How to delete a line starting with Specific String but keeping a speific word in that line? - awk

I have gene sequence file and I would like to change the header of each gene. Here is the input:
>lcl|CP000046.1_cds_AAW37389.1_1 [gene=dnaA] [locus_tag=SACOL0001] [protein=chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA] [protein_id=AAW37389.1] [location=544..1905] [gbkey=CDS]
>lcl|CP000046.1_cds_AAW37390.1_2 [gene=dnaN] [locus_tag=SACOL0002] [protein=DNA polymerase III, beta subunit] [protein_id=AAW37390.1] [location=2183..3316] [gbkey=CDS]
Expected Output:
I know how to delete a line congaing specific word with sed
sed '/^>/ d' inputfile > outputfile
But I am not getting any Idea to get the expected output. Here, in first part I should delete all the text in the gene header except SACOL00 and later preceding that I should keep fasta sysmbol ">" with Strain name.
If this kind of question repeated please excuse me.

With GNU sed:
sed -E 's/^>.*locus_tag=([^]]*).*/Saureus1|\1/' file
With sed:
sed 's/^>.*locus_tag=\([^]]*\).*/Saureus1|\1/' file
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ

Awk solution:
awk '/^>lcl/{ gsub(/^\[[^=]+=|\]$/,"",$3); printf ">Saureus1|%s\n",$3; next }1' file
The output:


How can I search for a dot an a number in sed or awk and prefix the number with a leading zero?

I am trying to modify the name of a large number of files, all of them with the following structure:
4.A.1 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.3 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.6 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.8 History of foo.txt
And I want to add a leading zero to the last digit:
4.A.01 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.03 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.06 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.08 History of foo.txt
At first I am trying to get the new names with sed (FreeBSD implementation):
ls | sed 's/\.[0-9]/0&/'
But I get the zero before the .
Note: replacing the second dot would also work. I am also open to use awk.
While it may have worked for you here, in general slicing and dicing ls output is fragile, whether using sed or awk or anything else. Fortunately one can accomplish this robustly in plain old POSIX sh using globbing and fancy-pants parameter expansions:
for f in [[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]]\ ?*; do
# $f = "[[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]] ?*" if no files match.
if [ "$f" != '[[:digit:]].[[:alpha:]].[[:digit:]] ?*' ]; then
tail=${f#*.*.} # filename sans "1.A." prefix
head=${f%"$tail"} # the "1.A." prefix
mv "$f" "${head}0${tail}"
(EDIT: Filter out filenames that don't match desired format.)
This pipeline should work for you:
ls | sed 's/\.\([0-9]\)/.0\1/'
The sed command here will capture the digit and replace it with a preceding 0.
Here, \1 references the first (and in this case only) capture group - the parenthesized expression.
I am also open to use awk.
Let file.txt content be:
4.A.1 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.3 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.6 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.8 History of foo.txt
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="."}{$3="0" $3;print}' file.txt
4.A.01 Introduction to foo.txt
2.C.03 Lectures on bar.pdf
3.D.06 Processes on baz.mp4
5.A.08 History of foo.txt
Explanation: I set dot (.) as both field seperator and output field seperator, then for every line I add leading 0 to third column ($3) by concatenating 0 and said column. Finally I print such altered line.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 's/^\S*\./&0/' file
This appends 0 after the last . in the first string of non-empty characters in each line.
In case it helps somebody else, as an alternative to #costaparas answer:
ls | sed -E -e 's/^([0-9][.][A-Z][.])/\10/' > files
To then create the script the files:
cat files | awk '{printf "mv \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", $0, $0}' | sed 's/\.0/\./' >

Convert data format using awk?

There is a file which contains data in a 'n*1' format:
Is there any way to convert it to a 'n*3' format like:
via awk rather than using for loop ?
Really no idea about this..Any help or key word is appreciated.
Using awk
$ awk '{printf "%s%s",$0,(NR%3==0?ORS:",")}' File
The command printf "%s%s",$0,(NR%3==0?ORS:",") tells awk to print two strings. The first is $0 which is the current line. The second string is NR%3==0?ORS:"," which is either ORS the output record separator (if the line number is a multiple of three) or else , for all other line numbers.
Using sed
$ sed 'N;N;s/\n/,/g' File
By default, sed reads in each line from the file one by one. N tells sed to read in another line, appending the line to the current one, separated by a newline. N;N tells sed to do that twice so that we have a total of three lines in the pattern space. s/\n/,/g tells sed to replace those two separator newlines with commas. The result is then printed.
The above assumes that we are using GNU sed. With minor modifications, this can be made to work with BSD/OSX sed.
The most simple one - paste command:
paste -d, - - - <file
The output:
Following may help you on same.
xargs -n3 < Input_file | sed 's/ /,/g'
Try this:
awk 'NR%3==0{print;next}{printf "%s,",$0}' file
or decomposed :
NR%3==0 # condition, modulo 3 == 0
{print;next} # then print and skip to the first line
{printf "%s,",$0} # printf to not print newlines but current int + ,
$ awk '{ORS=(NR%3?",":RS)}1' file

awk to remove 5th column from N column with fixed delimiter

I have file with Nth columns
I want to remove the 5th column from last of Nth columns
Delimiter is "|"
I tested with simple example as shown below:
bash-3.2$ echo "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8" | nawk -F\| '{print $(NF-4)}'
Expecting result:
How should I change my command to get the desired output?
If I understand you correctly, you want to use something like this:
sed -E 's/\|[^|]*((\|[^|]*){4})$/\1/'
This matches a pipe character \| followed by any number of non-pipe characters [^|]*, then captures 4 more of the same pattern ((\|[^|]*){4}). The $ at the end matches the end of the line. The first part of the match (i.e. the fifth field from the end) is dropped.
Testing it out:
$ sed -E 's/\|[^|]*((\|[^|]*){4})$/\1/' <<<"1|2|3|4|5|6|7"
You could achieve the same thing using GNU awk with gensub but I think that sed is the right tool for the job in this case.
If your version of sed doesn't support extended regex syntax with -E, you can modify it slightly:
sed 's/|[^|]*\(\(|[^|]*\)\{4\}\)$/\1/'
In basic mode, pipes are interpreted literally but parentheses for capture groups and curly brcneed to be escaped.
AWK is your friend :
Sample Input
awk 'BEGIN{FS="|";OFS="|"}
{$(NF-5)="";sub(/\|\|/,"|");print}' file
Sample Output
What we did here
As you are aware awk's has special variables to store each field in the record, which ranges from $1,$2 upto $(NF)
To exclude the 5th from the last column is as simple as
Emptying the colume ie $(NF-5)=""
Removing from the record, the consecutive | formed by the above step ie do sub(/\|\|/,"|")
another alternative, using #sjsam's input file
$ rev file | cut -d'|' --complement -f6 | rev
not sure you want the 5'th from the last or 6th. But it's easy to adjust.
Thanks for the help and guidance.
Below is what I tested:
bash-3.2$ echo "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9" | nawk 'BEGIN{FS="|";OFS="|"} {$(NF-4)="!";print}' | sed 's/|!//'
Output: 1|2|3|4|6|7|8|9
Further tested on the file that I have extracted from system and so it worked fine.

Concatenating lines using awk

I have fasta file that contains two gene sequences and what I want to do is remove the fasta header (line starting with ">"), concatenate the rest of the lines and output that sequence
Here is my fasta sequence (genome.fa):
Desired output
I am using awk to do this but I am getting this error
awk 'BEGIN{filename="file1"}{if($1 ~ />/){filename=$1; sub(/>/,"",filename); print filename;} print $0 >filename.fa;}' ../genome.fa
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
BEGIN{filename="file1"}{if($1 ~ />/){filename=$1; sub(/>/,"",filename); print filename;} print $0 >>> >filename. <<< fa;}
awk: illegal statement at source line 1
I am basically a python person and I was given this script by someone. What am I doing wrong here?
I realized that i was not clear and so i am pasting the whole code that i got from someone. The input file and desired output remains the same
mkdir split_genome;
cd split_genome;
awk 'BEGIN{filename="file1"}{if($1 ~ />/){filename=$1; sub(/>/,"",filename); print filename;} print $0 >filename.fa;}' ../genome.fa;
ls -1 `pwd`/* > ../scaffold_list.txt;
cd ..;
If all you want to do is produce the desired output shown in your question, other solutions will work.
However, the script you have is trying to print each sequence to a file that is named using its header, and the extension .fa.
The syntax error you're getting is because filename.fa is neither a variable or a fixed string. While no Awk will allow you to print to filename.fa because it is neither in quotes or a variable (varaible names can't have a . in them), BSD Awk does not allow manipulating strings when they currently act as a file name where GNU Awk does.
So the solution:
print $0 > filename".fa"
would produce the same error in BSD Awk, but would work in GNU Awk.
To fix this, you can append the extension ".fa" to filename at assignment.
This will do the job:
$ awk '{if($0 ~ /^>/) filename=substr($0, 2)".fa"; else print $0 > filename}' file
$ cat Potrs164783.fa
$ cat Potrs164784.fa
You'll notice I left out the BEGIN{filename="file1"} declaration statement as it is unnecessary. Also, I replaced the need for sub(...) by using the string function substr as it is more clear and requires fewer actions.
The awk code that you show attempts to do something different than produce the output that you want. Fortunately, there are much simpler ways to obtain your desired output. For example:
$ grep -v '>' ../genome.fa
Alternatively, if you had intended to have all non-header lines concatenated into one line:
$ sed -n '/^>/!H; $!d; x; s/\n//gp' ../genome.fa
Try this to print lines not started by > and in one line:
awk '!/^>/{printf $0}' genome.fa > filename.fa
With carriage return:
awk '!/^>/' genome.fa > filename.fa
To create single files named by the headers:
awk 'split($0,a,"^>")>1{file=a[2];next}{print >file}' genome.fa

Extract data from ASCII file with grep/AWK

I have a long ASCII log-file from a simulation and need to extract some data from it.
The lines I want have the structure:
Main step= 1 a= 0.00E+00 b=-6.85E-08 c= 4.58E-08
The phrase "Main step" is only used in the lines I want. This is easy to grep for, but I also want to include the next line following the line above, which has the structure:
Fine step= 1 t=-1.31854E+01
Note that "Fine step" is used other places in the log-file.
My question boils down to this: How can I extract the lines containing a keyword/phrase (here "Main step") and also make sure that I get the next following line using grep or AWK or some other standard Linux program?
You can use sed
sed -n '/Main step/,/./p' inputFile
This prints only the lines in a range starting from Main step and ending with . (the wildcard). Effectively, every line which reads Main step and the following are printed.
Posted according to the tag awk. And the one through awk's getline function,
awk '/Main step/{print; getline; print}' file
It would print the Main step line and also the next line.
Because you tagged "grep", and since this is the most obvious solution to me:
grep -A1 'Main step' file
...although this will add "--" between matches. So to get the same output as the awk and sed answer:
grep -A1 'Main step' file | grep -v '^--$'