keras resume training with different learning rate - tensorflow

I built a simple LSTM model using keras and trained as follows:
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(output_dim=1,activation = 'sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer =optimizers.Adam(lr = 0.01),metrics=['accuracy']),y_train,batch_size=256,nb_epoch=1000,validation_data = (X_test,y_test))'model_params.h5')
The model almost converged. Therefore I want to fine tune the model by resuming training using smaller learning rate (i.e., 0.001). How could I achieve this?

New answer
If your optimizer has an lr property, and this property is a tensor, you can change it with:
keras.backend.set_value(, new_value)
Old answer, with some side effects
You just need to compile the model again:
optimizer= optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001),...)
But usually, Adam is a very good optimizer and doesn't need those changes. It's normal for it to find alone its ways.
It's very normal for the training to diverge when you compile with a new optimizer. It takes a few epochs until the optimizer adjusts itself.


Is validation curve slight greater or lower in CNN models good?

Can you tell me which one among the two is a good validation vs train plot?
Both of them are trained with same keras sequential layers, but the second one is trained using more number of samples, i.e. augmented the dataset.
I'm a little bit confused about the zigzags in the first plot, otherwise I think it is better than the second.
In the second plot, there are no zigzags but the validation accuracy tends to be a little high than train, is it overfitting or considerable?
It is an image detection model where the first model's dataset size is 5170 and the second had 9743 samples.
The convolutional layers defined for the model building:
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128,(3,3), activation = 'relu', input_shape = (150,150,3)),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64,(3,3), activation = 'relu'),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32,(3,3), activation = 'relu'),
Can the model be improved?
From the graphs the second graph where you have more samples is better. The reason is with more samples the model is trained on a much wider probability distribution of images. So when validation is run you have a better chance of correctly classifying the image. You have a lot of dropout in your model. This is good to prevent over fitting, however it will lower the training accuracy relative to the validation accuracy. Your model seems to be doing well. It might improve if you add additional convolution- max pooling layers. Alternative of course is to use transfer learning. I would recommend efficientnetb3. I also recommend using an adjustable learning rate. The Keras callback ReduceLROnPlateau works well for that purpose. Documentation is here.. Code below shows my recommended settings.
in include callbacks=[rlronp]

Early stopping based on AUC

I am fairly new to ML and am currently implementing a simple 3D CNN in python using tensorflow and keras. I want to optimize based on the AUC and would also like to use early stopping/save the best network in terms of AUC score. I have been using tensorflow's AUC function for this as shown below, and it works well for the training. However, the hdf5 file is not saved (despite the checkpoint save_best_only=True) and hence I cannot get the best weights for the evaluation.
Here are the relevant lines of code:
filepath = mypath
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath, monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), save_best_only=True,
earlyStopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor=tf.keras.metrics.AUC(), patience=hyperparams['pat'],mode='auto')
history =, y_trn,
callbacks=[check, earlyStopping],
validation_data=(X_val, y_val),
Interestingly, if I only change monitor='val_loss' in the early stopping and checkpoint (not the 'metrics' in model.compile), the hdf5 file is saved but obviously gives the best result in terms of validation loss. I have also tried using mode='max' but the problem is the same.
I would very much appreciate your advise, or any other constructive ideas how to work around this problem.
Turns out that even if you add a non-keyword metric, you still need to use its handle to refer to in when you want to monitor it. In your case you can do this:
auc = tf.keras.metrics.AUC() # instantiate it here to have a shorter handle
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='auc', # even use the generated handle for monitoring the training AUC
mode='max') # determine better models according to "max" AUC.
if you want to monitor the validation AUC (which makes more sense), simply add val_ in the beginning of the handle:
check = tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath,
monitor='val_auc', # validation AUC
Another problem is that you ModelCheckpoint is saving the weights based on the minimum AUC instead of the max, which you want.
This can be changed by setting mode='max'.
What does mode='auto' do?
This setting essentially checks if the argument of monitor contains 'acc' and sets it to max. In any other case it sets uses mode='min', which is what is happening in your case.
You can confirm this here
The answer posted by Djib2011 should solve your problem. I just wanted to address the use of early stopping. Typically this is used to stop training when over fitting starts to cause the loss to increase. I think it is more effective to address the over fitting issue directly which should enable you to achieve a lower loss. You did not list your model so it is not clear how to address over fitting but some simple guidelines are as follows. If you havee several dense hidden layers at the top of the model delete most of them and just keep the final top dense layer. The more complex the model the more it is prone to over fitting. If that leads to lower training accuracy then keep the layers but add dropout layers. You might also try using regularization in the hidden dense layers. I also find it is beneficial to use the callback ReduceLROnPlateau. Set it up to monitor AUC and reduce the learning rate if it fails to improve.

Is my training data set too complex for my neural network?

I am new to machine learning and stack overflow, I am trying to interpret two graphs from my regression model.
Training error and Validation error from my machine learning model
my case is similar to this guy Very large loss values when training multiple regression model in Keras but my MSE and RMSE are very high.
Is my modeling underfitting? if yes what can I do to solve this problem?
Here is my neural network I used for solving a regression problem
def build_model():
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu, input_shape=[len(train_dataset.keys())]),
layers.Dense(64, activation=tf.nn.relu),
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(0.001)
metrics=['mean_absolute_error', 'mean_squared_error'])
return model
and my data set
I have 500 samples, 10 features and 1 target
Quite the opposite: it looks like your model is over-fitting. When you have low error rates for your training set, it means that your model has learned from the data well and can infer the results accurately. If your validation data is high afterwards however, that means that the information learned from your training data is not successfully being applied to new data. This is because your model has 'fit' onto your training data too much, and only learned how to predict well when its based off of that data.
To solve this, we can introduce common solutions to reduce over-fitting. A very common technique is to use Dropout layers. This will randomly remove some of the nodes so that the model cannot correlate with them too heavily - therefor reducing dependency on those nodes and 'learning' more using the other nodes too. I've included an example that you can test below; try playing with the value and other techniques to see what works best. And as a side note: are you sure that you need that many nodes within your dense layer? Seems like quite a bit for your data set, and that may be contributing to the over-fitting as a result too.
def build_model():
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(128, activation=tf.nn.relu, input_shape=[len(train_dataset.keys())]),
layers.Dense(64, activation=tf.nn.relu),
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop(0.001)
metrics=['mean_absolute_error', 'mean_squared_error'])
return model
Well i think your model is overfitting
There are several ways that can help you :
1-Reduce the network’s capacity Which you can do by removing layers or reducing the number of elements in the hidden layers
2- Dropout layers, which will randomly remove certain features by setting them to zero
If i want to give a brief explanation on these:
-Reduce the network’s capacity:
Some models have a large number of trainable parameters. The higher this number, the easier the model can memorize the target class for each training sample. Obviously, this is not ideal for generalizing on new lowering the capacity of the network, it's going to learn the patterns that matter or that minimize the loss. But remember،reducing the network’s capacity too much will lead to underfitting.
This page can help you a lot
-Drop out layer
You can use some layer like this
This is a dropout layer with a 50% chance of setting inputs to zero.
For more details you can see this page:
As mentioned in the existing answer by #omoshiroiii your model in fact seems to be overfitting, that's why RMSE and MSE are too high.
Your model learned the detail and noise in the training data to the extent that it is now negatively impacting the performance of the model on new data.
The solution is therefore randomly removing some of the nodes so that the model cannot correlate with them too heavily.

Does model.compile() initialize all the weights and biases in Keras (tensorflow backend)?

When I start training a model, there is no model saved previously. I can use model.compile() safely. I have now saved the model in a h5 file for further training using checkpoint.
Say, I want to train the model further. I am confused at this point: can I use model.compile() here? And should it be placed before or after the model = load_model() statement? If model.compile() reinitializes all the weights and biases, I should place it before model = load_model() statement.
After discovering some discussions, it seems to me that model.compile() is only needed when I have no model saved previously. Once I have saved the model, there is no need to use model.compile(). Is it true or false? And when I want to predict using the trained model, should I use model.compile() before predicting?
When to use?
If you're using compile, surely it must be after load_model(). After all, you need a model to compile. (PS: load_model automatically compiles the model with the optimizer that was saved along with the model)
What does compile do?
Compile defines the loss function, the optimizer and the metrics. That's all.
It has nothing to do with the weights and you can compile a model as many times as you want without causing any problem to pretrained weights.
You need a compiled model to train (because training uses the loss function and the optimizer). But it's not necessary to compile a model for predicting.
Do you need to use compile more than once?
Only if:
You want to change one of these:
Loss function
Optimizer / Learning rate
The trainable property of some layer
You loaded (or created) a model that is not compiled yet. Or your load/save method didn't consider the previous compilation.
Consequences of compiling again:
If you compile a model again, you will lose the optimizer states.
This means that your training will suffer a little at the beginning until it adjusts the learning rate, the momentums, etc. But there is absolutely no damage to the weights (unless, of course, your initial learning rate is so big that the first training step wildly changes the fine tuned weights).
Don't forget that you also need to compile the model after changing the trainable flag of a layer, e.g. when you want to fine-tune a model like this:
load VGG model without top classifier
freeze all the layers (i.e. trainable = False)
add some layers to the top
compile and train the model on some data
un-freeze some of the layers of VGG by setting trainable = True
compile the model again (DON'T FORGET THIS STEP!)
train the model on some data

Cross validation in deep neural networks

How do you perform cross-validation in a deep neural network? I know that to perform cross validation to will train it on all folds except one and test it on the excluded fold. Then do this for k fold times and average the accuries for each fold. How do you do this for each iteration. Do you update the parameters at each fold? Or you perform k-fold cross validation for each iteration? Or is each training on all folds but one fold considered as one iteration?
Stratified cross validation
There are a couple of solution available to run deep neural network in fold-cross validation.
def create_baseline():
# create model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(60, input_dim=11, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid'))
# Compile model
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
# evaluate model with standardized dataset
estimator = KerasClassifier(build_fn=create_baseline, epochs=100, batch_size=5, verbose=0)
kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=seed)
results = cross_val_score(estimator, X, encoded_Y, cv=kfold)
print("Baseline: %.2f%% (%.2f%%)" % (results.mean()*100, results.std()*100))
Cross-validation is a general technique in ML to prevent overfitting. There is no difference between doing it on a deep-learning model and doing it on a linear regression. The idea is the same for all ML models. The basic idea behind CV, you described in your question is correct.
But the question how do you do this for each iteration does not make sense. There is nothing in CV algorithm that relates to iterations while training. You trained your model and only then you evaluate it.
Do you update the parameters at each fold?. You train the same model k-times and most probably each time you will have different parameters.
The answer that CV is not needed in DL is wrong. The basic idea of CV is to have a better estimate of how your model is performing on a limited dataset. So if your dataset is small the ability to train k models will give you a better estimate (the downsize is that you spend ~k times more time). If you have 100mln examples, most probably having 5% testing/validation set will already give you a good estimate.