XAMPP - Apache is stuck on Attempting to start Apache service - apache

I have a windows 7 home premium operating system. I have recently install xampp onto my computer with apache and mysql. I opened xampp as administrator. I attempted to start apache the following message occurs: Attempting to start Apache service . I checked my ports and port 80 is not being used. Skype is not running. I checked my event viewer to see my system logs and I found this: under general: The Apache service named reported the following error:
httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 81 of C:/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/mod_authn_core.so into server: The specified module could not be found. .
I know where the httpd config file exists, however I am sure what to edit to figure this problem out. I am a bit of an amateur developer, though I understand most the concepts and components. Any help in this matter would be appreciated.


Apache doesn't start on any port

I just installed apache 2.2 and it was working just fine after I restarted that this error appears when I'm trying to start that:
The requested operation has failed!
first I thought It's about the default 80 port that apache is using so I turned off IIL from windows features but that didn't help
so I change the port from Apache httpd.conf
but still this error prevents me from starting the server.
does anyone know how can I fix this?
any help will be much appreciated.
I just installed apache 2.2.9 instead of 2.2.11 and it's working fine

The Requested Operation has failed- Apache error

When I'm trying to start the Apache 2.2 server it is showing the following message: The Requested Operation has failed
In command Prompt it is showing as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\amth>net start apache2.2
The Apache2.2 service is starting.
The Apache2.2 service could not be started.
A service specific error occurred: 1.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3547.
Open run( win + r ) in windows and then type services.msc. Search for Apache service. Double click on the service and select any startup type other than disabled. This should work like a charm.
Open conf folder then open httpd.conf file in your text editor.
Find this line:
Listen 80
and change it to
Listen 8080
Then hit save
I have wasted a whole day on figuring out why curl_init() threw an undefined-error. Im using Windows, Apache 2.4 and PHP 7.3
After trying to:
Install a fresh version of Curl As described in this post
Enabe Curl in the php.ini file following this description
I still got this error.
The solution was to add the directory of the php e.g c:php/ to the PATH Variable in the Windows environment variables.
->Hit the Windows-Key and S
-> search for "System"
-> go to advanced options(a small window shuld pop up)
-> hit environment variables
-> in the **bottom** box scroll until you find "PATH"
-> select it and hit "edit"
-> enter the php directory and close the window
-> reboot your PC
Hopefully it will work for you too :)
Have you done any changes in httpd.conf file ? i was also facing same problem in my case i have saved httpd.conf file as txt so due to that i was getting error
Was getting this issue when trying to start Apache with mod_jk. As part of loadmodule in http.conf file LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so was added but in Apache2.2\modules folder mod_jk.so file was not available. Added mod_jk.so file to modules folder and apache started without any issues.
Here is what I did - if you uninstall and reinstall apache via command prompt it
httpd -k unistall/httpd -k install
then it displays the errors
in my case the require all was missing 'granted' at the end of to look like 'require all granted'
<Directory />
AllowOverride all
Require all
If your lan ip changed then you would come across this error. In the httpd conf file you to rectify the following:
Listen IP:Port
I ran into the same error message on Windows Server 2008 R2. I was using SSL and realized that my signer certs, configured in ssl.conf, where placed in the wrong folders on the file system. I placed the certs in the correct spot and the service and Apache was working fine afterwards.
I've tried closing World Wide Web services, changing a lot of ports and surfing many forums, and eventually I looked in to Logs=>Apache (error.log) files.
I saw in this error:
PHP Fatal error: Directive 'asp_tags' is no longer available in PHP in Unknown on line 0
Then I opened php.ini files in XAMPP. Find with ctrl+f asp_tags=On line and turn it to Off.
All of it then worked.
In my case Apache 2.4 is worked on Win7Pro 64bit. Last week it worked fine but today I was unable to start it as usually. I tried to check logs for errors but no clue. Then I went to Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Services and found there Apache service was disabled!? Click on property, set Startup type to manual and - voila! It started like charm.

Apache does not start - httpd.conf in windows

I am trying to set up Apache http 2.2, with mod_jk module.
The intention is to set up a load balancer right on my PC, for test purposes.
So I made some changes to httpd.conf to set some parameters, then I run it and I get the popup:
"Windows couldn't start Apache 2.2 on local PC. For more information check system events log. If it's not a windows service contact service provider and reference the code:1"
I check on the log and I get:
httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
So I uncomment on httpd.conf line: ServerName myPcName:80 and run it again.
I get the same popup, but this time I don't get anything on the events log.
Any idea on how to let it work?
(Nothing is bound on 80 port.)
Thank you
Please check if port 80 is being used by other application or not. Most of the time in my case "Skype" was using port 80. So I had to stop it and then I used to start Apache service.
To troubleshoot further what you can do is, goto apache's bin directory and run httpd.exe -t option. This will show you exactly what is causing problem.
The configuration file in the apache /conf folder, has a piece of code that starts from C:. It is copyrighted and therefore you cannot change the code.
All you have to do is make a second copy of the whole apache folder and put it directly in your C: directory. Your apache file is in System 32 causing you to use cprompt right. Having 2 identical apache folders one in C: and one in System 32 bypasses the problem.

XAMPP on Windows - Apache not starting

I have installed XAMPP on my windows 7 machine but can't get Apache to work.
On start I get the following errors:
13:09:21 [apache] Apache Service Detected With Wrong Path
13:09:21 [apache] Uninstall the service manually first
13:09:21 [apache] Possible problem detected!
13:09:21 [apache] Port 80 in use by "system"!
13:09:21 [tomcat] Tomcat Service Detected With Wrong Path
13:09:21 [tomcat] Uninstall the service manually first
After opening the XAMPP panel and installing Apache service: I have tried start it, it always get stuck "Starting apache service..."
Any advice on how I could resolve this ?
I was able to fix this!
Had the same problems as stated above, made sure nothing was using port 80 and still not working and getting the message that Apache and Mysql were detected with the wrong path.
I did install XAMPP once before, uninstalled and reinstalled. I even manually uninstalled but still had issues.
The fix. Make sure you backup your system first!
Start Services via Control Panel>Admin Tools (also with Ctrl+R and services.msc)
Look for Apache and MySQL services. Look at the patch indicated in the description (right click on service then click on properties). Chances are that you have Apache listed twice, one from your correct install and one from a previous install. Even if you only see one, look at the path, chances are it's from a previous install and causing your install not to work. In either case, you need to delete those incorrect services.
a. Got to command prompt (run as administrator): Start > all programs > Accessories > right click on Command Prompt > Select 'run as administrator'
b. on command prompt type sc delete service, where service is the service you're wanting to delete, such as apache2.1 (or sc delete Apache2.4). It should be exactly as it appears in your services. If the service has spaces such as Apache 2.1 then enter it in quotes, i.e. sc delete "Apache 2.1"
c. press enter. Now refresh or close/open your services window and you'll see it`s gone.
DO THIS for all services that XAMPP finds as running with an incorrect path.
Once you do this, go ahead and restart the XAMPP control panel (as administrator) and voila! all works. No conflicts
my friend this the will fix ur problem ;)
in root of folder ( xampp ) just run this file ( setup_xampp.bat ) then press enter
and try to start the apache server
every things will work like charm ;)
The most likely reason would be that something else is using port 80. (Often this can be Skype, IIS, etc.)
This tutorials shows How to Change the Apache Port in XAMPP
I spent over 3 hours to find out solution. Actually port 80 was being used by "system" service so I tried to change port from 80 to 8080 in "httpd" file but same problem raised "port 80 is used by system". It had driven me mad for 3 hours as every thing was changed like port , localhost server etc pointing to 8080.
At last I found mistake that was server root. Basically "Server Root" in "httpd" should be pointing to apache foler of xampp. In my case that's was
ServerRoot "xampp/apache"
I just changed it as follows:
ServerRoot "C:/xampp/apache"
It has worked successfully and now everything is running with OK status.
refer this:- http://www.sitepoint.com/unblock-port-80-on-windows-run-apache/
and to enable telnet http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/910.windows-7-enabling-telnet-client.aspx
I encountered the same issue after XAMPP v3.2.1 installation. I do not have Skype as most people would believe, however as a Software Developer I assumed port 80 is already in use by my other apps. So I changed it by simply using the XAMPP Control Panel:
Click on the 'Config' button corresponding to the APACHE service and choose the first option 'Apache (httpd.conf)'. In the document that opens (using any text editor - except MS Word!), locate the text:
Listen 80
And change this to:
Listen 83
This can be any non-used port number.
I know this is somewhat of an old topic, but in case anyone reads this in the future...
I uninstalled xampp, deleted everything under the c:\xampp folder, then reinstalled xampp as administrator and it worked like a charm.
For me, the problem was I had two installations of Apache Tomcat
The following steps solved my problem:
Open up services.msc in command prompt
Select the Apache Tomcat service, right click and select properties
Check the path to the executable of the service
Follow the instructions in
to change the path to "\tomcat\bin\tomcat7.exe" //RS//Tomcat7
Restart XAMPP Control Panel
I had my Apache service not start same as MySQL one.
Please follow these steps if none of above tips works :
Open regedit.exe on any windows this available . Run as administrator. (Only on windows 7 and later editions )
Go to local machine/system/controlset001/services
Find and delete folders of services apache and mysql .
Uninstall xampp . Delete folder of xampp.
Restart computer and reinstall Xampp . After that your Xampp apache and Mysql should work.
Note: Ports 80 and 443 must be unused by any program.
If it is in use . Just edit ports. There is a lot of tutorials about that .

Apache not running

I need to use Wordpress with XAMPP for a task in a study project.
I installed XAMPP, and now I'm supposed to start MySql and Apache from the Xamp Control Panel.
If I start the panel, it displays:
XAMPP Control Panel Version 2.5.8 (2009-07-28)
XAMPP for Windows Version 1.7.3
Windows 5.1 Build 2600 Platform 2 Service Pack 3
CurrentDirectory: C:\xampp
Status Check OK
If I click on the Start button for the Apache module, the following two lines are added:
Apache started
But it's not started. It's still Stopped.
I found this thread, describing the same problem with a solution:
But Skype is not running. If i check the ports in cmd with netstat -a -no there is one entry with port 80, but it's from IP adress and the corresponding PID I cannot find in the 'tasklist'
What could be the problem and how can I resolve it?
Thank you!
Look in your error logs to see what Apache says: C:\xampp\apache\logs\error.log
And look at Server Fault; that's a better place for Apache and XAMPP questions: Questions containing 'xampp [apache] wont start' - Server Fault