How to make IntelliJ reference source code in another module? - intellij-idea

I have a typical project structure:
- root-dir (not a project)
\- core-module (a gradle project)
\- application (a gradle project)
Both core-module and application are imported into IntelliJ and kept on Auto Import. In application's build.gradle, core-module is referenced as:
where 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT is the current version as declared in core-module's
In application, when I try to view a class from core-module, I'm brought to the source code in core-module-0.2.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar, instead of the corresponding source code in the core-module module.
I know I can manually add core-module as a module dependency in application, but next time anything in application's build.gradle changes, auto import will overwrite that dependency.
Is there any way to make IntelliJ recognize automatically that I'm trying to view a class from another module and go there instead of the downloaded sources jar?
Furthermore, is there any way to make IntelliJ always prefer the core-module module over the dependency jar, not only for code viewing, but for building/running/debugging/etc.?
All the source files are in Kotlin, FWIW.

Use Gradle's composite build. Gradle has composite builds that allow one to 'include' a build directly, rather than from a repository.
IntelliJ also supports this functionality. This was added in 2016.3.
Here's a webcast:
In the Gradle tab, right-click on your application module. The menu will have a 'composite builds' option. On the dialog that appears, check the 'core-module' module and close.
Now, right-click on application module and do a 'refresh Gradle project'. I've found if I don't do this, the dependency doesn't get updated correctly.
To verify, look at the dependencies under the sourceSets. Instead of a version #, it will now look like a module dependency.
This provides many benefits. One is the navigation you were looking for. In addition, any changes made in core-module are immediately available, and used for the application.
Refactor a method in core-module that is used by application, and IntelliJ will refactor all usages.


How to import a Kotlin Library in IntelliJ

So i want to use the Serialization Library in my kotlin project, and from what i can gather from this page, i must use this: "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.3.2", to do so, now i use "IntelliJ" as my build system, so i went to the project structure, and in libraries, clicked the + sign, clicked on "From Maven" and put this as the link to the library, and it downloaded it and i set it as a dependency of my project, it even shows as a external library, like this:
But when i try to import the lib, it gives error:
Apparently you can indeed use IntelliJ IDEA as a build system without maven or gradle, but I don't think this is a supported way to use kotlinx-serialization.
I'd advise to pick either maven or gradle as your build system for your project (this can be done through IntelliJ, just create a new project and pick either one).
Then you can just follow the relevant paragraph at for either maven or gradle.

How does kotlin-gradle-plugin use '' property?

The official Kotlin documentation states:
Add property to the file at the project root.
I'm trying to understand how kotlin-gradle-plugin handles this property.
Which gradle task uses it?
When running gradle build, I don't see my code being reformatted, even if I format my code badly on purpose.
I went through the Github source code of the plugin but couldn't properly get to understand it.
Thanks for your help.
Kotlin Gradle plugin doesn't use this property, as it's not responsible for reformatting the code. Instead, this property is used by Gradle importer of Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
This facade provides access to Gradle properties defined for the project:
It checks first in case user wants to override this value in the local configuration (this file is usually added to .gitignore for VCS to skip it during it's operations), then in usual
Then the property gets consumed to configure the project here:
Same thing goes for Maven-based projects. These are the only two places the property is used throughout Kotlin repository apart from tests right now.

How to add a jar to the external library for a project w/o disappearing after sync and with imports working?

Presently having an annoying time getting a jar added to the external library for the project, then in turn not disappear when syncing and the imports working. Adding I figured out and answered in another question. The issue is to keep persistent and accessible to a jar I create within the project for import.
I am not sure if I am missing a step or forgot to set something. I am using a modified gradle (forgegradle) to create the project. Have not found a solution with the documentation, or any for IntelliJ yet. I am generally new with IntelliJ, choosing to use it instead eclipse which I have previously used.
The goal is a to create an add-on for a mod to another jar. The main jar already in the external library from the start, now attempting to add the mod to it. I could modify the mod, but it is not my code, so rather not simply modify it directly and repackage it.
a jar added to the external library for the project, then in turn not disappear when syncing and the imports working
If you are using an external build tool / system that syncs with IntelliJ it is recommended to use that build tool / system to add dependencies.
IntelliJ will always take a backseat, and treat the build tooling / system as the source of truth for the project model as best it can.
You mention you are using gradle, I would recommend adding the dependency as a managed dependency that is, let gradle download it from a repository, and resolve the dependency/library itself.
If you can not do this, and you can't host a repository yourself, The next best recommendation I have, is creating a 'libs' folder inside the project, that contains jars that can't be found in repositories (They may be mods or plugins that were never published)
You can read up on how to add a library folder to gradle here: How to add local .jar file dependency to build.gradle file?

Global libraries in Intellij IDE

I have added a Java library in the Intellij IDE, but every time I start a new Java project I can't import this library, and have to set it up over again.
This is a screenshot from Intellij Project Structure:
The library is there, but when I try to import it I get an error:
Setting up a Global Library ensures that the library is defined, however it is not automatically added as a dependency to new projects.
You must go into Project Structure -> Modules, click the Dependencies tab and press the green + to add it to your project.
Or, instead, (and if IntelliJ is smart enough) after hitting F2 to navigate to one of the compile errors in your source code, Alt-enter might allow a quick fix to add the dependency (you'd have to try it...).

How do I add my fragment to the list of required-plugins on an existing plugin

I currently have an existing plugin, which references a class from a required plugin. I have replaced this code with a reference to a class which is part of my fragment.
I am facing two issues.
If I import my fragment as a jar file, I am not able to see the changes I have made as the plugin running as an eclipse application results in a ClassNotFoundException
To overcome this, I link an additional source (of fragment) to the existing plugin project. However, the link uses an absolute path, and makes it unfit for deployment.
I want to be able to package the plugin with the code modification and be able to "depend" on my fragment code. Is there a way I can add my fragment as a dependency?
For example:
Plugin Project I am changing : org.eclipse.*.editor
it depends on org.eclipse.*.edit
I have a fragment mydomain.*.edit which has org.eclipse.*.edit as host plugin
I want org.eclipse.*.editor to pick up mydomain.*.edit
instead of org.eclipse.*.edit
ps: I have also tried packaging the jar file for the mydomain.*.edit in the plugins directory and try and pick it up from there, it doesnt show up on the list when I click add required plugins on the dependency tab on the plugin.xml file of the org.eclipse.*.editor
Please let me know if I am not clear enough, I will try and rephrase it.
Thanks in advance!
If I understand correctly what you want to do, I don't think that it's possible. You will have to try some other way.
Plugins have dependencies on other plugins. Fragments don't exist as separate runtime entities, but only as extensions of a plugin. So your plugin can only refer to the 'editor' plugin.
Classes provided by a fragment can't (and shouldn't) be accessed directly. They can be returned by the original plugin (A) if they are implementing an executable extension provided by plugin A.
If you refer to the fragment's code from another plugin (B), the classes will be loaded by plugin B's classloader and be different from the ones that are loaded by plugin A.
What is the purpose of your fragment? Do you want to get access to internal code in plugin A? Do you want to extend an eclipse editor?
If you want to extend functionality that the original plugin is not exposing as extensible, I think the only way is to write a plugin, extend the editor class from the original plugin, register it alongside the original one and use it instead.
[Edit] Maybe this link will explain better: Eclipse FAQ
Hope this helps,
Thanks Vlad,
Your explanation was very helpful. Unlike the extension based architecture that is truly intended for fragments, I had to modify a certain component in the editor that was not exposed as part of the extension. This modification referred to an external project I created as an fragment but could have been a normal java project packaged a jar file that I could place in the classpath of the editor.
I was able to resolve the dependency issues by placing the jar file in class path, however when I export the plugins and related plugins as jar files and place it in the dropin directory, it does not install correctly. (Nor does placing the jar files in the plugins directory)
The eclipse editor that I am trying to modify uses the EMF project. I have kept the EMF project in the workspace inorder to resolve dependencies of the editor. However when I replace the EMF jar files bundled with eclipse with the one in the workspace, the files that I want to edit are not correctly recognized.
Is there another way of doing this?