VBA Excel Format Range when value is found - vba

I'm trying to implement a macro that looks for the words "TRUE" and "FALSE" in a huge array of data - and then, when found, changes the color of the cells above it.
Specifically, I would like it to color not the TRUE/FALSE-cell, but the 30 cells directly above it. This is where things get tricky... I hope someone can help.
I've tried adapting the below code, but mostly I'm adding it as inspiration at this point.
Sub ChangeColor()
lRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set MR = Range("C2:C" & lRow)
For Each cell In MR
Select Case cell.Value
Case "Yes"
cell_colour = 4
Case "y"
cell_colour = 4
Case Else
cell_colour = 3
End Select
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = cell_colour
End Sub

Using a datafield array
Looping through a range is always time consuming; this should speed it up.
Caveat: Formatting single cells can maximize file size, so at least I reformat the whole column C to xlColorIndexNone.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Mark30CellsAbove()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MySheet")
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long, m As Long, r As Long
Dim Rng As Range
Dim t As Double
' stop watch
t = Timer
' get last row in column C
n = ws.Range("C" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' get values to one based 2dim array
v = ws.Range("C1:C" & n).Value
' clear existing colors over the WHOLE column to minimize file size
ws.Range("C:C").Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
' loop through C2:Cn and mark 30 rows before found condition
For i = 2 To n
' check condition, find string "true" or "false"
If InStr(".true.false.", "." & LCase(v(i, 1)) & ".") > 0 Then
' set range block - fixed rows count 30 above found cell
If i < 32 Then ' only in case of less than 30 rows
Set rng = ws.Range("C2:C" & (i - 1))
Set rng = ws.Range("C" & (i - 30) & ":C" & (i - 1))
End If
rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End If
Next i
MsgBox "Time needed: " & Format(Timer - t, "0.00") & " seconds."
End Sub
Of course you could also loop within If - EndIf, just to see this slower method:
If InStr(".true.false.", "." & LCase(v(i, 1)) & ".") > 0 Then
' Always avoid to loop through a range
' For j = i - 1 To i - 30 Step -1
' If j < 2 Then Exit For ' optional escape if one line under title row
' ws.Cells(j, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
' Next
End If

The code that I posted should only highlight cells in column B whose value is different from the corresponding cell in column A. I tested it and it worked OK.
If you want to try conditional formatting:
Select column B, or the part of column B that you want to colour conditionally.
In the following, I will assume that B1 is the active cell within the selection.
On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule...
Select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format".
Enter the formula =B1<>A1
If the active cell is not in row 1, adjust the formula accordingly. For example, if the active cell within the selection is B3, use =B3<>A3
Click Format...
Activate the Fill tab.
Select the desired fill colour.
Click OK until all dialogs have closed.
Change some values in column A and/or B to see the result.
Refer - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/2fffa4d8-bbba-473b-9346-5fce8f0728a8/using-vba-to-change-a-cell-colour-based-on-the-information-in-a-different-cell-excel-2010?forum=excel

First you need to check whether the row of the cell is higher than 30 and then it you can offset to change the color:
Thus instead of this line: cell.Interior.ColorIndex = cell_colour
write this:
If cell.Row > 30 Then cell.Offset(-30, 0).Interior.ColorIndex = cell_colour

This may be done without VBA. You should set up two conditional formatting with formulas. First:
and the same for false. To highlight the cell you just need to use Highlight Cell Rules (the top option for CF).

I would do this with conditional formatting
Mark all your data and press "Conditional Formatting". Enter 2 rules with Use a formula...
First rule is for TRUE. Assuming that you start with Col A:
The second rule is similar, just exchange TRUE by FALSE. Below the formula, press the "Format" button to set the color.
I reverted the logic: Instead of searching for TRUE/FALSE and then format the cells above, I look for every cell if it has at least one entry TRUE resp. FALSE in the next 30 cells. However, I have to admit I don't know how fast Excel can handle such a large amount of data.


copy cell content based if adjacent cell meets criteria

I have a series of matrices consisting of 7 columns with a varied number of rows. I want the company names that are in column 2 of the matrix if the corresponding data in column 4 is "CM" aggregated into one cell per matrix (lets say B3:B98 for all the different matrices) with a space in between the different names. Please see the below picture for an example of what the matrices look like
The end result is that all the company names in Column E will be aggregated in B3 if the cell on the same row in column G is "CM", the next matrix beginning in Column M in B4 and so on.
I am having zero success in getting my if statement to recognize "CM" in the cell content, or aggregating the results using the Join statement. Any help is much appreciated.
The objective is to have all the underwriters on a particular security aggregated in one cell, so that the cell can be easily searched in another part of the sheet for the presence of a particular underwriter.
The code below, as you can likely tell, does not work. I hit a wall as I could not get it to distinguish between cells that contained "CM" and those that did not. (I know that the code below would not aggregate the result in any cell, only copying the result into column B, as I said, it is a work in progress that has stalled.)
Dim Ws5 As Worksheet: Set Ws5 = Worksheets(5)
'turn off some Excel functionality so code runs faster
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False
'Compiles the managers in the matrices into a column on the MgrMatrix sheet to be used
'for the entry sheet column of underwriters.
Dim CoL As Range: Set CoL = Ws5.Range("D3:K104")
Dim CeL As Range
For Each CeL In CoL.Columns(4)
If CeL.Text = "CM" Then
CeL.Offset(0, -5) = "CM"
CeL.Offset(0, -5) = CeL.Offset(0, -2).Value
End If
Edit: Using urdearboy's code, i modified it to work for multiple matrices on the same sheet in the below way. This version doesn't have the same finesse as his did, as this version relies on all matrices containing the same number of columns and not exceeding 100 rows.
For i = 7 To 857 Step 9
For y = 3 To 100
If Cells(y, i) = "CM" Then
s = s & Cells(y, i).Offset(0, -1).Value & " "
End If
Next y
If s = "" Then
s = "Sole Lead"
End If
Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Trim(s)
s = ""
Next i
Paste code in VBE within Sheet 5 (Or whatever sheet you want to run this on).
The string, s, will build itself as it loops through your column checking for "CM" matches.
As is, the code will add commas between each new value added like, so, and, so, and then remove the last coma at the end before displaying the final string like, so, and, so
Option Explicit
Sub TextCM()
Dim i As Long, s As String
For i = 3 To Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If Range("G" & i) = "CM" Then
s = s & Range("E" & i).Value & ", " 'Remove & ", " if you do not want the comma + space
End If
Next i
Range("B2") = Left(s, Len(s) - 2) 'Change to Range("B2") = s to not delete last character in string
End Sub
You should be able to figure out how to extend this to multiple tables (matrices?) no problem.

Why my vba script changes all hyperlinks together instead individually

first of all I'm a not good at vba, I used many tuts, but It's not what I want ;)
What I'm trying to accomplish:
Select range of hyperlinks in spreadsheet and set hyperlinks to call another spreadsheet cells (always) from A2 to AX (depends on how many rows I selected).
(Sorry for not proper naming, last time I used vba was about 10y ago)
Before run a script: all hyperlinks are set to different spreadsheet to call cell A2, like this: CommLinkItem_57!A2
Important: it can't be used =HYPERLINK(cell;name) function, couse another script is using this spreadsheet and It not work with this function
After run a script: hyperlinks are not incremented from A2 to AX, instead all hyperlinks (event those that I not selected) are calling last iterated element witch is AX
Sub LoopSelection()
Dim cel As Range
Dim selectedRange As Range
Dim aa As String
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 2
Set selectedRange = Application.Selection
For Each cel In selectedRange.Cells
Debug.Print cel.Address & " " & cel.Hyperlinks.Count
If cel.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
aa = cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress
If cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress Like "*!*" Then
cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress = Trim(Split(aa, "!")(0)) & "!A" & counter
End If
counter = counter + 1
Debug.Print cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress
End If
Next cel
End Sub
For example i select 10 cells form I10 to I20 and then I run a script..
My output in console is like this:
$I$10 1
$I$11 1
$I$12 1
$I$13 1
$I$14 1
$I$15 1
$I$16 1
$I$17 1
$I$18 1
$I$19 1
$I$20 1
(works fine, finds proper cells (I10:I20), finds one hyperlink, finds spreadsheet named CommLinkItem_57 and set (in console output) proper incremented cell value from A2 to A12
So in excel cell I10 and I20 are calling CommLinkItem_57!A12.
And that's a problem..
Can you point where I made mistake, and how to fix that problem
Your code is OK. The problem is that worksheets maintain a HyperLinks collection of distinct URLs. I suspect your initial URLs are all the same, hence you're always updating the same HyperLink and end up with the one with the highest counter value. If possible, make your initial URLs distinct.
From what I see the counter should be out of the condition. Like this:
For Each cel In selectedRange.Cells
counter = counter + 1
Debug.Print cel.Address & " " & cel.Hyperlinks.Count
If cel.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
aa = cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress
If cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress Like "*!*" Then
cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress = Trim(Split(aa, "!")(0)) & "!A" & counter
End If
Debug.Print cel.Hyperlinks.Item(1).SubAddress
End If
'or put the counter here, it depends on your code...
Next cel
Like #Excelosaurus said, all hyperlinks were reference like, and when I changed one, all were changed too. So I make workaround and create hyperlinks from basics:
I'm counting from A2 to AX so counter is set to 2
Name of table where nested cells are always is in the same column in index 2, so table name sets row 2, and column of a selected range and takes value of cell i.e. tableName
Hyperlinks are created only in active sheet, line: With Worksheets(Application.ActiveSheet.Index)
If we don't want address to url or file, make Address property, i.e. empty quote ""
I think rest is self-explanatory in code:
Sub LoopSelection()
Dim selectedRange As Range
Dim counter As Integer
Dim tableName As String
counter = 2
Set selectedRange = Application.Selection
tableName = Cells(2, selectedRange.Column).Value
For Each cel In selectedRange.Cells
With Worksheets(Application.ActiveSheet.Index)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range(cel.Address), _
Address:="", _
SubAddress:=tableName & "!A" & counter, _
End With
counter = counter + 1
Next cel
End Sub

Excel macro help - If statement with a variable range

I am creating a macro to help organize a data dump (sheet 1) into an invoice (sheet 2). I have coded most of the macro, but am stuck on the following.
I want the macro to read column Y on sheet 1, which is a variable range (can be 2 rows to 50) and check if it says "CB". If this is true, then E11 on sheet 2 is Yes, otherwise No, and so on until it reaches the end of column Y on sheet 1.
I have the following:
intCounter = 1
While Range("Y" & (intCounter + 1)) <> ""
intCounter = intCounter + 1
intCardSize = intCounter
MsgBox (intCardSize)
If Range("Y" & intCardSize) = "CB" Then
Range("E11:E" & intCardSize).Select
Range("E11") = "Yes"
End If
The while range seems to work and it displays the number of cells with text in column Y, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to get it to move from Y1 to Y2 and so on and then paste the response into E11 then E12 and so on.
The problem that you are having is that your code doesn't loop to try to compare. The While loop that you have only looks to see if there is something in the next cell. In fact, it actually skips the first row, but maybe that was intentional.
Dim dataSheet As WorkSheet
Dim recSheet As Worksheet
Dim lngCounter As Long 'Use long because an integer may not be big enough for large dataset.
Dim intCardSize As Long
Set dataSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data_Dump")
Set recSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reconciliation")
'You want to set the sheets to a variable instead of referring to the whole path each time
'Also, Note the usage of "ThisWorkbook" which guarantees the worksheet
'is coming from the one with code in it.
lngCounter = 2 'If you want to start looking at row 2, start at row 2 with
'the variable instead of starting the variable and checking var+1
While dataSheet.Range("Y" & (lngCounter)) <> ""
'While there is a value in the column
'intCardSize = intCounter 'Not sure what this is supposed to do
'MsgBox (intCardSize) 'This looks like debugging. Commenting out.
If dataSheet.Range("Y" & lngCounter) = "CB" Then
'Check each row as you go through the loop.
'Avoid selecting sheet/range. Unneccessary work for computer.
recSheet.Range("E" & (9 + lngCounter)) = "Yes"
'Set reconciliation sheet value to "Yes" if data sheet has "CB"
'The reconciliation sheet starts on row 11, whereas the datasheet
'starts at row 2 ,a difference of 9
recSheet.Range("E" & (9 + lngCounter)) = "No"
'Otherwise set to no.
End If
lngCounter = lngCounter + 1
intCardSize = lngCounter - 1 'It's been increased to one past the last item.
MsgBox intCardSize 'Display the last row checked.
I hope I understood your code goal as follows
With Sheets("Data_Dump")
With Sheets("Reconciliation").Range("E11").Resize(.Cells(.Rows.Count,1).Row)
.Formula="=IF('Data_Dump'!Y1="CB", "Yes","")"
.Value= .Value
End With
End With

VBA find cell of closest value

I have an excel file that looks like:
12123 51212
12123.5 45832
12124 37656
12124.5 32987
12125 42445
and so on, where column A is always 0.5 increasing and column B has a certain output.
Now I have a specific value in cell E2, say 12124,23 and I want a VBA code to return, in this case, that the best matching value is in cell A3, because I need this cell location in further code, I don't need the corresponding value in column B. I don't know how to start, however. The file can be up to 30000 rows big.
I'd only like to know first which method to use, then I will try to write the code myself of course :)
You don't have to use VBA for your problem, Excel will do it perfectly fine!
Try this
and for what you are trying to do, you HAVE TO sort your A column in an ascending fashion, or else you will get an error!
And if you do need that in VBA,
a simple for+if structure with a test like this
Function pr24(ByVal Value_To_Match As Double) As Range
For i = 2 To ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If Cells(i, 1) > Value_To_Match Then
If Abs(Cells(i - 1, 1) - Value_To_Match) >= Abs(Cells(i, 1) - Value_To_Match) Then
pr24 = Range(Cells(i, 1))
pr24 = Range(Cells(i - 1, 1))
End If
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
or you can use the worksheet function Vlookup
You could use VLOOKUP function for this:-
Application.WorksheetFunction.VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, column_index, range_lookup)
Set your values as below:-
lookup_value = 12124.23
table_array = would be the range Ax:Bx containing your values
column_index = 2 (the second column of table_array)
range_lookup = true
Setting range_lookup to true means that if the vlookup doesn't find the exact value it will return the closest match.
Note this will only work if the values in column A are sorted in ascending order.
Hope this helps.
You need to sort your data in column A first (smallest to largest), and then you can use a simple lookup formula:
If you don't want to sort the data, then you can use a VBA loop like so - however this is very inefficient - you should always use worksheet formulas where you can:
Sub SO()
Dim resultCell As Excel.Range
Dim checkCell As Double
Dim bestDiff As Double
checkCell = Range("E2").Value
bestDiff = checkCell
For i = 1 To Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
If Range("A" & i).Value <= checkCell Then
If (checkCell - Range("A" & i).Value) < bestDiff Then
bestDiff = checkCell - Range("A" & i)
Set resultCell = Range("A" & i)
End If
End If
Next i
MsgBox "Best match is in " & resultCell.Address
Set resultCell = Nothing
End Sub
You dont'need VBA, a call co VLOOKUP Excel function will do the trick; remember to set the last parameter to true, to find a non exact match with the searched value
It should be like something similar to:
= VLOOKUP(E2, A:B, 2, true)

Am I using the isnumeric function correctly?

This program is to convert a column of data from cumulative to non-cumulative. On my sheet I have A1, B1, and C1 with the text Non-Cumulative, Cumulative, and Converted, respectively. I have numbers 1 to 10 beneath A1, then them summed cumulatively beneath B1. C1 is where I want to convert column B back to non-cumulative.
The IsNumeric is used to make the first row of data in C equal to the first row of data in B. It should detect that the title is above the number it is evaluating, thus knowing that no calculations have to be performed. For the rest of them, it'll see that the number above the one it is evaluating is a number, and thus the calculation has to be done.
My problem is that it isn't working. I think the reason is because IsNumeric() keeps coming back as false. Is there a different function I should be using? Do cell references not work in IsNumeric?
Here's the program!
Option Explicit
Dim i As Variant
Sub Conversion()
Sheets("Test Sheet").Select
For i = 1 To 10
If IsNumeric("B" & i) = False Then
Range("C" & i + 1) = Range("B" & i + 1)
Else: Range("C" & i + 1) = Range("B" & i + 1) - Range("B" & i - 1)
End If
End Sub
The way you wrote your code is logical, just a minor syntax changes you need initially. However,
It's also best to check if the range is empty first...
Then check on if the value is numeric.
Better even, if you set the Range into a Range object and use offset
Option Explicit '-- great that you use explicit declaration :)
Sub Conversion()
Dim i As Integer '-- integer is good enough
Dim rngRange as Range
'-- try not to select anything. And for a cleaner code
Set rngRange = Sheets("Test Sheet").Range("B1")
For i = 1 To 10
If (rangeRange.Offset(i,0).value) <> "" then '-- check for non-empty
If IsNumeric(rangeRange.Offset(i,0).value) = False Then
rangeRange.Offset(i+1,1) = rangeRange.Offset(i+1,0)
rangeRange.Offset(i+1,1) = rangeRange.Offset(i+1,0) - rangeRange.Offset(i-1,0)
End If
End if
Next i '-- loop
End Sub
To make your code more dynamic:
Another suggestion, you may simply Application.WorkSheetFunction.Transpose() the entire B column range that you need to validate into a variant array
Process the array and Transpose back to the Range with column B and C.
By doing so, you may omit setting for loop size manually but setting it using Lower and Upper bound of the array ;)
You need to check if the range of B i is numeric, not the string "B" & i
and rather than selecting the sheet, simply using a parent identifier like:
sheets("sheet1").range("B" & i)
This will help you avoid errors in your code
For i = 1 To 10
If IsNumeric(sheets("test sheet").range("B" & i).value) = False Then
Range("C" & i + 1) = Range("B" & i + 1)
Else: Range("C" & i + 1) = Range("B" & i + 1) - Range("B" & i - 1)
End If