Replace Value Of Fields Before Searching - sql

To Increase Speed of search in the database, i want to do something like this:
If field TheFieldName (without any space in it) was equal with test then show the record(s)
how can i do it?
This did'nt work for me:
"SELECT * FROM TheTableName WHERE REPLACE(TheFieldName, ' ', '')=test"
Error: Undefined function 'REPLACE' in expression

It seems unlikely to me that replace() is not known in SQL Server (or almost any other database). But, check to be sure you are using the database you think you are.
Your query, as written, does have an error -- because you seem to want test as a string. Does the query really look like this:
FROM TheTableName
WHERE REPLACE(TheFieldName, ' ', '') = 'test';
Note the quotes around 'test'.

This should work.
"SELECT * FROM TheTableName WHERE rtrim(ltrim(TheFieldName))=test"


unable to execue the following select statement getting error

when i execute the following select statement i am getting the below error.
I am trying to execute the below statement in Oracle server 9.1.
I believe due to this i am getting this error.
I know we can excute the query for single quotes by '%Blondeau D''Uva%'. But i am looking for query which will pass the special character value as parameter.
Kindluy let me know how to escape single quotes in old oracle server
ORA-00933: SQL Command not properly ended
Error at line : 1 Column : 50
Select * FROM TABLEA where UI_FNAME like q'[%Michael%]' and UI_LNAME like q'[ %Blondeau D'Uva%]';
On oracle the following should work
Select *
where UI_FNAME like '[%Michael%]'
and UI_LNAME like '[ %Blondeau D''Uva%]';
So no duplicate where
And you have to quote the ' between D und Uva
And probably the q before the ' is wrong ... so I have removed it as well.
Ok tried it out with the q operator:
Select *
FROM employees
where first_name like q'[%Michael%]'
and last_name like q'[ %Blondeau D'Uva%]';
No errors no row ...
Two things about your query:
Two times usage of where where there should be just one.
About the second condition. You have used q'[ %Blondeau D'Uva%]' in like clause. I think that won't give you the result you might be looking for. This has nothing to do with your error, but still, it would not hurt to re-check the query.
Try this, this shouldn't run you into any error :
where UI_FNAME like q'[%Michael%]'
and UI_LNAME like q'[%Blondeau D'Uva%]';
As others have tried to give you an answer, but I think you probably need to keep % outside brackets -
Select *
where UI_FNAME like '%[Michael]%'
and UI_LNAME like '%[ Blondeau D''Uva]%';

LIKE clause in stored procedure

IN my stored procedure I have
SELECT properName
FROM nameTable
WHERE properName like '%IN_newName%'
But it isn't working on a value that has a space in the first character spot " Name"
I've tried like IN_newName concat'%' and also LOCATE(), but I'm not getting any results. I just need to be able to match the values of a string even if there is a space in the front or back and concat doesn't seem to get it. For reference, properName and IN_newName are both CHARACTER(10)
What else can I try here? This is db2 for iSeries jVersion 7
Have you tried:
like trim(IN_newName) concat'%'
Perhaps you could try:
SELECT properName
FROM nameTable
WHERE properName like CONCAT(LTRIM(IN_newName),'%')

Using a GUID In The Where Clause

For some reason I'm unable to use comparisons on GUID columns, it does not return any results.
See below, with the WHERE clause set to the exact value of the 'secguid' column, it does not return any results. What's going on?
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid LIKE '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
Using LIKE does not work either.
Try this
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE CAST(secguid as uniqueidentifier) = CAST('3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA' as uniqueidentifier)
Since you mention that the column is stored as NVARCHAR, its possible that the string has leading or trailing whitespaces, which is why it might not be popping up in the query with the WHERE clause.
You can try this :
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(secguid)) = '3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA'
which should show you the result as leading and trailing whitespaces are eliminated in the WHERE clause.
Also, in case you want to make use of the LIKE operator, you can write your query as :
SELECT [fileID],
FROM [dbo].[dbMobileFile]
WHERE secguid LIKE '%3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA%'
Hope this helps!!!
I've had this problem with a corrupt database. Some GUIDs be contained in the WHERE clause, with other GUIDS on the same table would not return results.
Turns out that database had Index issues. Run DBCC to make sure your database isn't corrupt.
The accepted answer works, but it is a bit verbose and probably not the intended way to do this. UniqueIdentifier is qualified by {}, so the following is the easiest;
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = '{3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA}'
See inside the database that guid value stored as 32 hex digits:00000000000000000000000000000000 so if we search by 32 hex digits separated by hyphens: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, it's not get any output
Try this:
SELECT * FROM dbMobileFile WHERE secguid = ('3137459D-EFDE-449E-94A3-89345A8580FA')
Use parentheses to enclose GUID string LIKE ('GUID')

How to use wildcards with SQLite paramaters?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to use wildcards with parameters in SQLite.
Here's the code I'm trying to get working:
FROM Games
WHERE GameName LIKE '%' + #GamePara + '%';
This code returns no results. It is supposed to return all fields which include the string 'Desert' in GameName.
If I replace the parameter with the desired value directly, as shown below, I am able to get the desired results.
FROM Games
WHERE GameName LIKE '%Desert%';
I've not had much experience with SQL parameters in general, so it's possible that my issue could exist with other versions of SQL as well.
Note: It is very bad habit to delete question after getting correct answer.
USER EDIT: Sorry, I hadn't seen that the question had been answered when I deleted it (I hadn't refreshed the page). I deleted the question because I realised that I asked the wrong question. The issue that I was having was that I couldn't set parameters the same way as in MySQL. (#GamePara='Desert'; returned the message Error: near "#GamePara": syntax error). I had tried the || concatenation, but the parameter setting was the issue.
Use || for string concatenation:
The || operator is "concatenate" - it joins together the two strings
of its operands.
FROM Games
WHERE GameName LIKE '%' || #GamePara || '%';
SELECT 'a' + 'b', 'a' || 'b'
-- 0 vs ab

Return rows where first character is non-alpha

I'm trying to retrieve all columns that start with any non alpha characters in SQlite but can't seem to get it working. I've currently got this code, but it returns every row:
SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE TestNames NOT LIKE '[A-z]%'
Is there a way to retrieve all rows where the first character of TestNames are not part of the alphabet?
Are you going first character only?
select * from TestTable WHERE substr(TestNames,1) NOT LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z]%'
The substr function (can also be called as left() in some SQL languages) will help isolate the first char in the string for you.
Maybe substr(TestNames,1,1) in sqllite, I don't have a ready instance to test the syntax there on.
select * from TestTable WHERE Upper(substr(TestNames,1,1)) NOT in ('A','B','C','D','E',....)
Doesn't seem optimal, but functionally will work. Unsure what char commands there are to do a range of letters in SQLlite.
I used 'upper' to make it so you don't need to do lower case letters in the not in statement...kinda hope SQLlite knows what that is.
SELECT * FROM TestTable WHERE TestNames NOT LIKE '[^a-zA-Z]%'
SHOULD be a little faster as it is
A) First getting all of the data from the first column only, then scanning it.
B) Still a full-table scan unless you index this column.