where are app scripts stored on Google Drive? - scripting

I found a useful script long ago and installed it. Now I want to delete it so it's no longer running, but I have no idea where it is stored so I can delete it. And I don't know it's exact filename to search for it. How do I find the script?? it watches a shared folder on Google Drive and emails me when the contents of the folder are changed.
I need to find this script and delete it.... suggestions????

How about something like this? It uses Mime types to find the scripts.
function findGoogleScripts() {
var ssNew = SpreadsheetApp.create("GoogleScriptsOnMyDrive");
var sheet = ssNew.getSheets()[0];
var files = DriveApp.getFiles();
sheet.appendRow(["File Name", "Mime Type"]);
while (files.hasNext()) {
var mType, theFile;
var tempArray = [];
theFile = files.next();
mType = theFile.getMimeType();
if (mType.equals("application/vnd.google-apps.script")) {


With Kotlin write to SD-card on Android

I have read a lot of questions and answers, but are not really satisfied and successful
My Problem: write with Kotlin to a sdcard to a specific directory
Working is
var filenamex = "export.csv"
var patt = getExternalFilesDirs(null)
var path = patt[1]
//create fileOut object
var fileOut = File(path, filenamex)
//create a new file
with getExternalFIlesDirs() I get the external storage and the sdcard. With path = patt[1] i get the adress of my sd-card.
this is
This works to write data in this directory.
But I would like to write into an other directory, for example
A lot of examples say, this should work, bit it does not.
So I tried to take
Why doesn't it work? Ist the same beginning of storage /storage/105E-XXXX/, so it is MY sd-card.?
As I mentioned, it works on the sd-card, so it is not a problem of write-permission to the sdcard?
Any idea?
(I also failed with FileOutputStream and other things)
Try Out this..
var filenamex = "export.csv"
var path = getExternalStorageDirectory() + "//your desired folder"
var fileOut = File(path, filenamex)

Exception when listing created sub-directory in documents directory

I am using the official API to list a directory I had created for some purpose and have pushed few files into it. Now I want to list them out.
Here's how I am creating first
final Directory extDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
// final String dirPath = '${extDir.path}/Movies/flutter_test';
final String dirPath = '${extDir.path}/mydir';
await new Directory(dirPath).create(recursive: true);
Here's what I am doing to read in a different page.
final Directory extDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
// final String dirPath = '${extDir.path}/Pictures/flutter_test';
final String dirPath = '${extDir.path}/mydir';
final String thumbDirPath = '$dirPath/thumbs';
final Directory imgDir = Directory.fromUri(Uri.file(dirPath));
dirExists = imgDir.existsSync();
fileCount = 0;
if(dirExists) {
print("my dir exists");
// thumbDir.list(recursive: false, followLinks: false)
fileCount = await imgDir.list(recursive: false).length;
print('mydir images count $fileCount');
if(fileCount > 1) { // we think one is always the directory itself?
try {
imgDir.list(recursive: false, followLinks: false)
.listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
The code breaks here giving the following exception message
type '() => Null' is not a subtype of type '(Object) => FutureOr<dynamic>'
I have to also tell you this doesn't happen when I am listing the external storage directory. Am I doing something wrong while creating my directory?
I have now upgraded flutter to 0.7.3 on my Mac, and have a new problem altogether. The application won't run at all.
Okay, I found a solution myself. Apparently tinkering with the large provider API has given me different way to list the items, which actually told me I was trying to run listeners twice.
fileCount = await imgDir.list(recursive: false).length;
imgDir.list(recursive: false, followLinks: false)
.listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
from original code cannot be written one after the other, as the first one finishes the listener. This I found out by altering my own code and listing directories this way instead.
Stream<FileSystemEntity> files = imgDir.list(recursive: false, followLinks: false);
will add as many events as many files according to API.. and then create a regular generic list
List<FileSystemEntity> entities = await files.toList();
and then you perform usual iteration using iterator or for() loop like
for(FileSystemEntity entity in entities) {
... // every file now is available

Renaming a file in as3 AIR - how to do it if you have file's native path in a var?

The following code is great for renaming a file if you know the file is in applicationStorageDirectory
var sourceFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
sourceFile = sourceFile.resolvePath("Kalimba.snd");
var destination:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
destination = destination.resolvePath("test.snd");
sourceFile.moveTo(destination, true);
catch (error:Error)
trace("Error:" + error.message);
How do you set the sourceFile if all you have is the file's native path in a string? Like this:
This throws errors:
sourceFile = sourceFile.resolvePath("D:\Software\files\testList.db");
The idea is I want to rename a file I had previously loaded into a var. I figured I'd extract the native path to a String var, null the File var (so the OS doesn't tell me it can't be renamed while the file is opened in flash), resolve that nativePath as the sourceFile, and use moveTo to rename the file on the hard drive.
Cheers for taking a look.
I've set up a test AIR app with only the following in it:
import flash.events.*;
import flash.filesystem.*;
var original = File.documentsDirectory;
original = original.resolvePath("D:\\Software\\test\\October.db");
var destination:File = File.documentsDirectory;
destination = destination.resolvePath("copy.db");
original.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileMoveCompleteHandler);
original.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, fileMoveIOErrorEventHandler);
function fileMoveCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
trace(event.target); // [object File]
function fileMoveIOErrorEventHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
trace("I/O Error.");
This fails, as does using D:\Software\test\October.db
I guess what I want to know it - how do you do the resolvePath thing if you already know the full path?
I guess what I want to know it - how do you do the resolvePath thing if you already know the full path?
You don't AFAIK. If your path is actually d:\software\test\october.db you can set a File ref like:
var original:File = new File();
original.nativePath = "d:\software\test\october.db";

Google Drive: Move file to folder

I want to understand the moveFileToFolder script that is listed as an example when you select google drive scripts http://www.google.com/script/start/ (click "Start Scripting" then select "Drive" option in "Create script for" menu)
The code is below. My question is how would I alter this code so that it could be used to move the file "Austin" into the folder "Texas"? This is presuming that the file "Austin" is a google doc which is currently sitting in my main google drive file list and the folder "Texas" is also currently sitting in my main google drive list.
There are a few other posts regarding moving files in drive and I understand the main concepts but I can't seems to successfully procure the file or folder ID's. Any help greatly appreciated?
* This script moves a specific file from one parent folder to another.
* For more information on interacting with files, see
* https://developers.google.com/apps-script/class_file
function moveFileToFolder(fileId, targetFolderId) {
var targetFolder = DocsList.getFolderById(targetFolderId);
var file = DocsList.getFileById(fileId);
now I had the same task and used this code:
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId)
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
Check out function getFolderByName in https://gist.github.com/suntong001/7955694 to see how to get folder ID by its name. For files the principle is the same.
function addDocToPublic() {
// Create random filename
var fn = "doc" + Math.floor(10000 * Math.random()) + ".doc";
// Create file with very MIME TYPE and return file ID
var fh = DriveApp.createFile(fn, "Das ist das " + fn + " Testfile", MimeType.MICROSOFT_WORD);
// Get first/next Iterator ID ( = folder ID) for Folder (with name PUBLIC)
var fid = DriveApp.getFoldersByName("PUBLIC").next();
// Copy File to Folder (using file and folder IDs
// Remove Source File
... maybe that way ...

Restore trashed google drive files to a target folder

I need to move all files presently in my google drive's trash to a certain folder or, if that can't be done, restore them to their original location. Some mess happened and I have valuable files in the trash, some 6 gig of them, so I'd prefer to move them to a separate directory, back it up or sync locally and see those files later.
This is the script I have so far:
function moveFilesFromTrash() {
var pageSize = 200;
var files = null;
var token = null;
var cestisti = DocsList.getFolder('cestisti');
do {
var result = DocsList.getAllFilesForPaging(pageSize, token);
files = result.getFiles();
token = result.getToken();
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].isTrashed == true) {
// files[i].setTrashed(false)
} while (files.length == pageSize);
The matter is it just does not work.
The part of the code to page through files items works, I got it from other working scripts of mine. I just don't know if it parses the trash folder or label to. I do not know if setTrashed() or addtofolder() works - I have no idea. Now the former is commented out because I would prefer to copy items instead of restoring them, but if that's not possible I can restore.
This answer has been updated due to the deprecation of DocsList, and now uses DriveApp methods throughout.
You must un-trash a file before you can move it, but doing so will accomplish what you're after. Here's the algorithm:
Get a list of files (or file ids) for all trashed files
For each file,
Undelete / un-trash the file
Move file to target folder (detail: remove file from original folders, add to target recovery folder)
This answer provides snippets of script to accomplish this; The full script is available as a Google Sheets Add-on in a gist, complete with menu and UI elements.
Recover all trashed files
This function uses DriveApp.search() to get the list of all trashed files, and then recovers them into a specified folder, rescueFldr, which will be created if not already there.
* Untrash then move all trashed files to rescue folder.
* From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14541247/1677912
* #returns {Number} Count of Rescued files.
function rescueAllFiles() {
// Find or create target folder
var rescueFldrIterator = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(rescueFldrName);
var rescueFldr = rescueFldrIterator.hasNext() ? rescueFldrIterator.next() : DriveApp.createFolder(rescueFldrName);
// Get file iterator with all trashed files
var trashed = DriveApp.searchFiles('trashed=true');
var count = 0;
while (trashed.hasNext()) {
var file = trashed.next();
// Untrash the file
if (rescueFile( file, rescueFldr )) count++;
Recover specific Trashed Files
If you want to have more control over the files that will be recovered, and you can't simply modify the search parameters used above, an alternative might be to list the file IDs in a spreadsheet, and have a script use that as its input.
Fill spreadsheet with trashed files
* Get array of files in user's Google Drive trash, and write
* into currently active sheet.
* From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14541247/1677912
* #returns {Object[]} Array of DriveApp file objects
function getTrashedFiles() {
var trashedSearch = DriveApp.searchFiles('trashed=true');
var files = [];
files.push(["ID","File Name","Type","URL"]);
while (trashedSearch.hasNext()) {
var file = trashedSearch.next();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
sheet.getRange(1, 1, files.length, files[0].length)
return files;
Manual file ID collection
(Alternative to automatic retrieval, for reference only.) Since you're just doing this once, though, let's cheat. At the bottom of the Files-list page, use the API Explorer to retrieve the IDs of all your deleted files!
The output is shown just as you'd receive it if you were calling the API from a script.
Cut & paste the output into a text file, and strip it down to just the file ids. (I did that with gvim, it takes just a few commands.) Save the result as a csv file, and pull it into Drive as a spreadsheet. Here's what that will look like. (Do include a header line; the script assumes there is one.)
Process Trashed Files
Now that the list of trashed files is in a spreadsheet, scripting the recovery & move is easy.
* Untrash then move files listed in spreadsheet to rescue folder.
* From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14541247/1677912
* #returns {Number} Count of Rescued files.
function rescueListedFiles() {
var fileList = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()
.splice(1); // Skip header line
// Find or create target folder
var rescueFldrIterator = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(rescueFldrName);
var rescueFldr = rescueFldrIterator.hasNext() ? rescueFldrIterator.next() : DriveApp.createFolder(rescueFldrName);
var count = 0;
for (var i=0; i<fileList.length; i++) {
var fileId = fileList[i][0];
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);
// Untrash the file
if (rescueFile( file, rescueFldr )) count++;
return( count );
if (files[i].isTrashed() == true)
I suggest that you put in some diagnostics (Logger.log) to narrow down problems
Remember, files are not in folders. Files have labels that are called folders and there can be more than one folder(label). Even 'trashed' is a label. Setting to trash just creates a trashed label that overrides the other labels(folders). The code below does not move anything. It just resets the labels(folders)
Edit: Trashed is not a label but a condition: everything else holds
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].isTrashed()) { // don't forget ()
var folders = files[i].getParents();
// remove existing folders(labels)
for(var f = 0; f < folders.length; f++ ) {
files[i].removeFromFolder( folders[f] );
// remove trashed label
// add cestisti label(add to cestisti folder)