Loading Avro Data into BigQuery via command-line? - hive

I have created an avro-hive table and loaded data into avro-table from another table using hive insert-overwrite command.I can see the data in avro-hive table but when i try to load this into bigQuery table, It gives an error.
Table schema:-
CREATE TABLE `adityadb1.gold_hcth_prfl_datatype_acceptence`(
`prfl_id` bigint,
`crd_dtl` array< struct < cust_crd_id:bigint,crd_nbr:string,crd_typ_cde:string,crd_typ_cde_desc:string,crdhldr_nm:string,crd_exprn_dte:string,acct_nbr:string,cre_sys_cde:string,cre_sys_cde_desc:string,last_upd_sys_cde:string,last_upd_sys_cde_desc:string,cre_tmst:string,last_upd_tmst:string,str_nbr:int,lng_crd_nbr:string>>)
Error that i am getting:-
Error encountered during job execution:
Error while reading data, error message: The Apache Avro library failed to read data with the follwing error: Cannot resolve:
I am using following command to load the data into bigquery:-
bq load --source_format=AVRO dataset.tableName avro-filePath

Make sure that there is data available in your gs folder where you are pointing and the data contains the schema (it should if your created it from Hive). Here you have an example of how load data
bq --location=US load --source_format=AVRO --noreplace my_dataset.my_avro_table gs://myfolder/mytablefolder/part-m-00001.avro


Data Transfer Job Fails with Error: "Cannot load CSV data with a nested schema"

I created a Data Transfer Job with the following information:
Datasource - Cloud Storage (Bucket with Datastore export data)
Source - Table on Bigquery
Run On-Demand
Fails with error: Cannot load CSV data with a nested schema
Cannot figure out how to resolve this

When creating a BigQuery table I'm getting an error message about hive partitioning

I'm creating a table from a CSV text file on my machine. I'm getting this message - Hive partitioned loads require that the HivePartitioningOptions be set, with both a sourceUriPrefix and mode provided. No sourceUriPrefix was provided.
How can I fix this?

Hive: How to load data produced by apache pig into a hive table?

I am trying to load the output of pig into a hive table. The data are stored as avro schema on HDFS. In the pig job, I am simply doing:
data = LOAD 'path' using AvroStorage();
data = FILTER BY some property;
STORE data into 'outputpath' using AvroStorage();
I am trying to load it into a hive table by doing:
load data inpath 'outputpath' into table table_with_avro_schema parititon(somepartition);
However, I am getting an error saying that:
FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: MetaException(message:Invalid partition key & values; keys [somepartition, ], values [])
Can someone please suggests what I am doing wrong here? Thanks a lot!
I just figured out that it is because LOAD operation does not deserialize the data. It simply acts like a copy operation. Thus, in order to fix it, you should follow these steps:
Basically, we should first load data into an external table and then insert it into the target hive table.

Unable to load avro file to BigQuery because of schema mismatch

I am new to big-query and i was trying to load avro file to bigQuery table.For the first two times i was able to load avro file to bigquery table .For the third times onwords it starts failing and the error message is -
Waiting on bqjob_r77fb1a791c9ab204_0000015c88ab3ad8_1 ... (0s) Current
status: DONE BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'xxx-yz-
df:bqjob_r77fb1a791c9ab204_0000015c88ab3ad8_1': Provided Schema does not
match Table xxx-yz-df:adityadb.avro_poc3_part_stage$20120611.
i tried many times .How schema can be mismatch for the same file ,if you try more than two times .The load command which i was using is-
bq load --source_format=AVRO adityadb.avro_poc3_part_stage$20120611 gs://reair_ddh/apps/hive/warehouse/adityadb1.db/avro_poc3_part_txt/ingestion_time=20120611/000000_0
I dont know why this is happening,Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

loading avro files with different schemas into one bigquery table

I have a set of avro files with slightly varying schemas which I'd like to load into one bq table.
Is there a way to do that with one line? Every automatic way to handle schema difference would be fine for me.
Here is what I tried so far.
0) If I try to do it in a straightforward way, bq fails with error:
bq load --source_format=AVRO myproject:mydataset.logs gs://mybucket/logs/*
Waiting on bqjob_r4e484dc546c68744_0000015bcaa30f59_1 ... (4s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'iow-rnd:bqjob_r4e484dc546c68744_0000015bcaa30f59_1': The Apache Avro library failed to read data with the follwing error: EOF reached
1) Quick googling shows that there is --schema_update_option=ALLOW_FIELD_ADDITION option which, added to bq load job, changes nothing. ALLOW_FIELD_RELAXATION does not change anything either.
2) Actually, schema id is mentioned in the file name, so files look like:
Unfortunately, bq load does not allow more that on asterisk (as is written in bq manual too):
bq load --source_format=AVRO myproject:mydataset.logs gs://mybucket/logs/*_schemaA_*
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'iow-rnd:bqjob_r5e14bb6f3c7b6ec3_0000015bcaa641f3_1': Not found: Uris gs://otishutin-eu/imp/2016-06-27/*_schemaA_*
3) When I try to list the files explicitly, the list happens to be too long, so bq load does not work either:
bq load --source_format=AVRO myproject:mydataset.logs $(gsutil ls gs://mybucket/logs/*_schemaA_* | xargs | tr ' ' ',')
Too many positional args, still have ['gs://mybucket/logs/log_schemaA_2658.avro,gs://mybucket/logs/log_schemaA_2659.avro,gs://mybucket/logs/log_schemaA_2660.avro,...
4) When I try to use files as external table and list the files explicitly in external table definition, I also get "too many files" error:
BigQuery error in query operation: Table definition may not have more than 500 source_uris
I understand that I could first copy files to different folders and then process them folder-by-folder, and this is what I'm doing now as last resort, but this is only a small part of data processing pipeline, and copying is not acceptable as production solution.