MPAndroidChart circles and numbers only for first and last points of a dataset - mpandroidchart

I am trying to generate a plot with MPAndroidChart. Specifically, a function which mainly depends on logarithms. For that reason I created the following for loop of data point entries (I am pretty sure this is not the best approach, but I decided to go for it)
yValues.add(new Entry(value3,value1));
float PointData = 100.0f;
for (int i=1 ; i<PointData ; i++){
yValues.add( new Entry( value3+(i/PointData)*(value4-value3),value1+(value2-value1) * Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(Math.log(value3+(i/PointData)*(value4-value3)/value3)/Math.log(value4/value3))) ) );
yValues.add(new Entry(value4,value2));
My problem is that I have to set
otherwise my plot will be filled with circles and numbers. I would like though to be able to draw these two (circles and numbers) for just the first (defined by "yValues.add(new Entry(value3,value1));") and last (defined by "yValues.add(new Entry(value4,value2));") data set points. I spent a considerable amount of time but with no luck unfortunately. As a result, I would really appreciate if someone can help me towards solving this issue. I have also attached the whole java file in case someone wants to have a look at the code.
public class cyl_1plane_tempplot extends AppCompatActivity {
LineChart mChart;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Intent localintent = getIntent();
float value1 = localintent.getFloatExtra("key1", -1);
float value2 = localintent.getFloatExtra("key2", -1);
float value3 = localintent.getFloatExtra("key4", -1);
float value4 = localintent.getFloatExtra("key5", -1);
mChart = findViewById(;
float graph_excess_X = 10f;
XAxis bottomAxis = mChart.getXAxis();
bottomAxis.setAxisMinimum(value3 - (value4 - value3)/graph_excess_X);
bottomAxis.setAxisMaximum(value4 + (value4 - value3)/graph_excess_X);
ArrayList<Entry> yValues = new ArrayList<>();
yValues.add(new Entry(value3,value1));
float PointData = 100.0f;
for (int i=1 ; i<PointData ; i++){
yValues.add( new Entry( value3+(i/PointData)*(value4-value3),value1+(value2-value1) * Float.parseFloat(String.valueOf(Math.log(value3+(i/PointData)*(value4-value3)/value3)/Math.log(value4/value3))) ) );
yValues.add(new Entry(value4,value2));
ArrayList<ILineDataSet> lineDataSets = new ArrayList<>();
LineDataSet set1 = new LineDataSet(yValues, "Title");
int color = getResources().getColor(R.color.blue_chart_color);
LineData data = new LineData(lineDataSets);
Thank you all in advance.

Oh buddy this can be done please follow instructions below:
Design an icon which you want to display instead of circle on first and last value.
Place that icon in drawable folder of you project.
Set draw values and circles to false. This will hide circles and values for every entry.
Get your specific value on which you want to display your icon as:
In above line replace index with your entry index for example for first entry use 0. Also replace icon with your icon name in drawables.


Godot Inversing selected rectangle area made up of two Vector2 objects

This seems like a really simple question but I've been at this for a couple of hours and need an outsiders perspective.
I'm migrating a start of a game to Godot from Unity.
I'm selecting an area of tiles (startDragPosition, endDragPosition, both Vector2 objects) from a TileMap and setting them to a certain tile. Currently the dragging only works if the direction is top->bottom and left->right, so if the ending x and y are larger than the starting x and y
In Unity(C#) I had a few simple lines to flip the rectangle values if it was dragged in reverse.
if (end_x < start_x) {
int tmp = end_x;
end_x = start_x;
start_x = tmp;
if (end_y < start_y) {
int tmp = end_y;
end_y = start_y;
start_y = tmp;
However in when I try a similar approach in Godot it is not working for some reason. I'm thinking that I'm messing up somewhere earlier and any help would be appreciated. If there is an easier way of doing this please tell me I'm fairly new to Godot itself.
Here is the function responsible for dragging in my Godot script(GD)
func Drag():
print("01 START: "+String(stepify(startDragPosition.x-8,16)/16)+"_"+String(stepify(startDragPosition.y-8,16)/16))
print("01 END: "+String(stepify(endDragPosition.x-8,16)/16)+"_"+String(stepify(endDragPosition.y-8,16)/16))
var temp = endDragPosition.x
var temp = endDragPosition.y
for x in range(startDragPosition.x,endDragPosition.x):
for y in range(startDragPosition.y,endDragPosition.y):
print("START: "+String(stepify(startDragPosition.x-8,16)/16)+"_"+String(stepify(startDragPosition.y-8,16)/16))
print("END: "+String(stepify(endDragPosition.x-8,16)/16)+"_"+String(stepify(endDragPosition.y-8,16)/16))
When you drag, you always write to endDragPosition.
When you drag to the left or drag up, and you update endDragPosition, it will have smaller coordinates than it had before. Because of that you swap the coordinates with startDragPosition… And then you keep dragging left or up, and that updates endDragPosition again. The original startDragPosition is lost.
Either you work with a copy when you are deciding the start and end:
var start = startDragPosition
var end = endDragPosition
var temp = end.x
var temp = end.y
for x in range(start.x,end.x):
for y in range(start.y,end.y):
# whatever
Or you forget this swapping shenanigans, and give the loops a step:
var start = startDragPosition
var end = endDragPosition
for x in range(start.x,end.x,sign(end.x-start.x)):
for y in range(start.y,end.y,sign(end.y-start.y)):
# whatever

openCV cvContourArea

I'm trying to use cvFindContours, which definitely seems like the way to go. I'm having a problem with getting the largest one. There is a function call cvContourArea, which suppose to get the area of a contour in a sequence. I'm having trouble with it.
int conNum = cvFindContours(outerbox, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour),CV_RETR_LIST,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE,cvPoint(0, 0));
CvSeq* current_contour = contours;
double largestArea = 0;
CvSeq* largest_contour = NULL;
while (current_contour != NULL){
double area = fabs(cvContourArea(&storage,CV_WHOLE_SEQ, false));
if(area > largestArea){
largestArea = area;
largest_contour = current_contour;
current_contour = current_contour->h_next;
I tried replacing storage (in the cvContourArea) with contours, but same error keeps coming up no matter what:
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Input array is not a valid matrix) in cvPointSeqFromMat, file /Volumes/ramdisk/opencv/OpenCV-2.2.0/modules/imgproc/src/utils.cpp, line 53
I googled and could hardly find example of cvContourArea that takes 3 arguments.. as if it's changed recently.. I want to loop thru the found contours and find the biggest one and after that draw it using the cvDrawContours method.. Thanks!
Try to change &storage to current_contour in the following statement.
double area = fabs(cvContourArea(&storage,CV_WHOLE_SEQ, false));
double area = fabs(cvContourArea(current_contour,CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 0));

wxGrid shows large empty border on right

By default, wxGrid shows a small ( 10 pixels? ) blank border on the right hand side, after the last column. Calling SetMargins() has no effect on it.
It is irritating, but I can live with it.
However, if I set the the row label width to zero then the blank border grows much larger. If I have just one column, the effect is horrible. It looks like wxGrid is leaving room for the non-existent label.
myPatGrid = new wxGrid(panel,IDC_PatGrid,wxPoint(10,10),wxSize(150,300) );
myPatGrid->SetColLabelValue(0,L"Patient IDs");
Is there a way to remove this border?
Note that if I set the size of the wxgrid window to narrower in the wxGrid constructor, hoping to hide the border, I now get a horizontal scroll bar which is horrible too.
myPatGrid = new wxGrid(panel,IDC_PatGrid,wxPoint(10,10),wxSize(100,300) );
myPatGrid->SetColLabelValue(0,L"Patient IDs");
Gives me
I just upgraded to wxWidgets v2.8.12 - problem still exists.
I didn't find an "autosize" function to fit columns in the grid space.
As a workaround, if you have only one column set its width to
myPatGrid->SetColMinimalWidth(0, grid_width - wxSYS_VSCROLL_X - 10)
otherwise, sum other column's width and adapt the last one to fit the remaining space (minus scrollbar width, minus 10).
EDIT: I have a working example, which produces this:
int gridSize = 150;
int minSize = gridSize - wxSYS_VSCROLL_X - 2; // scrollbar appear if higher
grid->SetColMinimalWidth(0, minSize);
grid->SetColSize(0, minSize); // needed, otherwise column will not resize
grid->SetColLabelValue(0, "COORD");
EDIT2: I succeded to remove the remaining margin with this:
int gridSize = 150;
int minSize = gridSize - 16; // trial & error
grid->SetMargins(0 - wxSYS_VSCROLL_X, 0);
Solving something similar yesterday I would like to contribute with following what does the job for me. Perhaps this is going to help someone else:
void RecalculateGridSize(wxGrid *grid, int cols) {
if (grid == NULL)
float cumulative = 0, param = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
cumulative += grid->GetColSize(i);
//not stretching when client size lower then calculated
if(grid->GetClientSize().x < cumulative)
param = (float) grid->GetClientSize().x / cumulative;
for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
if (i != cols - 1)
grid->SetColSize(i, int(grid->GetColSize(i)*param) - 2); //-2 for each line per column
grid->SetColSize(i, int(grid->GetColSize(i)*param)); //leaving last column full to fill properly
Note: This is doing particularly well when linked with OnSize() event.

Dynamic grid using FlashDevelop & Actionscript 2.0

I'm new to actionscript. What I'm tryin to do is simulate traffic flow near a 2 lane intersection, following Wolfram's rule 184. To begin with, I'm trying to create a grid (8x8 of which the intersection is between the middle two rows and the middle two columns, like a plus sign) whose cells have the following attributes:
color = white;
car = false;
when clicked:
color = red;
car = true (a car is present);
So, after the user clicks cells to position the cars initially and presses the start button, the simulation will begin.
Here's my code so far (apologies for incorrect formatting):
class Main
private var parent:MovieClip;
public static function main(mc:MovieClip)
var app = new Main(mc);
public function Main(mc:MovieClip)
this.parent = mc;
//grid settings
var Cell:MovieClip = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("cell", mc.getNextHighestDepth());
var x:Number = 0;
var y:Number = 0;
var color:Number = 0xffffff;
var car:Boolean = false;
for (y = 0; y < 3 * Stage.height / 8; y += Stage.height / 8)
for (x = 3*Stage.width/8; x < 5*Stage.width/8; x+=Stage.width/8)
UI.drawRect(Cell, x, y, (Stage.width / 8) - 5, (Stage.height / 8) - 5, color, 100);
for (y = 3*Stage.height/8; y < 5 * Stage.height / 8; y += Stage.height / 8)
for (x = 0; x < Stage.width; x+=Stage.width/8)
UI.drawRect(Cell, x, y, (Stage.width / 8)-5, (Stage.height / 8)-5, color, 100);
for (y = 5*Stage.height/8; y < Stage.height; y += Stage.height / 8)
for (x = 3*Stage.width/8; x < 5*Stage.width/8; x+=Stage.width/8)
UI.drawRect(Cell, x, y, (Stage.width / 8)-5, (Stage.height / 8)-5, color, 100);
Cell.color = UI.RED; = true;
I know there's quite a few things gone wrong here. First of all, the cell color doesn't change on mouse down. Do i need to make movie clip for each cell in the for loops? I think it would be easier to make a grid of objects with given attributes, but i don't know how to do that. Would really appreciate if someone helps me out.
From what I can tell, issue with your current approach is that using drawRect() literally draws pixels on to the stage, which means you'll have no reference to those shapes in future frames. right now, you've got one MovieClip that has been drawn many times. What you need is a lot of MovieClips so you have a reference to each cell that you can update/edit every frame.
Your best bet is to do the following (I'll just provide pseudo because I'm a bit shaky on AS2 syntax):
A) Create an array to hold all of the Cells. Call it:
var Cells:Array = new Array();
B) During each step of the loops in your constructor, do 4 things.
1) Create a new MovieClip `var tempCell:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
2) Draw a rectangle on to each MovieClip: A tutorial for the graphics API in AS2
3) Add an event listenerto each MovieClip that points to a common event handler. This listener listens for mouse clicks on that MovieClip (or MOUSE_DOWN)
4) and use Cells.push(tempClip) to add that new MovieClip to your array so you now have one object that contains a reference to all of your cells.
C) Create an click event handler that redraws the cell that has been clicked. Try
You have another option to using the graphics API to draw rectangles, and that is to simply add and remove stock graphics from your Flash library. You'll have to draw these graphics in Flash and then 'Export for Actionscript' to call them up.
Hope this points you in the right direction!

Resizing Jtable column widths wont work

//can set column widths using percentages
private void setPreferredTableColumnWidths(JTable table, double[] percentages)
Dimension tableDim = table.getSize();
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++)
total += percentages[i];
for(int i = 0; i < table.getColumnModel().getColumnCount(); i++)
TableColumn column = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
column.setPreferredWidth((int) (tableDim.width * (percentages[i] / total)));
I want to be able to change the widths of a JTable based on a percentage of the total width of the table. The above code looks like it should work, but I only get equal width columns when I call it using "setPreferredTableColumnWidths(table, new double[] {.01,.4,.2,.2,.2});"
What could be the problem?
Try to add the line:
At the end of the method.
Your code works fine but depending on where you call it the table may or may not have a width. In the constructor of a Panel (or whatever contains the table) there is not width yet.
I put the call to your method in the paint() method. But be sure to keep track and only call it once or it will resize the columns over and over.
public void paint(Graphics g) {
if(! this.initialSizeSet){
this.setPreferredTableColumnWidths(this.table, new double[] {0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3});
this.initialSizeSet = true;