Extract data from ASCII file with grep/AWK - awk

I have a long ASCII log-file from a simulation and need to extract some data from it.
The lines I want have the structure:
Main step= 1 a= 0.00E+00 b=-6.85E-08 c= 4.58E-08
The phrase "Main step" is only used in the lines I want. This is easy to grep for, but I also want to include the next line following the line above, which has the structure:
Fine step= 1 t=-1.31854E+01
Note that "Fine step" is used other places in the log-file.
My question boils down to this: How can I extract the lines containing a keyword/phrase (here "Main step") and also make sure that I get the next following line using grep or AWK or some other standard Linux program?

You can use sed
sed -n '/Main step/,/./p' inputFile
This prints only the lines in a range starting from Main step and ending with . (the wildcard). Effectively, every line which reads Main step and the following are printed.

Posted according to the tag awk. And the one through awk's getline function,
awk '/Main step/{print; getline; print}' file
It would print the Main step line and also the next line.

Because you tagged "grep", and since this is the most obvious solution to me:
grep -A1 'Main step' file
...although this will add "--" between matches. So to get the same output as the awk and sed answer:
grep -A1 'Main step' file | grep -v '^--$'


How to delete a line starting with Specific String but keeping a speific word in that line?

I have gene sequence file and I would like to change the header of each gene. Here is the input:
>lcl|CP000046.1_cds_AAW37389.1_1 [gene=dnaA] [locus_tag=SACOL0001] [protein=chromosomal replication initiator protein DnaA] [protein_id=AAW37389.1] [location=544..1905] [gbkey=CDS]
>lcl|CP000046.1_cds_AAW37390.1_2 [gene=dnaN] [locus_tag=SACOL0002] [protein=DNA polymerase III, beta subunit] [protein_id=AAW37390.1] [location=2183..3316] [gbkey=CDS]
Expected Output:
I know how to delete a line congaing specific word with sed
sed '/^>/ d' inputfile > outputfile
But I am not getting any Idea to get the expected output. Here, in first part I should delete all the text in the gene header except SACOL00 and later preceding that I should keep fasta sysmbol ">" with Strain name.
If this kind of question repeated please excuse me.
With GNU sed:
sed -E 's/^>.*locus_tag=([^]]*).*/Saureus1|\1/' file
With sed:
sed 's/^>.*locus_tag=\([^]]*\).*/Saureus1|\1/' file
See: The Stack Overflow Regular Expressions FAQ
Awk solution:
awk '/^>lcl/{ gsub(/^\[[^=]+=|\]$/,"",$3); printf ">Saureus1|%s\n",$3; next }1' file
The output:

Find replace "./." in awk

I am very new to using linux and I am trying to find/replace some of the text in my file.
I have successfully been able to find and replace "0/0" using gsub:
awk '{gsub(/0\/0/,"0")}; 1' filename
However, if I try to replace "./." using the same idea
awk '{gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")}; 1' filename
the output is truncated and stops at the location of the first "./." in the file. I know that "." is a special wildcard character, but I thought that having the "\" in front of it would neutralize it. I have searched but have been unable to find an explanation why the formula I used would truncate the file.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Recall that the basic outline of an awk is:
awk 'pattern { action }'
The most common patterns are regexes or tests against line counts:
awk '/FOO/ { do_something_with_a_line_with_FOO_in_it }'
awk 'FNR==10'
The last one has no action so the default is to print the line.
But functions that return a value are also useable as patterns. gsub is a function and returns the number of substitutions.
So given:
$ echo "$txt"
abc./.def line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abc./.def abc./.def printed
To print only lines that have a successful substitution you can do:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")'
abcUdef line 1
abcUdef abcUdef printed
You do not need to put gsub into an action block since you want to run it on every line and the return tells you something about what happened. The lines that successfully are matched are printed since gsub returns the number of substitutions.
If you want every line printed regardless if there is a match:
$ echo "$txt" | awk 'gsub(/\.\/\./,"U") || 1'
abcUdef line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abcUdef abcUdef printed
Or, you can use the function as an action with an empty pattern and then a 1 with an empty action:
$ echo "$txt" | awk '{gsub(/\.\/\./,"U")} 1'
abcUdef line 1
ghk/lmn won't get printed
abcUdef abcUdef printed
In either case, 1 as a pattern with no action prints the line regardless if there is a match and the gsub makes the substitution if any.
The second awk is what you have. Why it is not working on your input data is probably related to you input data.
Your awk script is fine, your input contains control-Ms, probably from being created by a Windows program. You can see them with cat -v file and use dos2unix or similar to remove them.

How to print the 'nth + x' lines after a match is found?

I have a file which contains the output below. I want only the lines which contain the actual vm_id number.
I want to match pattern 'vm_id' and print 2nd line + all other lines until 'rows' is reached.
(6 rows)
So the resulting output would be;
Also, the number of VM Id's will vary, this example has 6 while others could have 3 or 300.
I have tried the following but they only output a single line that's specified;
awk 'c&&!--c;/vm_id/{c=2}'
awk 'c&&!--c;/vm_id/{c=2+1}'
$ awk '/rows/{f=0} f&&(++c>2); /vm_id/{f=1}' file
If you wanted that first line of hex(?) printed too then just change the starting number to compare c to from 2 to 1 (or 3 or 127 or however many lines you want to skip after hitting the vm_id line):
$ awk '/rows/{f=0} f&&(++c>1); /vm_id/{f=1}' file
What about this:
awk '/vm_id/{p=1;getline;next}/\([0-9]+ rows/{p=0}p'
I'm setting the p flag on vm_id and resetting it on (0-9+ rows).
Also sed comes in mind, the command follows basically the same logic as the awk command above:
sed -n '/vm_id/{n;:a;n;/([0-9]* rows)/!{p;ba}}'
Another thing, if it is safe that the only GUIDs in your input file are the vm ids, grep might be the tool of choise:
grep -Eo '([0-9a-f]+-){4}([0-9a-f]+)'
It's not 100% bullet proof in this form, but it should be good enough for the most use cases.
Bullet proof would be:
grep -Eoi '[0-9a-f]{8}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){3}-[0-9a-f]{12}'

Replace chars after column X

Lets say my data looks like this
and I want to replace all the letters i after column 3 with a Z.. so my output would look like this
How can I do this with sed or awk?
It's not clear what you mean by "column" but maybe this is what you want using GNU awk for gensub():
$ echo iqwertyuiop | awk '{print substr($0,1,3) gensub(/i/,"Z","g",substr($0,4))}'
Perl is handy for this: you can assign to a substring
$ echo "iiiiii" | perl -pe 'substr($_,3) =~ s/i/Z/g'
This would totally be ideal for the tr command, if only you didn't have the requirement that the first 3 characters remain untouched.
However, if you are okay using some bash tricks plus cut and paste, you can split the file into two parts and paste them back together afterwords:
paste -d'\0' <(cut -c-3 foo) <(cut -c4- foo | tr i Z)
The above uses paste to rejoin together the two parts of the file that get split with cut. The second section is piped through tr to translate i's to Z's.
(1) Here's a short-and-simple way to accomplish the task using GNU sed:
sed -r -e ':a;s/^(...)([^i]*)i/\1\2Z/g;ta'
This entails looping (t), and so would not be as efficient as non-looping approaches. The above can also be written using escaped parentheses instead of unescaped characters, and so there is no real need for the -r option. Other implementations of sed should (in principle) be up to the task as well, but your MMV.
(2) It's easy enough to use "old awk" as well:
awk '{s=substr($0,4);gsub(/i/,"Z",s); print substr($0,1,3) s}'
The most intuitive way would be to use awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS="";OFS=FS}{for(i=4;i<=NF;i++){if($i=="i"){$i="Z"}}}1' file
FS="" splits the input string by characters into fields. We iterate trough character/field 4 to end and replace i by Z.
The final 1 evaluates to true and make awk print the modified input line.
With sed it looks not very intutive but still it is possible:
sed -r '
h # Backup the current line in hold buffer
s/.{3}// # Remove the first three characters
s/i/Z/g # Replace all i by Z
G # Append the contents of the hold buffer to the pattern buffer (this adds a newline between them)
s/(.*)\n(.{3}).*/\2\1/ # Remove that newline ^^^ and assemble the result
' file

Processing of awk with multiple variable from previous processing?

I have a Q's for awk processing, i got a file below
cat test.txt
My goal is to make a full path from splitting sentences into /home/jhyoon/abc.c.
This is the command I got from someone:
cat test.txt | awk '/^\/.*/{path=$0}/^[a-zA-Z]/{printf("%s/%s\n",path,$0);}'
It works, but I do not understand well about how do make interpret it step by step.
Could you teach me how do I make interpret it?
Result :
What you probably want is the following:
$ awk '/^\//{path=$0}/^[a-zA-Z]/ {printf("%s/%s\n",path,$0)}' file
/^\//{path=$0} on lines starting with a /, store it in the path variable.
/^[a-zA-Z]/ {printf("%s/%s\n",path,$0)} on lines starting with a letter, print the stored path together with the current line.
Note you can also say
awk '/^\//{path=$0; next} {printf("%s/%s\n",path,$0)}' file
Some comments
cat file | awk '...' is better written as awk '...' file.
You don't need the ; at the end of a block {} if you are executing just one command. It is implicit.