Changing the Contents of a Tensor in TensorFlow - tensorflow

Before I continue, please excuse my ignorance. I have some experience programming before this, but my previous intuition has failed me presently.
Essentially, I need to expand a 1-D vector (size M x 1) of numbers ranging from 0...K, to a 2-D matrix (or Tensor, size M x K) where each row is a 1-D vector (size 1 x K), and each element is a 0 except for the index of the initial value being 1.
Yes, this is a multiclass classification problem for a ML class.
I had the idea of creating a zeros matrix of the correct shape, and then assigning the index of the element I need manually to a 1, but cannot seem to change the values of the already created Variable. I get the error:
TypeError: 'Tensor' object does not support item assignment
Can anyone assist with this? If you feel as though my way of going about creating this final Tensor could use a different approach, any advice would be appreciated.

In tensorflow, the function tf.one_hot() is what you seek. One hot encoding is the term describing the operation you are looking to implement. See .


I can't understand an numpy array concept in sklearn

my code
print("Mean Squared error is :",mean_squared_error(diabetes_y_test,diabetes_y_predict))
print("weights : ",model.coef_)
print("intercept : ",model.intercept_)
in this code we are taking diabetes_x value in 2-D but in diabetes_y_train and test why we are taking 1-D array. Can someone please explain me both of the concept of diabetes_x and _y
In machine learning terminology X is regarded as the input variable and y is regarded as output variable.
Suppose there is dataset with 5 columns where the last column is the result. So the input will consist of all the column except the last and the last column will be used to check if the mapping is correct after training or during validation to calculate the error.

Calculating covariance of a 3-dim matrix using einsum

I've got an array of time series data of shape (2466, 2498, 9) ((asset, date, feature)).
I've got 9 features, on which I want to do PCA to reduce the dimensionality on this axis.
I'm struggling to calculate the covariance matrix, Z = X.T # X.
I think I want to express this as an einsum, but I'm not sure how. I'm certainly interested in other methods as well, as the purpose of this is to learn numpy, rather than actually solve a problem.
Edit: This is my (apparently wrong) attempt so far:
np.einsum('ijk,ijl->ijkl',myData, myData)`
(This just hangs my system.)
Edit 2:
I've come to understand that I should be using np.linalg.svd for this problem.

In tensorflow, how to gather with indices matching params first dimensions?

If i have indices of shape (D_0,...,D_k) and params of shape (D_0,...,D_k,I,F) (with 0 ≤ indices[i_0,...,i_k] < I), what is the fastest/most elegant way to get the array output of shape (D_0,...,D_k,F) with
If k=0, then we can use gather. So, in the past, I had a solution based on flattening. Is there a nicer solution now that tensorflow has matured?
Most of the times, when I want this type of gathering, indices is obtained by indices = tf.argmax(params[:,...,:,:,0]). For every (i_0,...,i_k), I have I vectors of size (F,) and I want to keep only those with the maximal value for one of the features. A solution which would only work for this special case (a kind of reduce_max only using one feature to decide how to reduce) would satisfy me.

in TensorFlow runtime, how tensors are copied?

I am reading the whole Tensorflow source code, and has been puzzled by one thing. In an Op, we can get the underlying data buffer of an input tensor and change its value, but this change will not reflected outside this op (the input is not a Ref type).
For example,
y = op1(x)
z = op2(x)
in op1, suppose we get the underlying buffer of x and change its value, but when I run y_val, z_val =[y, z]), it seems that this does not affect the value of z (it x really changes, z should change).
here since x tensor is consumed by two ops, I initially think maybe tensorflow split x into two tensors, one as the input of op1, and the other as input of op2. However, I checked the code, it seems not.
Another possibility is that tensor is copy-on-write, but it also seems not after I checked the code.
Anyone know what really happen here? Thanks a lot.

TensorFlow: Contracting a dimension of two tensors via dot product

I have two tensors, a of rank 4 and b of rank 1. I'd like to produce aprime, of rank 3, by "contracting" the last axis of a away, by replacing it with its dot product against b. In numpy, this is as easy as np.tensordot(a, b, 1). However, I can't figure out a way to do this in Tensorflow.
How can I replace the last axis of a tensor with a value equal to that axis's dot product against another tensor (of course, of the same shape)?
I see in Wikipedia that this is called the "Tensor Inner Product" aka tensor contraction. It seems like this is a common operation, I'm surprised that there's no explicit support for it in Tensorflow.
I believe that this may be possible via tf.einsum; however, I have not been able to find a generalized way to do this that works for tensors of any rank (this is probably because I do not understand einsum and have been reduced to trial and error)
Aren't you just using tensor in the sense of a multidimensional array? Or in some disciplines a tensor is 3d (vector 1d, matrix 2d, etc). I haven't used tensorflow but I don't think it has much to do with tensors in that linear algebra sensor. They talk about data flow graphs. I'm not sure where the tensor part of the name comes from.
I assume you are talking about an expression like:
In [293]: A=np.tensordot(np.ones((5,4,3,2)),np.arange(2),1)
resulting in a (5,4,3) shape array. The einsum equivalent is
In [294]: B=np.einsum('ijkl,l->ijk',np.ones((5,4,3,2)),np.arange(2))
np.einsum implements Einstine Notation, as discussed here: I got this link from
You seem to be talking about straight forward numpy operations, not something special in tensorflow.
I would first add 3 dimensions of size 1 to b so that it can be broadcast along the 4'th dimension of a.
b = tf.reshape(b, (1, 1, 1, -1))
Then you can multiply b and a and it will broadcast b along all of the other dimensions.
a_prime = a * b
Finally, reduce the sum along the 4'th dimension to get rid of that dimension and replace it with the dot product.
a_prime = tf.reduce_sum(a_prime, [3])
This seems like it would work (for the first tensor being of any rank):
tf.einsum('...i,i->...', x, y)