CasualtyRecords)
Public MedsList As List(Of CasualtyRecords.Medications)
Public Property FilterString As CriteriaOperator
Public Sub New()
CasualtyList = New List(Of CasualtyRecords)
MedsList = New List(Of CasualtyRecords.Medications)
End Sub
Public Class CasualtyRecords
Private _primary As New PS
Public Property PrimarySurvey As PS
Return _primary
End Get
Set(value As PS)
_primary = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
Vitals = New List(Of VitalRecords)
End Sub
Public Property Vitals As List(Of VitalRecords)
Public Property Meds As List(Of Medications)
ReadOnly Property MedCount As Integer
Return Meds.Count
End Get
End Property
Property Id As Integer
Property ClinicalImpression As String
Property Disposal As String
Property Age As Integer
Property Gender As String
Class PS
Public Property Airway As Integer
Public Property Breathing As Integer
Public Property Circulation As Integer
Public Property Rate As Integer
End Class
Class Medications
Public Property MedName As String
End Class
End Class
End Class
This is an example of a filter type I am trying to create:
"[Gender] ='Male' AND [Medications].[MedName] = 'Paracetamol' AND [Age] >100"
Is this possible with the class constructed as shown, or perhaps do I need to implement some other interface?
I imagine that it would look something like this with LINQ
Dim b As New CasualtyRecords
b = a.CasualtyList.Where(Function(x) x.Meds.Any(Medications.Med = "Paracetamol") And x.Gender = "Male" And x.Age > 20)

I was able to achieve the required results using this LINQ query
Dim newrecords = a.CasualtyList.Where(
Function(x) x.Meds.Any(
Function(b) b.MedName = "Paracetamol") _
And x.Gender = "Male" And x.Age > 20).ToList()


Declare Property as diferent Class based on other value

I have: ClassUsser, ClassClient, ClassPerson.
Public Property Name as String
Public Property Name as String
Public Property KindPerson as Integer
Public Property Person as (ClassClient or ClassPerson)
I want delare Property Person as diferent type of class based on value of KindPerson.
Enum KindsPerson
{ User=1,
First, I would set value of KindPerson, and after, through set/get methods, obtain the Person
I don't Know If It si posible in VB.Net. It exists any way to do this?
You could use the Factory Pattern:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim p1 = Person.GetPerson(Person.PersonKind_ENUM.Client, "Adam")
Dim p2 = Person.GetPerson(Person.PersonKind_ENUM.User, "Barbara")
Dim personList As New List(Of Person)
For Each p In personList
Console.WriteLine($"{p.GetType.Name}: {}")
End Sub
Public Class User
Inherits Person
End Class
Public Class Client
Inherits Person
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Person
Property Name As String
Public Enum PersonKind_ENUM
End Enum
Public Shared Function GetPerson(personKind As PersonKind_ENUM, name As String) As Person
Select Case personKind
Case PersonKind_ENUM.Client
Return New Client() With {.Name = name}
Case PersonKind_ENUM.User
Return New User() With {.Name = name}
Case Else
Throw New InvalidOperationException
End Select
End Function
End Class
End Module

VB.NET Object with custom name to store property?

I'm not familiar with the type of structure or whatever I need to use to achieve this, but I know that there is one.
I'm trying to make it so that I can reference things something like this:
instead of what I have to do now:
So essentially, I want to add items to the compatibilityarr (will probably have to change to a list which is fine) and be able to reference the racer as their own name, instead of by using an index.
This is one way to build a solution that fits your needs as described above. It requires an embedded class that is built as a List(Of T) where we overload the property to accept a string rather than the integer.
Public Class Foo
Public Property compatibilityArr As New Members
End Class
Public Class Members : Inherits List(Of Member)
Public Overloads ReadOnly Property Item(name As String) As Member
Return Me.Where(Function(i) i.Name = name).FirstOrDefault
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class Member
Public Property Name As String
Public Property CleatScore As Integer
End Class
Then to use it:
Public Class Form1
Dim f As New Foo
Private Sub loads() Handles Me.Load
Dim member As New Member With {.Name = "John", .CleatScore = 10}
End Sub
End Class
There are other ways to do this, but the simplest is to write a function to search the array by name:
Sub Main1()
Dim racerlist(2) As Racer
racerlist(0) = New Racer With {.Name = "Adam", .CleatScore = "1"}
racerlist(1) = New Racer With {.Name = "Bill", .CleatScore = "2"}
racerlist(2) = New Racer With {.Name = "Charlie", .CleatScore = "3"}
For i As Integer = 0 To racerlist.GetUpperBound(0)
For j As Integer = 0 To racerlist.GetUpperBound(0)
If racerlist(j).Name <> racerlist(i).Name Then
ReDim Preserve racerlist(i).CompatibilityArr(racerlist(i).CompatibilityArr.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
racerlist(i).CompatibilityArr(racerlist(i).CompatibilityArr.GetUpperBound(0)) = racerlist(j)
End If
Next j
Next i
Dim racerBill As Racer = Racer.FindRacer(racerlist, "Bill")
End Sub
Class Racer
Property Name As String
Property CleatScore As String
Property CompatibilityArr As Racer()
Sub New()
ReDim CompatibilityArr(-1) 'initialise the array
End Sub
Function FindCompatibility(name As String) As Racer
Return FindRacer(CompatibilityArr, name)
End Function
Shared Function FindRacer(racerlist() As Racer, name As String) As Racer
For i As Integer = 0 To racerlist.GetUpperBound(0)
If racerlist(i).Name = name Then
Return racerlist(i)
End If
Next i
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
As #Codexer mentioned, I used a dictionary to achieve this.
In my list of Racers (RacerList), I have RacerCompatibility, which I created similar to below:
Public RacerCompatibility As New Dictionary(Of String, Compatibility)
Compatibility is created like:
Public Class Compatibility
Public Cleat As Boolean
Public Skill As Integer
Public Height As Integer
End Class
So now I can access the compatibility of a racer inside the list like:

Combine two tables into one entity framework? (SQLite)

I am using the EntityFramework.SQLite library and for the life of me can not figure out how to combine two tables together into a temporary table for display purposes in xaml code.
Here's the code for my two tables I want to combine which is about all I am using right now besides a class for my temp table called CategoryList (this is part of the business/data logic dll library):
Partial Public Class CategoryList
Public Sub New()
Me.CategoryInfo = New CategoryReference
'Me.CategoryCode = New HashSet(Of CategoryCodes)
Me.CategoryCodes = New CategoryCodes
End Sub
Public Property MyId As Integer
<Key, ForeignKey("CodeID")>
Public Property CodeID As Integer
<Key, ForeignKey("CategoryID")>
Public CategoryID As Integer
'Public Property CategoryCode As ICollection(Of CategoryCodes)
Public Property CategoryInfo As CategoryReference
' Public Property CategoryInfo As ICollection(Of CategoryReference)
Public Property CategoryCodes As CategoryCodes
End Class
Public Class CategoryCodes 'category shortnames/codes
Public Property CategoryCode As String
Return _CategoryCode
End Get
Set(value As String)
_CategoryCode = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CategoryCode As String
' <PrimaryKey>
'<Unique(Name:="UQ__CategoryCodes__0000000000000081_CategoryCodes", Order:=0)>
Public Property CodeID As Integer
Return CategoryCode
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_CodeID = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CodeID As Integer
End Class
Partial Public Class CategoryReference 'table design for category data
Public Property CategoryName As String
Return _CategoryName
End Get
Set(value As String)
_CategoryName = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CategoryName As String
Public Property CategoryDescription As String
Return _CategoryDescription
End Get
Set(value As String)
_CategoryDescription = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CategoryDescription As String
'<Unique(Name:="UQ__CatagoryReference__000000000000005F_CatagoryReference", Order:=0)>
Public Property CodeID As Integer
Return _CodeID
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_CodeID = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CodeID As Integer
'<Unique(Name:="UQ__CatagoryReference__000000000000005A_CatagoryReference", Order:=0)>
Public Property CategoryID As Integer
Return _CategoryID
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_CategoryID = value
End Set
End Property
Private _CategoryID As Integer
End Class
It may seem long but the tables are very simple and the get/set blocks make it look long (A editor can turn them into simple property's if she/he wishes). I may be using the CategoryList class wrong but here's where I use it in my xaml datasource in my main application code (I have business logic/data processing in a dll library):
Private Property ViewModel As List(Of UIELLUWP.DataAccess.CategoryList)
Dim categories As New UIELLUWP.DataAccess.SQLiteDb
ViewModel = categories.Categories.ToList
Errors received with current code:
I receive an error that Table "CategoryList" does not exist when I run the above code.
my solution I found out to this question was to add asnotracking because tracking was taking place.

Default values of Class properties

I have a class, it looks like this:
Public Class DataPoint
Private _data As Integer
Private _locInText As Integer
Private _searchValue As String
Property Data As Integer
Return _data
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_data = value
End Set
End Property
Property LocInText As Integer
Return _locInText
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_locInText = value
End Set
End Property
Property SearchValue As String
Return _searchValue
End Get
Set(value As String)
_searchValue = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
I then create another class using this class.
Public Class PaintData
Public Time As TimeSpan
Public Color As DataPoint
Public Job As New DataPoint
Public MaxCurrent As New DataPoint
End Class
I want to create default values of some of the properties, namly SearchValue and LocInText. To me, it makes sense to do this inside the class definition, because these are essentially constants.
Q1. Should I be doing it this way? If not, what is the proper technique.
Q2. I can't get the syntax right. Can you help?
Public Class PaintData
Public Time As TimeSpan
Public Color As DataPoint
Public Job As New DataPoint
Public MaxCurrent As New DataPoint
Color.LocInText = 4 '<----Declaration expected failure because I'm not in a method
Job.LocInText = 5 '<----Declaration expected failure because I'm not in a method
End Class
Thanks all
Give DataPoint a constructor:
Public Class DataPoint
Private _data As Integer
Private _locInText As Integer
Private _searchValue As String
Public Sub New(locInText as Integer)
_locInText = locInText
End Sub
End Class
And use that:
Public Class PaintData
Public Time As TimeSpan
Public Color As New DataPoint(4)
Public Job As New DataPoint(5)
Public MaxCurrent As New DataPoint(6)
End Class
Alternatively you could use
Public Property Color As DataPoint = New DataPoint With {.LocInText = 4}
in your class definition. This syntax is arguably more readable than the constructor syntax.

passing by reference in VB.Net

I posted a similar question before, which worked in C# (thanks to the community), but the actual problem was in VB.Net ( with option strict on). Problem is that tests are not passing.
Public Interface IEntity
Property Id() As Integer
End Interface
Public Class Container
Implements IEntity
Private _name As String
Private _id As Integer
Public Property Id() As Integer Implements IEntity.Id
Return _id
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
_id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_name = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Command
Public Sub ApplyCommand(ByRef entity As IEntity)
Dim innerEntity As New Container With {.Name = "CommandContainer", .Id = 20}
entity = innerEntity
End Sub
End Class
<TestFixture()> _
Public Class DirectCastTest
<Test()> _
Public Sub Loosing_Value_On_DirectCast()
Dim entity As New Container With {.Name = "Container", .Id = 0}
Dim cmd As New Command
cmd.ApplyCommand(DirectCast(entity, IEntity))
Assert.AreEqual(entity.Id, 20)
Assert.AreEqual(entity.Name, "CommandContainer")
End Sub
End Class
The same is true in VB as in C#. By using the DirectCast, you're effectively creating a temporary local variable, which is then being passed by reference. That's an entirely separate local variable from the entity local variable.
This should work:
Public Sub Losing_Value_On_DirectCast()
Dim entity As New Container With {.Name = "Container", .Id = 0}
Dim cmd As New Command
Dim tmp As IEntity = entity
entity = DirectCast(tmp, Container)
Assert.AreEqual(entity.Id, 20)
Assert.AreEqual(entity.Name, "CommandContainer")
End Sub
Of course it would be simpler just to make the function return the new entity as its return value...