Pull request analysis not working in Sonar Qube for bit bucket server - msbuild

I have SonarQube for Bamboo plugged in and working fine with MSBuild. I also have SonarQube or bit bucket server, which, as far as I can tell, is configured correctly, but pull request analysis is not working. I have a repository in bit bucket configured to allow Sonar Qube analysis and have min. severity set to INFO. But when I click the pull request, a box on the right says:
"Sonar data unavailable. Was not able to fetch data for Sonar project "[project name]:[branch name]". Either the build is not finished yet, your pull request has not been analyzed or a non-existing Sonar project is referenced. You can configure the referenced Sonar project in the repository settings."
The referenced project is configured right in the repo settings, and I have branch analysis for this project working just fine on sonar qube server from the bamboo plugin. The pull request analysis just won't jive while everything else is working. Anyone seen this issue? Any ideas as to why?
Bit bucket server v4.13.0
Sonar for bit bucket server 1.13.1-bbs4

Could you please create a bug report at https://support.mibexsoftware.com ? We can then analyze the issue in detail. It would also help if you could send us the debug logs of the plug-in. I can give you more detailed instructions after we have your bug report.
Michael from Mibex Software


Connecting IntelliJ Idea Servers to GitLab.com: what info is actually needed?

I'm trying to configure IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1.2 in order to get the tasks from a private repository on GitLab.com.
To do that I have to create the corresponding entry in the Servers window.
Now, I don't have the faintest idea about how I should fill the Servers form in IDEA.
What URL I have to use for Server URL ?
What token ?
Any advice? Thx in advance.
UPDATE: Based on the information mentioned in the issue IDEA-193736, the connectivity problem with the new GitLab Issues API (V4) should be fixed when the update 2018.2 is released.
The https://gitlab.com URL didn't work for me as the API URL was updated to V4 on GitLab. So, after some trial and error I was able to make it work by completing the following steps:
Create a Personal Access Token on GitLab (https://gitlab.com/profile/personal_access_tokens) with API and read_user access permissions
In IntelliJ (or Pycharm in my case), the Server URL should be https://gitlab.com/api/v4/issues? (with the question mark at the end)
The token is the Personal Access Token that was generated previously
Also, don't forget to increase the connection timeout to 15000 milliseconds under the Tasks section in the Settings (Settings => Tools => Tasks).
Task Server Screenshot
Hope it helps someone else.
[EDIT] This answer was valid in '17, when it was created. For an up to date anwer, pls see other answers in the thread.
So, here's how to do it.
First of all, go to gitlab.
Access with your data and get a personal access token.
Then, you can configure IntelliJ Idea with the following values:
You can now check all your GitLab's issues directly in Idea, as shown here below.

re-configuring a worklight application with analytics

After redeploying a worklight application, some configuration for analytics got lost and I'm trying to configure worklight with analytics again.
The dashboard shows "No data available" for time after the deployment although there are old records displayed for the time before the deployment of the application. So the db was not affected.
I set the wl.analytics.logs.forward property to "true" in worklight.properties;
also I set the wl.analytics.url of the db to be something like:
The dashboard is on
That is the URL for the analytics server.
Although if I put the db URL in a browser I get something like:
Error 404: java.io.FileNotFoundException: SRVE0190E: File not found: /data
Checked SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log (WAS logs) and I did not see errors there.
Does anybody know which is the XML I need to check in order to validate the configuration is OK for analytics? How could I troubleshoot this problem? Are there other logs I could check?
In the list of environment variables you gave I do not see any for username and password. Try to set:
It would be useful to see a wireshark trace, maybe you are not getting 403s. The Analytics data uploader generally has a small bit of protections and you have the option to keep or remove it.
#patbarron is correct about the multiple WAR files though. You need to send your analytics data to the /analytics-service context. The WAR analytics-service is the WAR that handles all the data processing, querying, etc. The other WAR analytics just handles the console UI.
When testing it might be beneficial to lower the
wl.analytics.queue and wl.analytics.queue.size, those values are for collecting data on the MobileFirst runtime server. Data is collected at the runtime server then sent to the analytics server. The larger these values are generally, the longer it will take to send. There are good to set for production

IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 Operational Analytics Failed installation for Tomcat

I have installed MobileFirst 6.3 appcenter console, worklight console successfully, they are operating fine on Tomcat/7.0.57. However when I try to install Operational Analytics, the documentation has the following
I am using tomcat manager http://localhost:8080/html to deploy the war files. logging in as manager, with the manager-gui role.
worklight-analytics.war - deployed with no issues
when I select the worklight-analytics-service.war file and deploy in the GUI, it throws a blank page first, indicating "connection error", and when I refresh the page, on the status bar in Tomcat manager GUI, I get this message - "FAIL - Tried to use command /upload via a GET request but POST is required";
Please provide some direction on what I need to do get this fixed. I am not sure If I have provided all required information - please bear with me and ask, if anything relevant (obviously I can't figure out what is relevant yet) is required to debug.
So I was able to reproduce your error and I saw this in the logs:
the request was rejected because its size (57353297) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)
It looks like by default, the web UI will only upload WARs of size 50MB or smaller. The analytics service WAR file is larger than this, so that is why this is failing. I was able to increase the limit by modifying the following lines in
This will increase the limit to 100MB. After I did this, I was able to successfully deploy the service WAR.
Just as a heads up, once you get the WAR deployed, you'll be presented with the login page. You'll need a tomcat user with the 'worklightadmin' role in order to get past the login screen.
The worklight-analytics-service WAR file does not have a user interface. It is simply referenced by the worklight-analytics WAR file. When both WARs have been deployed, can you see the analytics console? And does data load just fine? If so, then everything is fine. There is only an issue if you are unable to use the user interface provided by the worklight-analytics WAR file.

Endeca-Hybris integration not working

i'am trying to integrate hybris 4.7.9 with endeca. I have installed the following endeca components. 1)MDEX engine 2)Platform services 3)Endeca workbench 4)CAS.
I have deployed a sample application on endeca side using "D:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\11.0.0\deployment_template\bin\deploy.bat"
In Hyend2 in admincockpit of hybris
I have made EAC/CAS connection with my appication and made a export job.
Problem is i am not able to run that job, it reports me following error:
http://localhost:8500/MyAppen_en_data/?wsdl returned response code 404
at com.endeca.itl.service.ServiceLocator.getService(ServiceLocator.java:150)
I don't know Hybris, but since the error is related to Endeca, let me try to give some pointers.
CAS: Check that CAS is up and running
App Name: You might have specified app-name-with-locale (MyAppen) somewhere where you need to specify only app-name (MyApp). [The Endeca app name without the locale is called as "Base Application Name". Go back and check all your configurations in Hybris and Endeca].
You may also refer to this blog (Although it is for ATG framework, it should give idea for Hybris as well).

How to configure Mondrian embedded sample for XMLA communication

I downloaded and installed the the Mondrian 3.4.1 stable community release with the embedded derby database instance. I have many of the examples up and running on a local tomcat instance, but I cannot get the XMLA examples to work, and I am unable to communicate with the XMLA endpoint using xmla4js (http://code.google.com/p/xmla4js/ the discover-schema-rowsets example allows you to specify a url to hit, which for my local instance is localhost:8080/mondrian/xmla).
I have edited the 'datasources.xml' file as found here: http://pentahodave.mywebcommunity.org/#Apache7
The xmlaTest.jsp produces the same error as the one found at the bottom of the page, but the .class link no longer works, and I am not configured to build the source locally yet.
So my question is two-fold: Is there a way to get the xmlaTest.jsp to work without a local build and what else can I do to get xmla4js to talk to Mondrian?
The JPivot project is very old and not up to date with the current Mondrian codeline. Actually, we will be removing JPivot from our distribution as of Mondrian 4.0. In the meanwhile, if you wish to test your XMLA service, I suggest you use Warehouse Explorer.